Erotic Adventures in the Omniverse: Vampire Lord got too many wives

Chapter 128  Turning Dream into Reality

128  Turning Dream into Reality

I am the fifth elder of the Divine Sword Sect, Shi Hao, around twenty years ago the king of our Kingdom sent me and a few other experts in the Divine Sword Sect as spies.

The second elder had been captured and was now trapped in the prison, since he lost all his strength the king decided to abandon him and wanted to kill him but the second elder hid the energy stone somewhere before his capture, so he was still alive.

Today, I and the sixth elder had decided to meet in the restaurant to discuss about ways to deal with the second elder since the king have been pestering me for the past few days, the sixth elder was a spy too, he was at the 8th stage of the Sprit Creation realm.

Inside the sect, I have portrayed my strength to be at the 9th stage of the Spirit Creation realm, while in reality, I'm at the 1st stage of the Spirit strengthening realm. Since I was in my prime, I've never felt attracted towards most women, but what attracted me the most was the petite and cute bodies of little girls.

I've seen many beautiful girls, but the little girl I just saw in the private room was easily the most beautiful and cute out of them all, I have suppressed my feelings for way long now, and after seeing her I just can't stand it anymore.

Throwing away my fake upright attitude, I've decided to do anything, no matter what I've to make her mine.


" Get out of here, before its too late. " Sasha said, a frown on her face.

" Pfft- hahahahahahahaha "Both men laughed out loud as if they had heard the biggest joke.

Sasha frowns, she tries to sense their strength but fails since there was a huge difference between their levels. All of the women were only at the peak of Qi Gathering stage.

" My my, never in my whole life I have seen girls as beautiful as these. "the sixth elder said, staring at all the women one by one, all of them had different charms, but all were exceptionally beautiful.

Alice was the most beautiful out of all with a perfect body, while Eleanor looked the most seductive and hot. Sophie has a innocent baby like face, with a sexy body contradicting it completely. While Sasha's charms were different from all, her ravishing body and gorgeous face were enough to excite even the Gods and the devils.

While the fifth elder stared at Emma's petite body, both the elders were drooling with lust. Eleanor's shout brought both of them out of their thoughts:

" Get out of here, Before my darli-"

Eleanor's words were interrupted by the sixth elder:" Don't make empty threats, let's see if you have some strength to back your words. "


He clapped his hands after which five guards entered the private room, they looked at the elders and bowed respectfully, waiting for their orders.

" Beat them up a bit for me. " the sixth elder ordered casually.

" Yes sir. " all the guards were in the late stages of the Qi Gathering realm, their eyes widened in surprise after seeing the faces of all the women, for a few dozen seconds they just stood still, completely stunned.

" Don't just stand there, attack!! " the fifth elder's voice thundered bringing them all back to reality.

" Haaaaaaaah "

All the men shouted and charged towards Sophie and the others, their eyes clouded with cruelty.

" Let me deal with them. " Sasha said, ready to attack.

" I'll help too. " Sophie stood side by side with Sasha, electric sparks dancing around her.

Without saying a word, Eleanor raised her hand and in the next moment, a heavy pressure was released on all five guards. Their speed decreased by more than 80%, and their body bent forward.



Sophie shouted as two electric spikes appeared above her head with a wave of her hand, both the spikes pierced the heads of both men, killing them immediately.


Sasha slowly raised both her arms, as three dark spears rose from the shadows, they stayed in the air for a second, before they lunged towards the remaining men and killed them by piercing there hearts.

" Whoa, I love wild girls, the best part is taming them. "the sixth elder said, his eyes glistening with excitement.

" You're all no match for us, so submit without a fight, I don't want to hurt that little girl. " the fifth elder spoke, pointing his finger towards Emma who was standing behind Sasha.

" Humph, we won't know until we try. "

Saying that Sasha began to concentrate all her strength into a single attack as a big dark spike began to form above her head, its size constantly shrinking.

