Erotic Adventures in the Omniverse: Vampire Lord got too many wives

Chapter 101  Framing the Elder

101  Framing the Elder

Inside an average size room, the Matriarch of the Divine Sword Sect was drinking her tea leisurely, while sitting on a sofa comfortably. In front of her sat two men, one was a young man while the other was an old man.

" Matriarch, we can't overlook such behaviour inside the sect, first he was chasing after the number 1 genius of our sect from the Rong family and then he beat up a servant from my family. " the second elder complained.

" Yes matriarch, you should give him a suitable punishment or it'll reflect badly on our sect's image. " Mo Peng, the second elder's grandson, added.


Wang Jia gently placed the cup on the table and looked at them, her expression calm.

" You don't need to remind me, I have already decided on a punishment for Wang Jin. " She spoke, her voice sweet like sugar.

Both the elder and his grandson were having trouble hiding their lustful gaze, as they stared at the ethereal beauty sitting in front of them. She was easily the most beautiful woman in the entire Kingdom, the only woman in the Kingdom whose beauty could be compared to her is the eleventh elder of the Divine Sword Sect, but for some reason, she always kept her sweet distance from all the men and looked at every man who approached her with disgust.

" Then let's go meet him right now. " She said, as she stood up and walked out of the door, completely aware of the dirty gaze the duo was giving her.

' Last time I was too stunned by his... by his member, but this time I'm going to deal with him properly. ' Jia thought, a determined look on her face.


Inside a desolate house, Jayden lay on the bed, deep asleep. He had returned a few hours earlier and after entering his house he just fell on the bed and drifted off to sleep moments later.

His Internal Energy was full to the brim, but he was exhausted mentally, and even his soul was in a weakened state. The poison inserted in his body by the Mind monster was not completely removed yet. His sleep was interrupted as the door to his house was kicked open.


" Wang Jin, you dirty son a bit- " Mo Peng cursed Jayden, but swallowed his words in the end, remembering who Wang Jin's mother is.

Giving Peng a Stern look, Wang Jia turned to look at Jayden, who sleepily sat up, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

" What is this about now? Haa Don't you know how to knock? " Jayden said while yawning.

" You dare show such attitude in front of the Matriarch? Good good, let's see how you get out of this one? " the second elder shouted in anger.

" Wang Jin, come outside. " Jia spoke, before turning to walk outside the room.

Jayden stretched his body, as he stood up and walked outside the house. He looked from the second elder then to Peng and at last his Mother.

" So, what wrong have I done now? " Jayden asked, his expression nonchalant.

" You cripple bastard, you dare to beat my servant, and now you have the guts to ask such a question? " Mo Peng roared, but he shivered as he felt Wang Jia's gaze on himself, and he instantly regretted calling Jayden a bastard in front of her.

Wang Jia hates both the king and her son, and hearing someone call Jayden a bastard reminded her of that dirty king. Calming her mind she stared at her son, before speaking:

" Wang Jin, have you been pestering our sect's number 1 genius to become your partner? " she asked, her tone indifferent.

" You could say that. " Jayden answered.

" Did you beat Han, the Mo family's servant? " she asked. " Yeah, I did. " Jayden spoke in a calm tone.

" Since you confessed your crimes I'll lessen your punishment, then from tomorrow you'll have to- " Wang Jia began to announce her verdict.

" Please wait a second Mother. " Jayden interrupted her.

" What? Do you have something to say for yourself? And don't call me that. " Jia said, a frown on her face.

' Sigh I wanted to end it faster for your own good, but if you speak you will only be digging a grave for yourself. ' she thought, sighing in her head.

" I did it because... " Jayden paused, then he continued after a few seconds: " I believe Han is a traitor. "

" What nonsense are you spouting now? " The second elder shouted,' Good, good now you've done it, this time I'll at least break a limb or two. ' he thought.

Jia raises her hand, indicating the elder to stay quiet:

" Prove it. " she said, glaring at Jayden. " But if your words turn out to be false, the punishment won't be light. "

Jayden nodded and then began:" While I was returning that day, I saw Han sitting with his underlines, I just walked away like I always do, but he called me and asked me to... " Jayden paused again.

