Erotic Adventures in the Omniverse: Vampire Lord got too many wives

Chapter 93  Scaring Mother with my Dragon

Chapter 93  Scaring Mother with my Dragon

" Kill that bastard haa haa " Han shouted, clutching his broken feet.

Hearing the order from the head servant, all five of Han's lackeys began to move towards Jayden, menacing expressions on their faces. " Hahaha, break both his legs. " Han shouted, cruelty visible in his eyes.

Jayden waited for them to approach, he was surprised that he could no longer see the level on top of their heads. Instead, he could feel a different kind of energy emanating from their bodies.

" Wang Jin, no hard feelings, just think of it as your punishment for messing with Han. " one Lackey said, ready to throw a punch at Jayden's chest.

Jayden stood still and watched the punch approach his body slowly, he didn't even try to dodge and let the strike hit him, square in the chest.


" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh m-m-my hand, i-it broke wahhhhh. " As his strike hits Jayden on the chest, the bones in his hands broke immediately because of the rebound.

" Ha! You sure talk big for a weak-ass bitch. I guess, its my turn now... " Jayden said, a mocking smile on his face. Before the others could react, he moved at an incredible speed and in the next instant several cracking sounds rang out followed closely by howls of pain.

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack* " Nooooo, I-I'm sorry, uwaaaaaaahhh " " ahhhhhhh, H-Help, somebody ughhhhhh "

Just as Jayden broke all four limbs of the five lackeys, they began to cry and ask for help. Jayden ignored all of them and walked towards Han.

" D-D-Don't come near me, I-I'm going to tell y-young master about it- ugggyaaaaaaaaa " Han cries out like a pig, as Jayden crushes his other leg.


After breaking both his hands, Jayden walks away from them, not paying them any more attention.

" J-Just you wait asshole, my young master is going to beat the shit out of you. " Han mutters, careful not to let his word reach Jayden's ears.


After the small fight, Jayden came back to his small assigned house, which was a bit far from other houses. Entering inside, he takes off his clothes and walks into the bathroom.

Seeing his image Jayden was stunned, ' How come I look so different and... and beautiful? ' he thought, touching his own cheeks.

"It's because you've absorbed Wang Jin's entire existence, by the Time manipulation skill, so even your looks are affected by it. Now Wang Jin has become a part of you. " Anna answers in his mind.

" Does that mean, his parents are also my parents now? " Jayden was still confused about his situation.

" Yes and no. Yes because, he is a part of you now and no because you're still Jayden, not Wang Jin. " Anna answers, making Jayden even more confused.

" Ugh, whatever, I don't want to waste my precious brain cells on such stupid topics. " Jayden said and then opened his status window. For some reason, he had a feeling that his status window has completely changed.


[ Name: Jayden XXXXX ] [ Race: Blood Vampire ] [ Cultivation Base: Core Formation-9th Stage (Peak) ] [ Bloodline: Nether Lord(0.01%) ]

[ Blood Points: 1,655,148 ] [ Internal Energy ]: [ 850 ]

[ Nether Aura ]: {Spirit Creation-4th stage} [ Fate Points ]: [55/10,000]


Jayden reads his stats a few times, his level has turned into a cultivation base. In Wang Jin's memories, Jayden found the cultivation system of this world.


1. Body Refining

2. Qi Gathering

3. Core Formation

4. Spirit Creation

5. Spirit Strengthening


In the Beginning Kingdom, only these five cultivation bases were known, no one has broken through to the stage after Spirit Strengthening realm.

These cultivation bases were completely different from the previous World's cultivation. Jayden then looks at his bloodline, but he wasn't too surprised seeing that.

Then he looks at Internal Energy, While travelling to this world, Jayden felt the energy in his body change forms. He could tell, that this new energy was even stronger than before, even the consumption of all the skills had reduced by a lot.

The Beginning Kingdom is surrounded by a fog of black mist, which protects it from the monsters that lurk outside the kingdom. Only a handful have returned alive, after going into the forest outside the kingdom.

Most of the things related to the outside world are still mysteries for everyone, Jayden decided to find out more about the outside world after increasing his strength.


His thoughts were interrupted by the sudden sound, as the door of his house was kicked open. After a moment, he heard a shout coming from outside the bathroom.

" You ungrateful piece of shit, come out right this moment. How dare act so arrogantly in my sect and offend the Mo family. " " Who is it now? " Jayden spoke to himself in a tired tone. Isn't he just taking a bath, what's so arrogant about it?

Just as he moved to wear his clothes, new messages popped in front of him.

[ Task: Scare Wang Jia away ]

[ Reward: 50 FP ]


" So it's my bitch of a mother. She must be here because of Han. Hmph, she cares more about that fatty servant than her own son. " Jayden scowled, as he felt the anger Wang Jin have always felt.

' Why must I go through this? What's my fault in any of this? Even if you don't care about me, why can't you just leave me alone? ' Jayden felt Wang Jin's strong emotions stirring up inside him.

" If you don't come out within ten seconds, I'm going to come there and break your- " seeing that Wang Jin wasn't responding, she began to shout again.


But her words got stuck in her mouth, as she saw her son walking out of the bathroom, completely naked. She stared at his perfect body for a few seconds, then remembering it was her son, she felt disgusted.

She turns her head away, and shouts in a monotone:

" Why are you naked, Go wear something first, I've something important to speak with you about. "

Jayden didn't move, he stared at her face and thought: ' So, she is the reason for Wang Jin's handsome appearance. Though not on Alice's level, she could definitely be compared to Sasha and others. '

" Mother, is it about Han? " Jayden spoke, his eyes fixed on her face.

" Who are you calling mother- " Jia felt her anger rise, as she heard Jayden's word, She wanted to slap him immediately but just as she turned her head, her face turned crimson red as her gaze fell upon her son's sleeping dragon.

" So, it's about that, right? I know, Mother, I was wrong. I have created so much trouble for you all these years, please forgive me, my dear mother~ " Jayden said, his voice sounding regretful.

" Huh... you- " Jia couldn't fathom the current situation, she was already having trouble looking at her son, but his words stunned her even more.

" I'll be a good son, You'll forgive me, right? " Jayden spoke, as he began to move closer to Jia. Before she could react, Jayden took her into a tight embrace. " Wh-Wh-Wh-What are you doing? " Jia stutterers, she felt Jayden's warm skin touching her body, she could feel his penis pressing hard against hard belly.

" L-Let me go. " Despite having the strength to push Jayden away, Jia found herself unable to move.

" I won't, not until you forgive me. " Jayden said, tightening his embrace against her.

Jia gulps her saliva, she could feel Jayden's body's heat through her clothes and his chest pressing against her boobs. Worst of all was his penis, which was sticking to her belly and made her feel as if her belly is burning.

" F-Fine, I forgive you, l-let me go now. " Jia shouted, as strange electric currents passed through her body.

" Okay, mother. " Jayden mutters near her red ears, his lips touching her ear slightly and then moves away from her.

Without looking back, Wang Jia fled from the scene, running as fast as she could.

[ Task Completed ]

[ Reward: 50 FP ]


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