Evil Duke, Please Be Gentle!

Chapter 498 [Bonus Chapter] Truth Came Out(Chapter Preview)

Ha! Did she think that she could hide in the washroom forever?

Leisurely, he walked towards the other door of the room. His hands gingerly reached the knob as he tried to open it with full force. He was sure that the door could not stand between them. He was bound to have her.

His grin widened when the door opened. Like a predator playing with his prey before killing it. He did not hurry in entering. Taking slow steps in, he wanted to see her startled face. He was already expecting her to frown and hurl a curse for her but soon, his smirking face changed into a frown.

The washroom was well lit but it was empty. There was not any space to hide where he could try to find her.

"She was not here!" he whispered with a frown but still bent to check down the small tables arranged with necessities.

He opened the closet for towels and even picked up towels from the hanger and her other clothes and shook them as if he was looking for a small insect not a human.

His face that was shining with the radiance of his success deflated like a balloon as he looked around one last time and his shoulders slumped.

With a face full of disappointment, that was completely in contrast to before, he walked towards the door of the bathroom only to see that the door was closed.

"Haha, you are more foolish than I thought." He heard the sound of soft chuckles and realized she was hiding in the room all this time.

"Now stay there until my brother returns while I take a nap on my soft bed." He could feel the glee in her voice and imagine the smug look on her face when she whispered those words, but instead of feeling angry or disappointed, he felt a tingle in his heart.

His eyes filled with mirth as he ran a hand in his hair. There was a doting smile on his face as he scanned the washroom again. He was sure he was going to spend the rest of the day here.

"Your wish is my command, my lady. But next time, I will not let you break your promise and I would not only see from afar but have my fill." her cheeks burned when she heard his husky voice instead of complaining and commanding to open the door, he was still talking about…

"Hooligan!" she whispered as she walked away from the door with flushed cheeks and a loud beating heart.

He could never learn! Such a shameless person. She let go of the towel and finally changed into her dress but every time she buttoned her dress, his words echoed in her mind.

"Knock knock."

"Come.. who is it?" This time when the door knocked, she learnt from her mistakes and asked who was there before offering to come in.

"It's me. Are you busy, Eve?" The soft voice sounded tired but worried, making her expressions softer.

"No! I am not." but there was still a man in my washroom. What if he shouted when Evan was in the room.

With that thought, she ran towards the door and opened it but before Evan could enter in, she walked out and closed the door behind her, scaring her in the process.

"What is it?" she asked when Evan stared at the door and then at her flushed face and raised a brow.

"You still look sick. You should rest more. What are you doing here?" Eve held Evan's hands and started dragging her away before she could ask more. She knew if Evan would stay there for long, she would find out what had happened.

"I was resting all this time. I just woke up when the maids called me. They told me that an envoy had come in the absence of Leo and he is giving you a hard time. When I asked them what they meant, they turned silent.

What happened Eve!" such fools! They just can not keep their mouths shut. If they wanted to tell her, they should have given complete details! Was she supposed to explain her first kiss by herself?

She muttered a few words under her breath and then turned towards the dining room.

"Well, he is a bit frivolous, nothing else. Is there something I can not handle? But what about you? I heard that you went to meet the physician again. What did he say?" Evan turned rigid for a second before shaking her head.

"He said that my body is getting weak due to lack of nutrition and I am still under the effect of past events. I need rest." her eyes stared at her womb and wondered if the baby knew that she was hiding her presence from everyone.

But she had no choice, if her family came to know that she could die while keeping her, they would not let her do so. But she didn't want to kill her daughter from her own hands.

She wanted her to live a happy life even if it would cost her own life..

"Weak! But I have seen you eating like gluttons these past days. You are eating food that was meant for two people. It just amazes me that you are not getting any fatter due to it.

I think it is just laziness after eating so much or you are pregnant and the baby is eating all the food." Eve rolled her eyes as she whispered the last words in a mocking tone.

Evan, who had just sat on the table and picked up the glass of juice the maid placed in front of her, choked on the first sip and started coughing.

"Cough cough. Cough cough!" When she placed the glass again and raised her head, Eve was staring at her with those confronting eyes that bit her lips.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Is it true?"

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