Epic Of The Demonic Sage

Chapter 310 Support Of Necklace Of The Damned

"Father, can these two weapons still be repaired?" Lucius asked. It would be a challenge for him if they were repairable.

"It is possible." Count Gabriel said. "However, repairing them would be difficult, while one might think that one can simply acquire a rune crystal and slot it back… I'm afraid that it does not work that way, from what I know. It takes much more crafting from the artificer's guild."

"Of course. The idea of putting a rune crystal without taking into account how it was previously made does not make sense at all, father. Ludicrous even." Lucius chuckled. "If we perhaps grab the blueprint from the original maker, then we might be able to understand the necessary components? I presume that the rune crystals are measured in a certain way that generates enough power without destroying the weapon."

"I doubt that the axe's maker is still around, but getting blueprints is something difficult with how guarded the artificers are." Count Gabriel shook his head. "On the contrary, it would be much cheaper to buy a new artifact instead of trying to fix these."

Lucius nodded. It seemed like repairing required someone who truly was an expert in creating artifacts, or was able to work back from the current state of the former artifact.

This was something that Lucius would be able to work on his spare time, but for now he had other things to take care of.

"I see, thank you, father. I will make sure to put these weapons to good use, but I'll take my leave for now."

"Of course." Count Gabriel nodded. "If you have any need, do not hesitate to ask me for it."

"Hmm… now that you've mentioned it, the Black Rose Knights are quite a diligent order, father." Lucius said, weighing his words properly. He didn't want to put more suspicion than any necessary, but also wanted to avoid attention.

"They're an elite group after all, Asher." Count Gabriel said. "If they were not this diligent in conducting the culprits for your assassination, then I wouldn't have accepted their help from the king."

Lucius' brows raised at that.

It was a bold statement considering that it was the king who personally lent them to Count Gabriel, but then Lucius now knew that the Count was someone who did what he wanted if pushed to a certain limit.

"Do you have any issues with them?" Count Gabriel asked. "Three were sent to get answers from Earl Aisse, and the three who remain are to ensure your protection and of our family. I hope you understand that they're simply trying to do their jobs, but feel free to state your concern."

"I understand what you mean, father, but I'd rather have some freedom without anyone's presence preventing me from doing what I want." Lucius said. "There are some works that I'd like to keep private, like the Dionysia Brewery for example. It would be quite troublesome if they were to learn that we're behind it and not Alessa for example."

"I see." Count Gabriel looked at Asher and knew that there was some truth to those words, and yet it almost felt like there was something else. "Anything else?"

"Well, it did bother me when they attempted to privately question me about the… incident." Lucius said, keeping his expression a little blank.

However, that expression was enough to make Count Gabriel look at Asher carefully. It was much harder to read his son's facial expressions compared to before, but there was some uncomfortableness?

At least that was what Lucius wanted to give off to the Count. It was enough to make Count Gabriel worry that the Black Rose Knights were pushing him too much.

"I see, thank you for letting me know. I'll keep them off your back, although I'm quite sure that the information we've gotten from jail, they'll be more or less satisfied for awhile." Count Gabriel said. "Though, while you're here in the mansion, they won't bother you either."

"Thank you, father." Lucius said, finally satisfied with the outcome as he took his leave.

He then took his chance to grab a quick dinner before returning to his room.

It had actually taken them much time in the jail questioning the associate of Leif before they've gotten answers and paired with his conversation with the Count.

Since it was already late, Lucius decided to meditate and check on his soul's condition.

To Lucius' certain delight, there was a significant change in his soul. It had gotten stronger in a way that was difficult to describe, except it was something that he felt internally.

However, Lucius at least knew where to attribute it.

"Certainly this strength can be only because of one thing." Lucius took himself to his soul's space and reached out for his soul equipment.

The Necklace of the Damned was still hanging on his neck and was slowly nourishing his soul.

This was one of the passive effects of the soul equipment and also why they were considered so valuable.

"But this reminds me, during my encounter with that assassin Biroy, instead of using hell energy, I've used the Necklace of the Damned to power the Veil of Terror as well as the fireball spell." Lucius mused to himself.

He had been wanting to give the spell additional power, so resorted to using soul energy, and luckily for him, it actually worked out naturally.

The use was not difficult when he used the soul equipment's power.

On the contrary, it was quite easy and smooth.

"Hah. This is incredible. The spell matrices did not become unstable during that period so it is quite a viable alternative compared to Hell Energy. So this means that using the Necklace of Damned can take away my problems with the spell matrices collapsing after several use."

Lucius was glad about this new discovery.

"It's certainly a convenient thing to use, unlike when the Hell Energy and Aether get in conflict with one another. However, if this was in my old world, this would be a completely terrible idea."

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