Everlasting Dragon Emperor

Chapter 4660: Source-level magic drug

Chapter 4660: Source-level magic drug

The small tree was red all over, very short, only half a meter high, but it looked strange.

The little tree glowed, and above the little tree, there was actually a tiny little tree that was condensed of energy, as if it were alive, running around the little tree non-stop.

"This is... a source-level magical medicine!"

The lion spoke, his voice was very excited, and his eyes glowed with hot light.

"Source-level magic drug!"

Lu Ming's heart moved, as the name suggests, it must be a magical medicine for the original state.

"Lu Ming, if you want to improve your cultivation level, you must absorb and refine the treasures that contain the mark of the source, and the source-level magical medicine contains the mark of the source, and the content is high, and the essence is rich, even if it is containing the mark of the source. Among the treasures, they are all considered the top treasures."

Knowing that Lu Ming didn't understand the source-level magical medicine, in the knowledge of the sea, the bone demon gave a timely explanation.

"Today's primordial universe, there is no source-level magical medicine. Even in the ruins of the universe, it is almost rare to see it. I did not expect to encounter one here."

Another master at the pinnacle of God Lord opened his mouth with the same fiery eyes.

The source-level magical medicine is too scarce, and today's primordial universe cannot be conceived.

And the ruins of the universe, because of the war in the last era, were severely damaged, the rules were chaotic, and it was difficult to breed source-level magic soldiers.

Even if the cosmic ruins rules have become more orderly in the last dozens of sidereal years, no such treasure can be born for a while.

There are huge ruins in the universe, but they are very rare.

Very few people can get it.

In fact, even if someone gets it, it won't take it out because it's too precious.

The existence of the Origin Realm has a great effect on improving one's own cultivation level after taking it.

And after taking the existence of Divine Lord Peak, the chance of breaking through the Origin Realm will also be greatly increased.

It's no wonder that the "Lion" and others are so hot, and this is too temptation for them. Even if each person divides a leaf, it will greatly help them break through the original state.

However, they did not dare to act rashly, because there was a wild relic on the raised rock.

It was a large golden eagle. The whole body was golden. It was cast like gold and looked like a golden-winged roc.

The golden eagle lay lazily around the small tree, breathing the glow from the small tree.

"This golden eagle, I don't know what cultivation is it?"

Someone whispered.

"I don't know, it's too far to be sensed!"

The lion shook his head.

In the end, they decided to hide in the dark and observe carefully to see what cultivation level the golden eagle had made, or they would act again after the golden eagle left.

The golden eagles always go out to find food. At that time, it was their opportunity.

One day, two days, three days...

They waited for five days.

Five days later, the golden eagle was finally about to act. He stood up, his body was filled with golden glow, and a few rays of light spurted from his mouth, falling around the small tree.

In the next moment, the little tree disappeared, actually being hidden.

Then, with a wave of the golden eagle's wings, his body rose into the sky and rushed into the distance.

"It turned out to be the realm of the pinnacle of God Lord."

Shi and others moved their eyes.

When the golden eagle took off, they finally sensed, what is the root of the golden eagle, the peak of the god.

However, the golden eagle gives a strong sense of oppression, which is probably not the peak of ordinary gods.

In a blink of an eye, the golden eagle disappeared in the distance without a trace.

"Let's act!"

The lion showed a hint of joy.

A group of nine people, converging their breath, quickly rushed towards the cliff, without any exception, they came to the raised rock.

From a distance, the raised rocks are not very large, but they are actually very large and very wide above them.

Near the cliff, there is a huge cave with a few golden feathers scattered in the cave, which is obviously the residence of the golden eagle.

But everyone just glanced randomly, and their eyes fell on the location of the little tree just now.

They condensed power into their eyes and observed carefully.

"how about it?"

Lion asked.

"It's just a simple formation, it can be broken easily."

A withered old man said.

This old man, from the world of the turtles, is proficient in one rune formation.

"Then do it quickly, if you delay, I'm afraid that the golden eagle will spot you."

The other person urged.

The old man of the World Turtles nodded, waved his hands, and a large number of runes diffused out, covering the transparent void in front.

When shrouded by these runes, a golden mask suddenly appeared in the transparent void, and inside the golden mask, it was the source-level magical medicine that was shining.

At this moment, there were nine figures in a forest in the distance. They came from a distance and stayed between the branches of a big tree.

Their eyes also saw Lu Ming and others all at once.

"It's a rebel!"

"And... Lu Ming!"

Several indifferent voices sounded.

These nine figures are all of the Celestial Race.

One of the young men was surprisingly Lu Ming's old opponent, Ye Qiuxian.

The other eight Celestial Races are all Heavenly Monarch-level figures.

Obviously, the Tiangong also took the same plan as the Exterminating Army, breaking it into pieces and decentralizing its actions.

In addition, the status of Yeqiu Immortal is not trivial. It is a genius of the Celestial Race and can inspire the power of the human body. Therefore, the Tiangong has also sent eight top experts to protect Yeqiu Immortal.

As soon as they came from a distance, they saw Lu Ming and others.

As soon as he saw Lu Ming, Ye Qiuxian showed indifference and murderous intent in his eyes.

"That's... a source-level magic weapon!"

Immediately afterwards, a heavenly monarch discovered that source-level magical medicine, with a greedy light in his eyes.

"It's really a source-level magic weapon, please fairy son, do we want to make a move?"

A heavenly monarch asked.

"Don't worry, the opponent's strength is not below us. If we rush to make a move, we will only hurt both sides. We lie in ambush and attack suddenly. We will kill one or two masters of each other before we can kill each other."

Ye Qiu Xiandao.

"I beg the Fairy to say something right."

The others nodded, closing their breath.

"That is..."

Suddenly, Ye Qiuxian and the others saw a golden light spot in the distance, which flew quickly toward this side.

No, to be precise, it flew towards the cliff face Lu Ming and the others.

"Haha, God helped me, let's just wait to pick up the bargain!"

Ye Qiuxian was ecstatic.

At this time, Lu Ming and others' expressions changed drastically, and they also found the golden light spot.

It was clearly the golden eagle that flew away before.

Unexpectedly, the other party came back so soon.

Or, as long as the formation of the opponent is moved, the golden eagle will sense it?

This is probably the case.

The hidden formation under the golden eagle cloth, although simple, but as long as it moves, it will immediately sense it, and quickly come back.

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