Everlasting Dragon Emperor

Chapter 4835: Not perfect

Chapter 4835: Not perfect

The steps are simple, everyone just needs to follow the steps.

Lu Ming, Xie Nianqing, Qiuyue, Ling Yuwei, Dan Dan, Paobao, Wanshen, Qiuqiu, Bone Demon, Tang Jun, a group of ten people, each holding an iron medal, began to refine.

Refining iron cards is actually very simple. It didn't take long for Lu Ming and the others to refining all iron cards, and they could collect them into the sea of knowledge at will.

The hard part is the rune above.

When they refined the iron plate, a piece of information on the iron plate automatically came into their minds.

This piece of information is a formation.

There is not a complete formation, but only a section of a formation. Ten of them each obtained a different formation.

Everyone must have a complete grasp of the corresponding formation, and then perfectly cooperate, through the iron plate as the carrier, in order to display the combined attack formation.

They didn't stay in the slightest, they didn't have much time left, and they had to master it as soon as possible.

As soon as he comprehended, Lu Ming felt that this formation was very difficult to understand. After comprehending for a while, his progress was extremely slow.

He opened his eyes and looked, and found that the gods, Baobao, Ling Yuwei? Qiuyue were all frowning, obviously they had encountered a problem.

They werent very good at the formation? And this formation? Obviously it was from the last era? It is more difficult.

Xie Nianqing, Tang Jun, and the Bone Demon are better? They used to? After all, they all exist in the original realm. There is a foundation, and the understanding should be smoother.

The easiest? Naturally, Dandan.

His shell glowed? The dense runes enveloped him? It looked smooth.

After pondering for a while? Lu Ming continued to comprehend.

Practitioners of the gods? Against the formation method? Something will dabble, because some simple formation methods are sometimes very practical.

Especially the deeper the cultivation base, the deeper the understanding of the practice, and the deeper the understanding of the formation?

For example? A strong master in the realm of God? Even if you didn't deliberately cultivate one formation? But the control of one formation is still stronger than a master of true God realm. This is the difference brought about by different realms.

So? Lu Ming and the others were able to comprehend this formation, otherwise it would be impossible to comprehend it if they didn't know anything about it.

Dan Dan's speed was very fast, but it took three days to fully understand the formation on the iron plate.

"Although each of us has different formations to comprehend, there are also some things in common. I will tell you about some of the experiences that I have summarized."

Dan Dan asked Lu Ming to temporarily stop comprehension, and explained some of his experience in comprehension of this combined attack formation in detail.

With the guidance of Dandan, the master of the formation, the speed of Lu Ming and others' enlightenment was greatly improved.

A few days later, Xie Nianqing, Tang Jun, and Bone Demon also succeeded in comprehending.

Lu Ming's distance was successful, and he was approaching.

After all, each of them is a genius with extraordinary savvy, and the speed of learning one thing is much faster than ordinary people.

A few days later, after they had comprehended the formation for ten days, Lu Ming, Qiuyue, Bone Demon, Paobao, and Ling Yuwei also successfully comprehended.

"Come on, try it!"

Dan Dan was already a little impatient.

For a master of formation like him, he was really curious about the combined attack formation left over from the last era.


Lu Ming yelled, and suddenly, a group of ten people, according to their own formation, flashed and stood in different positions.

At the same time, the iron plate appeared on their waists, and the runes were filled with mysterious rays of sunlight. Among the ten people, the rays of sunlight intertwined, slowly condensing a huge figure.

This figure is adult-shaped. There are ten of them, two of them are heads, two of them are torso, there are two arms on the left and right, and one on both feet.

However, the figure is very vague and not solid enough to be able to barely see. This is a person who is covered in a dark armor. The armor looks a bit hideous. There are sharp barbs on his wrists and shoulders.

This figure, still holding a halberd in his hand, seemed to have a kind of stunning majesty.

However, when Lu Ming and the others were about to operate the formation, when they controlled this figure to launch an attack, the figure trembled and collapsed.


"What's the matter? We have clearly mastered the formation, why can't we succeed?"

Pantheon spoke with doubts.

"That's because the cooperation between us is not perfect. We must practice hard."

Dan Dan said.

"Okay, start over."

Lu Ming said.

They continued to try to form an array, but unfortunately, the figure that had condensed was still blurred, and it soon collapsed.

The difficulty of this combined attack is indeed very great.

According to normal procedures, even if there is an array carrier, it takes a long time for the people in control of each other to practice and adapt before they can be perfectly arranged.

However, there is really not much time left for them. They must arrange it as soon as possible and must practice more quickly.

They fell into a frenzied practice, and forgot to sleep and eat, and just like that, another five days passed.

After five days of continuous practice, their mastery of the combined strike method has improved a lot, and the condensed figure is also much clearer, and the time of existence is much longer, reaching about one minute.

And they tried to launch an attack, the power is indeed amazing, the attack power is higher than the strongest Tianjun.

Unfortunately, it still can't be arranged perfectly, and it feels like a step away.

"This last step is very difficult. There are only two ways to succeed. One is to succeed after a long period of time."

Dan Dan said.

"What about another one?"

Pantheon asked quickly.

"The other is facing a life-and-death crisis. In the crisis, with the help of the pressure of the crisis, it succeeded in one fell swoop, and it was perfectly arranged, but it is very dangerous, or it may lose your life.

Dan Dan said.

"Nose...it seems to be very difficult to succeed in a short time."

All the gods muttered.

"Don't be discouraged. Even so, our strength is much stronger than before, at least within a minute..."

Lu Ming smiled and comforted the gods.

This combined attack formation method is very extraordinary. Although they can't arrange them perfectly, the minute they are arranged, they still greatly increase their strength. Aside from anything else, at least their attack power is close to Gu Changfeng's level.

At this moment, Lu Ming received Cang Qiong's voice transmission.

"The war is about to begin, the Yuanguang Clan is about to start siege."

Lu Ming said solemnly.

They have run out of time.

After waiting for half a month, Yuanguang Clan finally began to attack the city, mostly waiting for reinforcements.


Lu Ming and others flew toward the city wall.

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