Eternal Villain: I can enslave Reality!

Chapter 107 107: Different Times

The sword swung, like it was the sword of a god. A deafening sound resounded as the blood red sword and the spear clashed. 

Fortunately, the spear was blocked! The spear flew back to its master!

The Heavenly Celestial of the Sky Dynasty grabbed the spear, glaring at the person who stood before the spatial portal, as if guarding it. 

"We will meet again..." The Heavenly Celestial, who was the fifth strongest General in the Sky Dynasty frowned, recognizing the figure in the distance. 

"Executioner!" Multiple voices echoed at the same time! The person who had just arrived was none other than Ye Han!

Even though Ye Han was someone who hadn't yet broken through to the Heavenly Celestial, he was more popular in the Sky Dynasty than even the Heavenly Celestials of the Eternal Dynasty, since his strength wasn't defined by his realm!

Only the ones who had seen Ye Han on the battlefield last time knew just what kind of terror that person could bring, especially when his eyes used to turn blood red... 

The Fifth General still remembered the time he had met Ye Han on the battlefield. He knew he couldn't take Ye Han lightly. 

"You're... The one who ran away?" Ye Han tilted his head sideways, seemingly recognizing the man before him. 

The middle aged man felt his face twitch, as he heard Ye Han's words. 

"Times are different! I'm much stronger than I used to be! While you're still the same! You'll be the one dying today!"

"Today, we shall witness the execution of the so-called Executioner!" Another Heavenly Celestial rose in the air. 

However, Ye Han didn't even frown. If anything, his eyes revealed a trace of the crazy excitement. He didn't even remember how long it had been, since he went all out!

Ye Han grabbed his Sword firmly. 

"Enough talking! We can't let the portal complete! You hold him back! I'll destroy the portal!" Another Heavenly Celestial spoke, noticing the postal getting bigger. 

No matter what, they couldn't allow the army of the Eternal Dynasty to pass through 

"I'm afraid I can't allow you to break the portal." A calm yet serene voice came out from within the portal. Right then, another person stepped out of the portal, patting his clothes as if he didn't like even a single speck of dirt on them. 

The person who came out of the portal was the Great Elder of the Celestial Palace. His long white beard made him appear old, but his body was still brimming with strength!


While a battle was brewing high in the sky, another battle had already started back on the ground, with the masked man!

The Great Elder of the Celestial Palace didn't know who the masked person was. He only knew that it was someone from the Eternal Dynasty. For him, the real Xu Shan was still on the main ship after all!

On the other hand, Ye Han had a clear idea as to who the masked person was! He was the architect of this war, the misunderstood third Prince. 

One by one, the Warriors of the Sky Dynasty fell before Xu Shan's prowess. His strikes were calculated, finding gaps in the armor or aiming for vulnerable spots. It was as if he was really an assassin. 

Along the way to the Sky Dynasty, Xu Shan had spent a lot of his time trying to learn some new Celestial Skills, mostly focusing on his agility!

He was the person who cared the most about his life, which made him focus more on his speed, so that he could at least escape if one day, the situation was beyond his control. 

Even though he slowly absorbed the strength of the Sky Dynasty warriors before everyone, not no one was able to notice anything!

The Star Mark in his eyes only kept getting denser as he stole more and more Celestial Spirits. 

The cavalry, initially confident in their numerical advantage, soon found themselves in disarray. Xu Shan's relentless assault unnerved them, shaking their composure.

Mounted on his horse, the captain of the cavalry charged towards Xu Shan, his eyes blazing with determination. 

With a commanding presence, he sought to restore order and bring down Xu Shan. 

In response, Xu Shan only smirked. He was starting to enjoy it! This was like his training session, since most of the powerful warriors were distracted by Ye Han and the Great Elder. 

At the same time, it was going to take time before the Emperor sent reinforcements here. This was the perfect opportunity for him. 

As the captain of the Cavalry closed in, Xu Shan's movements became more fluid, almost dance-like. He anticipated every swing of the captain's sword and countered with impeccable precision.

 With each clash of blades, Xu Shan's confidence grew, fueling his relentless pursuit of victory.

The duel between Xu Shan and the captain became the center of attention. The clang of their weapons echoed through the air, a symphony of battle. 

The captain's strikes were strong and deliberate, but Xu Shan's agility and cunning allowed him to parry and counter with deadly accuracy. The fight was a testament to the indomitable spirit of a lone warrior against overwhelming odds.

Time seemed to slow as Xu Shan seized an opening. With a swift feint, he drew the captain of the cavalry off balance, leaving him vulnerable. 

In one swift motion, Xu Shan's dagger found its mark, piercing through the captain's armor and ending his reign as the guardian of the entrance. The cavalry, witnessing the fall of their leader, faltered. Their morale crumbled like a castle made of sand.

Amidst the chaos and confusion, Xu Shan stood tall, his chest heaving with exertion. The once formidable cavalry now scattered, their formation broken. One after another, the remaining members were also being killed by Xu Shan. 

The entrance to the Royal City of Sky Dynasty lay open, its gates beckoning Xu Shan forward.

As the dust settled, Xu Shan's gaze lingered on the sky,where another battle had started. This was the first time he saw Ye Han fight like that. 

With a deep breath, he stepped over the fallen bodies and strode into the Royal City, his single dagger still clutched tightly in his hand. His journey was far from over.

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