" Asked? What? " Peng said, feeling frustrated by the pauses in Jayden's speech.

" He told me to kowtow in front of him and also ordered me to say... " Jayden paused again.

" Say what? Just finish in a single sentence, damnit. " Peng yells, pulling his own hair.

" He told me to say... say that my mother is a bitch in heat- " Jayden spoke pretending to be embarrassed.

The second elder interrupted him, as he shouted in a loud voice: " Matriarch this brat is spreading false information, there is no way someone from my family could say something like that. "

" Not only that, I have also heard that he was leaking our sect's martial arts to people outside of our sect for money. " Jayden added.

" Do you have any proof? " Jia questions, her voice impatient.

" Of course, bring Han here, I'll prove everything. " Jayden said, his face full of confidence. ' Haha, if there's no evidence you just need to create one. ' he thought.

" There is no need for that matriarch, this cripple is just trash talking, you need to punish him immediately- " The second elder spoke, his face red in anger.

" Ohh, so now the Matriarch of our sect needs to listen to your orders? " Jayden said, a little loud, so that everyone around could hear it easily.

" What's going on? " one passing disciple stopped near the scene and asked.

" That fallen Prince is claiming that the Mo family have a traitor. " one of the men answered.

" What? Had he lost his mind, how could there be a traitor in the Mo family. " the whispers began to spread, as more and more disciples began to appear there.

Seeing the crowd Jia decided to handle the situation carefully, she looked at her son and said: " Fine, I'll bring Han here, but you need to prove it and if you fail, punishment won't be the only thing you'll be getting from the sect. "


In the Mo family house, Han was resting in his room, sleeping with a relaxed face, as other servants did all the housework. His sleep was disrupted when he heard a knock on the door.


" Who is it? " Han asks in a hoarse voice.

" Sir, Matriarch asked me to bring you somewhere. " hearing this, he sat up straight and walked out of the room.

"What is the matter? " Han asked, rubbing his fat belly.


"What is the matter? " Han asked, rubbing his fat belly.

" So, Wang Jin said you have been colluding... " The disciple began to tell everything that happened.


" That good for nothing, dared to accuse me of such things? Let's go, today I'm going to make him regret beating me that day. " Han said, hitting the wall with his first.

He said and walked besied the disciple, following behind him closely. After walking for over 20 minutes, they finally reached their destination.

Han looked at the crowd that was gathered and smirked thinking of what kind of fate awaited Wang Jin. He moved forward confidently and stared at Jayden.

No one noticed that Jayden's eyes glowed very slightly, as he used Void Eye skill to control Han.

" I suppose you know what's going on here. " Jia asked, looking at Han.

" Yes, Matriarch. I'm well aware of everything. " Han replied his tone serious.

" So, do you deny the accusations? " Jia asked, as she looked at Jayden from the corner of her eyes.

"..." Han stayed silent for a few seconds as if preparing himself for the answer, then he knelt in front of everyone and shouted.

" I'm sorry Matriarch, I was wrong. But I only did what I was told to me by my master, Mo Leng. Please spare this lowly one's life. " Han said and began to cry.

" What are you talking about? When did I ever order you to do anything like that? " Mo Peng roared, he couldn't believe his most trusted servant was doing something like this to him.

" Matriarch, those weren't the only crimes they have committed, they were also a part of human trafficking, slave trading, kidnapping inside the sect, murders, and many more crimes. If you don't believe me you could check the elder's room, you'll find the necessary evidence there. " Han threw both the men under the bus, trying to save his own skin, his mind still under Jayden's control.

" Elder!!! Is all that true? Well, it doesn't matter, I'm going to see it all for myself. " Jia said, and disappeared from her position, flying towards the second elder's house.

' Shit, I can't let her find that stone. ' thinking that, the second elder followed her, flying as fast as he could, but still his speed was no match for her.

" Uwaah, now that everything is resolved, I should go back to my sleep. " Jayden said yawning, as he returned back to his home, leaving behind a stunned crowd.



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