Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 87: Meridians

Chapter 87: Meridians

Both of the First Tier Guilds had proposed different kinds of ways to pay him, but Adam didn't care about any of them, because he didn't need much. The only things that interested him for the moment was money, and a cultivation method.

But he knew perfectly well that what he offered wasn't near enough to buy a cultivation method, so he asked for money.

Moreover, since he met the Ember Army, he had been practicing on his body. He was trying to create a cultivation method by himself. And it turned out, it wasn't nearly as dangerous as he thought.

Because of the cultivation novels he had read, or rather Old Adam read, he thought that any mistake in practicing a cultivation method would be dangerous, but it wasn't true at all.

Actually, cultivation was only a matter of circulating Qi into the meridians, and if one was able to find the corresponding pattern, then they would be able to absorb Qi from the world, and thus become stronger.

It sounded simple, but of course it wasn't. When one infused Qi into their meridians, those meridians would form a connection between themselves. However, the density of the Qi infused would change the connections made, and every meridian had a different reaction.

That's why, there was a nearly infinite number of combinations that could be made. Still, there were some things to help cultivators create cultivation techniques, or they probably would have never been able to cultivate.

One way was to imitate monsters, as their cultivation was more instinctual, and so if one was able to replicate them they would also be able to create a cultivation technique.

Another way was to establish rules. Even though the combinations between meridians were near infinite, some of them were obviously impossible to work. As long as one of the meridians involved in a pattern didn't work well, then this pattern was impossible to work, so it allowed to narrow the range of possibilities.

If one creates enough rules, then it becomes possible to understand one's meridians, and so to create a cultivation technique. If the cultivator is talented, then they can even work on enhancing their cultivation method, making it better and better.

However, one must be very careful as not to create false rules. If one creates a false rule then a whole range of possibilities disappear, and creating the cultivation technique can become impossible.

Because he had no guidance, Adam had to start from scratch, and he was still testing, he didn't have time to create the rules yet.

One could actually endanger himself by experimenting like Adam was, but it wasn't hard to avoid such dangers. To endanger the body, one needed to form a complete pattern, and one could feel the danger coming before completing the circle, so it wasn't hard to stop before hand and to change the patterns.

While Adam was experimenting with his meridians and his Aura, the two First Tier Guilds were rejoicing. If there was one thing they didn't lack, it was money!

Moreover, had it been Gold, they could have felt it, but dollars? They literally had millions of them. Both of them made offers, Night Wolves offered 30 dollars for every armor, while Dragon Temple offered 25.

Adam smiled and didn't accept straight away. Instead, he created a group, with himself, Arin and Silver Sword in it. Then, he said 'Highest bidder wins it.'

They both wrote their initial offers, and Dragon Temple sent a second one. '35 dollars per unit.'

Night Wolves quickly followed '40 dollars per unit.'. Then, after some hesitation, Dragon Temple wrote '45 dollars per unit.'. Unfortunately for them, Night Wolves were way more interested by those equipments, and so as soon as they made their offer, Night Wolves added another five '50 dollars per unit.'

30 seconds later, Silver Sword from Dragon Temple said 'Forget it, you can take it. If you are interested into selling something else, consider us.'

Adam replied 'Sure will.' Silver Sword left the conversation, and Arin said 'We will buy every level 50 equipment for 50 dollars the unit, be it Common or Uncommon. If it is Rare, then 100. Exceptional, 500.'

Adam smiled and said 'Sure. Until when?' Of course, it couldn't be 50 dollars until the end of time. Arin replied after a moment 'When the average player gets to Level 25. Until then, every Level 50 equipment is 50 dollars. Where do we meet?'

Adam replied 'Ember City. We can meet before or after the battle. I'm pretty much free today.'

Arin said 'I won't be able to come right now, so let's say after the battle You sure you don't want help with that battle?'

Adam smiled and asked 'Do you know of anyone who could win this fight?'

Arin didn't say anything at first, but after a moment he said 'Some of the Elders of my Guild, and my Guild Leader.

This surprised Adam, Arin seemed very confidant with the strength of his guild. Arin ought to know the strength of a thousand players banded together, especially if they are from the same guild. Adam doubted even an SS Mage could take them on, only Sovereigns could do so, and he doubted First Tier Guilds had several Sovereigns when the Guild Leader of a Second Tier Guild didn't even open a single Gate.

The two finished their discussion and Adam went back to trying to create his cultivation technique. Time passed quickly, and even when Neith arrived near the city, they didn't enter, but rather she sat some distance away from it, under the watchful eyes of the guards, and Adam didn't pay any attention to the outside world.

6 hours trickled by, when Adam was suddenly awakened from his trance by the alarm he had set. He opened his eyes and looked at the time with surprise. He had been so absorbed by the discovery of his meridians and the way they worked that he didn't feel the time pass. The best thing was, he had actually made some progress!

He patted Neith while sending her mental probes, to awaken her from her slumber. She had fallen asleep from all the waiting. As she awoke Neith asked 'Where do we go?'

Adam smiled and replied 'To slaughter.' Neith asked excited 'Who will we kill this time?!'

Adam shook his head though, much to her disappointment 'Sorry but this time, it will only be me' As he felt her disappointment, he added 'However, if they are sore losers, they may send additional troops. If they do, I will tell you, and you are allowed to kill as many as you want.'

Neith asked 'Really?' Adam confirmed by a nod 'Really. Now let's go, I don't want to be late. The fight will take place in the Sunflower Valley. I will hide you in my Pet Space at the entrance of the valley.'

But Neith asked back 'Can't I just hide underground so I watch you?' Adam shrugged and said 'If you want. But we really need to go, or people will jeer at me for being a coward. Do you want that to happen?'

Neith laughed and began walking as she said 'Who cares about what they say, I'll just eat them.' Adam rolled his eyes, he didn't like to admit it, but he had a certain pride, he knew it was a weak point, but he couldn't help it. As for Neith, although she had one too, it was different, she didn't care about how others saw her, it was more of a personal thing.

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