Everlasting Dragon Emperor

Chapter 4764: Counterattack

Chapter 4764: Counterattack

"If you want to talk about favors, thank Lu Ming. He helped us get the Demon Ancestor Blood Crystal. Before, he designed it. With the help of his friends, he will trap you with formations to get the Demon Ancestor out of you. insect."

Zi Xuan pointed to Lu Ming.

The eyes of Jiao Du and others looked at Lu Ming.

"Are you from the human race? Hey, this favor will be written down by my corner."

The corners all grinned.

"What are your plans now?"

Zi Xuan asked Jiao Du.

"Of course it is to kill the Celestial Race, the despicable Celestial Race, and manipulate us as puppets. It is simply unforgivable. If you don't kill the Celestial Race, it will hardly dispel my hatred."

The horns said coldly, with ferocious eyes, full of tyrannical murderous intent, like a fierce beast choosing people and devouring them.

The demons who were with the horns were similar, full of tyrannical murderous intent, wishing to kill the Celestial Race immediately.

As long as they think that they were eroded by the Demon Ancestor Insect and completely reduced to the puppets of the Celestial Race, for the Celestial Race to arbitrarily drive, their hearts are filled with skyrocketing anger and tyrannical murder.

If they weren't saved by Lu Ming Zixuan and others, they would be reduced to walking dead and puppets of the Celestial Race for the rest of their lives. This would be more uncomfortable than killing them.

"Just to my liking, the Celestial Clan is now in the Extinguishing Army's garrison, besieging the Extinguishing Army. Lu Ming and the others are the members of the Extinguishing Army.

"We went to the extermination army station, and it happened to be attacked on both sides of the extermination army, and defeated the Celestial Race in one fell swoop."

Zixuan immediately followed.

Lu Ming smiled.

Sure enough, he expected it.

Once these demons are removed from the Demon Ancestor Insect, they will definitely not let go of the Celestial Race, and without him any opening, these demons will kill the Celestial Race.

Now, the total number of demons here is about 11 thousand.

In addition, the number of the five thousand **** masters of the Heaven Extinguishing Army is no less than that of the heavenly palace, and even more than the **** masters of the heavenly palace.

There are only two thousand demon masters left in the Tiangong, while the divine masters of the Tiangong are only about 16,000 left.

Among them, the fighting saints, the Buddhas, the demon ancestors, and the spirits have already left, and some have been lost during this period of time. Now the Tiangong and the powers of the gods are not enough.

Plus two thousand demons, seventeen thousand are not enough.

However, among them, there are some gods who are chasing and killing those who escaped from the prison, about two thousand.

As a result, there are less than 15,000 left over the Divine Lords around the Extinguishing Army's station.

Killing it now is a rare opportunity.

After discussing for a while, everyone started to act.

Of course, the first thing to do is to get rid of the 1,200 demon masters who were suppressed by them just now.

It was very simple. They returned to the ruins of Wanhua and threw these 1,200 demon masters into the lake containing the energy of the blood crystal of the demon ancestor.

After more than an hour, all of the 1,000 or 200 demon masters returned to normal.

As soon as these demon masters returned to normal and learned of their fate, they were naturally angry and yelled to avenge the killing of the human race.

All the demons entered the Yin Ruin Demon Fort, and then the Yin Ruin Demon Fort shattered the void and marched towards the resident of the Heaven Exterminator.

The Wanhua Ruins were originally in the ruins of the universe, not very far from the station of the Heaven Extinguishing Army, but after more than two days, they rushed to the vicinity of the station of the Extinguishing Army.

From far away, you can hear the violent roar of the void in the distance.

Near the station of the Exterminating Army, plus two thousand demon masters, there are approximately 15,000 strong masters in the Divine Master realm, divided into two groups, taking turns to battle, and constantly bombarding the formation of the station of Extinguishing Heaven.

After not seeing it for a while, the formation of the Heaven Extinguishing Army garrison dimmed a lot.

According to this trend, at most two hundred years, the formation of the Heaven Extinguishing Army's garrison will be broken.

"Kill, kill all the Celestial Race!"

"Kill it!"

The demons were furious, flashing tyrannical killing intent, and rushed out of the Yin Ruins Demon Fort.

Nearly 11,000 demon masters, filled with demon energy and mighty demon, shouted to kill the sky, and slew the strong man in the palace.

The strong man in the heavenly palace found the demon army from a distance.

"what happened?"

"So many demons, what happened?"

"Could it be that the devil ancestor insects in their bodies have all been eliminated."

Countless masters of the Celestial Race, shocked beyond words, roared inconceivably.

Those who attacked the station of the Destroyer Army couldn't help but stop.

Even if it is immortal, my heart is violent at this time.

But after all, he has experienced countless characters, and soon calmed down.

"Stop attacking the Heaven Extinguishing Army garrison first, gather together, and deal with the devil first."

Ye Immortal roared, and the voice spread throughout the audience.

Hh hh hh...

The figures flickered, and the powerhouses of the Divine Master Realm of Heavenly Palace gathered together.


When the demon army approached, Ye Immortal shouted.

Nearly 15,000 of the existence of the Divine Master Realm, they shot together, one after another terrible attacks, cut through the void, and killed the demon army.


kill! kill! kill!

The demon army roared wildly, its devilish energy burst out, and it attacked with all its strength, blocking the attack of the strong in the palace.

The next moment, the two sides collided together and started a close fight.

In an instant, many people on both sides fell.

However, the number of demons here is much less, and naturally suffers a lot, and the number of fallen is more.


Lu Ming shouted, and the God of War spear shot out, assassinating a Celestial Clan.

"Lu Ming, die for me!"

The strong man of the celestial race naturally focused on Lu Ming, a powerful heavenly monarch, killed Lu Ming.

But beside Lu Ming, the Bone Demon shot, Zijin Zhanyue split out, and split a Heavenly Monarch in half, annihilating his soul with the terrifying power.

Lu Ming, Xie Nianqing, Dan Dan, Ten Thousand Gods and Bone Demon were not separated. With the great master guard of Bone Demon, plus their own combat power, nothing happened temporarily.

"Everyone who destroys the Heavenly Army, if you don't have such a good opportunity to defeat the Heavenly Palace in one fell swoop, when will you wait?"

Lu Ming roared.

The voice spread into the resident of the Exterminating Army.

At the same time, his body swelled up, emitting a brilliant glow, in order to be seen by those who killed the Heavenly Army.

"It's Lu Ming!"

"Those demons were brought by Lu Ming, there is no problem."

The master of the Heaven Extinguishing Army, seeing Lu Ming, was immediately overjoyed.

They didn't get out the first time just now, mainly because they were afraid of getting caught.

Because the demons were clearly controlled by the Celestial Race before, they were afraid that this was a scene performed by the Celestial Race and the demons. The purpose was to trick them out and then kill them all at once.

However, after seeing Lu Ming, they knew that the devil was really fighting the Celestial Race, and it was not a conspiracy.

"Kill, so God Lord, kill with me!"

The lion roared first.


Other strong men also shouted.

"Open the formation and kill it!"

Shouting to kill the sky, the formation of the garrison of the Sky Extinguishing Army opened, and the five thousand **** masters killed them.

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