Epic Of The Demonic Sage

Chapter 386 A Tempting Prospect

The words of the Young Lord Asher Inanis stirred the hearts and minds of the nobility.

If they were able to afford great mercenaries with great gifts that actually turned and changed the tides of the battle, then they would do so at their disposal.

However, there was a bit of skepticism from some of the nobility as they addressed one another privately.

"Turned the tide for a battle where Viscount Drew's army outnumbered the Inanis one? That's a little hard to believe…"

"All accounts say that there's no survivor, not one from Drew's army and that is well known now. And if this young man says that it's the Masked Legion that allowed this to happen then wouldn't it be great to hire them? I wonder how much do they cost? I hope it's not an arm and a leg."

"But it's already quite well known that the personal army of Count Inanis has one of the most disciplined and skilled men due to the training that he puts them through. Surely it's more of that over the mercenaries themselves?"

"Count Gabriel is not saying anything to oppose his son's words so by all means that account must be truly accurate. A group of mercenaries were able to change the tides and that is an incredible feat isn't it?"

"Where do they come from? It's my first time hearing of them and I'm aware of mercenaries in our region. Where did Young Lord Asher and the Count encounter them?"

"Do you really think that matters? We don't know who or who doesn't approach the Count. It's difficult to always be aware of his whereabouts. Ahem."

"Obviously we need to know their background before we put our faith in such mercenaries… why are they even Masked? Are they hiding disfigured faces underneath? I want to see them for myself before judging things."

"They wear masks to protect their heads, isn't that like basic knowledge, sir?"

"I think the most important thing is not their history but by what they can offer and do for us right now, gentlemen." Viscount Felldan mused aloud. He had heard everyone's whispers and complaints and was able to control them. "However, if some people are hesitant, then it simply means that there's more opportunity for those who wish to employ them, isn't that right, Baron Harmund?"

"I… I suppose so," the slightly younger man agreed with a small nod.

Out of all of the nobility listening in, Viscount Felldan noticed the most enraptured expression on the young baron's face while Young Lord Asher spoke about how the Masked Legion defeated their enemies with ease and annihilated them without trouble.

After being dealt with the position of becoming the Harmund Baron, the younger man definitely found himself interested at the prospect of strength and power… and with his resources at his disposal, then it made sense that he should approach Asher and communicate his interest and desire to hire them.

'I need to do it fast because Viscount Felldan might try to outbid me first.' Baron Harmund thought with a small frown. 'Ah, luckily it's a legion of mercenaries, so hopefully there'll be enough to go around… maybe I can just hire a couple first and see how it goes?'


Lucius noticed that they were already engaged with the prospect of new mercenaries, and he immediately took it as a chance to discuss other things that was going to be of interest and more importantly, of use to him in the long run.

"With the recent and unfortunate events with Viscount Drew, it has also come to our attention that there needs to be a new reform within the Land of Etara. The reason for his desire to leave is unknown to us all truly as he is no longer with us, but one can speculate that it may also be born out of the need for change within the lands." Lucius said.

It was a controversial statement.

And it effectively drew the attention away from the Masked Legion and back to Lucius. There were some looks coming from Count Gabriel and Countess Lita, but they didn't come forward to stop him or anything of that matter.

They had full faith in Asher's ability to communicate his thoughts effectively and Lucius did not let them down.

"I am sure that many of you are already aware of what the Inanis city has accomplished beforehand. With an academy that sought to equip and teach prospective employees, we were able to create a talented field for everyone to hire and gave people a chance to earn their keep."

Lucius gave credit to the thing that happened before his arrival before he continued to his current reform.

"And upon recent times, we were able build a re education center that sought to reduce the crimes in our city which I am proud to say has been successful. There has been significant change in the city, as even those who presume that their lives are already hopeless will find themselves a second chance at reform."

Lucius noticed the whispers of the nobility but continued undeterred. In fact, their whispers were merely a sign that he had their attention and they were immersed with what he was trying to say.

"Our current state and position is good, but we can always strive for more and one can see the positive changes already upon our establishment of the re education center. There is a reduction in crimes, an increase in work and not to mention a better living for everyone in the city. And at what cost? It only takes an initial bit of effort and investment from the part of us who are tasked with the welfare of our people."

This explanation worked for those who were lawful and inclined to think about the prosperity of their people, but Lucius knew he could hit both parties motivated by selfishness and selfless purpose.

"What benefits the people surely benefits all of us. I am sure that many of you can imagine what it would be like to have reduced crime, more productivity and overall satisfaction."

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