Alice moves forward and concentrates all her flames to engulf the spike, normally it would be impossible to combine such attacks, but with the control over their attributes they were able to achieve it

The aura of both the spike and the flames around it became more terrifying with the second, then Sophie raises her hand and covered the spike with her electric bolt, as dangerous electric sparks thundered around the spike.

Eleanor concentrates her gravity on the sixth elder, slightly showing down his movement, and decreases the gravity around the spike vertically and instead adding horizontal gravity to give the spike a push.

Even Emma adds her power to the attack, creating a thundering tornado around the spike. After they had poured all of their energy into the spike, all the women shouted together.

" GO " The spike flew at an incredible speed, aiming towards the heart of the sixth elder.

" I'll take care of this. " The sixth elder spoke arrogantly, not thinking too much about the attack.

' I don't believe this spike will even be able to pass through my Qi barrier, let alone hurt me. '. He thought, raising his hand and pointing his left palm to stop the attack.

The Qi barrier is the Qi protection that is present around the bodies of those in the Qi Gathering realm or above, attacks that are too weak will be stopped by the Qi barrier.


Under the sixth elder's disbelieving gaze, just as the spike's tip hit his Qi barrier, it easily pierced it after a small resistance, and before he could move, the spike pierced through his palm leaving a big hole in it.

Its trajectory changed slightly after it passed through his palm, but the speed of the spike didn't decrease due to gravity push by Eleanor, as it shot towards the throat of the elder.

" Move " With haste, the fifth elder pushed him to the side saving his life by the hair's width.

Still, the spike was able to leave a deep gash on the side of his neck, through which blood flowed continuously.

" Ahhhhhhhhh fuck fuck fuckkk, I'm going to kill these bitches. " the sixth elder roared in pain, holding his injured hand while trying to stop the bleeding.

All the women were already exhausted, still, there was no fear in their eyes, they stood at their spot, without moving an inch.

' How were they even able to injure someone at the Spirit Creation realm? ' the fifth elder thought in disbelief.

" Just don't touch the youngest one," he called out to the enraged sixth elder.

With bloodshot eyes, he threw a punch towards Sasha, without holding back at all. The strength in his punch was enough to annihilate all of them.



Jayden stood closer to Lao Rong, a charming smile on his face his chest pressing against her soft boobs, while staring into her eyes he asks:

" So, are you willing to help me in making my dream come true? "

' If you can't woo the daughter just go for their mother. ' Jayden commented in his mind.

Seeing Jayden's handsome face, Lao Rong was dazed for a few moments, then shaking her head she tried to push Jayden away while shouting:

" Don't touch my bottom line, if you take this any further then I'll- mmph~ "

Jayden interrupted her words by taking her lips into his mouth, Lao Rong's body froze, her eyes wide open in disbelief.

Jayden sucked her juicy red lips, tasting her mouth, his hands moving towards her breasts. Coming back to her senses, Lao Rong pulls her head away, breaking the kiss.

" Stoop!! Aahnn~ " she tried to push Jayden away, but a moan came out of her mouth, as Jayden pinched her nipple, through the clothes.

Taking her enormous beasts in his hands, Jayden began to knead them together, as his lips moves closer to her again. Jayden again places his lips over hers, but this time he instantly pushed his tongue into her mouth.

Loosening her robe slightly, Jayden moves his hands under her clothes, as he massages her bare breast. Feeling Jayden touching her bare skin, Lao Rong's eyes widened in shock, she tried to push Jayden away but to no avail.

Pushing his tongue forward, Jayden tasted her sweet saliva, their tongues intertwined in a warm embrace. As Jayden held her soft boobs into his palms, he discovered that Lao Rong have inverted nipples.

It was the first time Jayden have seen such breasts, sinking his fingers into her nipples, Jayden began to rub them. Saliva trickled down from the corner of Lao Rong's mouths, as she hungrily gulped down Jayden's saliva.



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