Entering Apocalypse in Easy-Mode

Chapter 204 Back To Ruined World

After saying that, there was silence for several minutes between Asqa and Clyde. Clyde thought that he might have said something Asqa didn't want to hear. After all, she didn't look like a girl who would hold a grudge.

'I'll help you any way I can!'

However, to Clyde's surprise, Asqa actually supports his intention. In her voice, Clyde could even feel overwhelming emotions.

'W-What?' Clye is struck dumb by her unexpected reaction.

'Yes! I will help you as best I can. They've gone too far. How could they betray the one who saved them, and helped them through the disaster?!'

Once again, Clyde could feel Asqa's great emotion. Sadness, anger, and of course a great desire for revenge.

Maybe because they are connected telepathically, their emotions can be channeled better than when speaking normally.

Clyde grinned. 'I didn't think you could say that. I thought you would refuse.'

'What do you mean refuse? I can only stay silent for the past few months because I don't know what to do. But now, we have met and talked.'

Clyde snorted and smiled. It feels good to know someone is on your side like this.

'So, what are we going to do? I can help you find information but I can't get out of Archangel Uriel's domain or it would be suspicious,' said Asqa.

'Okay. You do that first. Find out as much information as you can about Mona and God Loki. Meanwhile, I will gather strength before actually taking action,' replied Clyde.


After that Clyde decided to end their conversation because he felt his Mana was depleted really fast. It was quite surprising because Clyde's level of Magic Power had already reached level 30.

That means the communication between this place and The All Territory does consume a lot of Mana. No one in Sivagadh Fortress should have been able to do that in as long as he has.

Asqa said goodnight and ended their communication. She still looks quite reluctant to end it, though.


Clyde let out a long breath after the connection finally worked. The communication had completely drained his Mana and made Clyde feel as if he had just come back from a brawl.

'So, I now have someone I can contact in The All Territory.'

Clyde nodded to himself, satisfied.

'Now all I have to do is gather power to fight them.'

Those four people must have become much stronger than before from receiving the power of their Celestials master. So it's only natural that Clyde has to gather enough power before starting a direct confrontation with them.


The next day, Clyde and Leon's group are planning to immediately go to Ruin again. However, he noticed something strange, like a thick feeling of being followed.

He looked around but all he could see were the fantasy creature engaged in their morning conversation.

But Clyde clearly prefers to trust his instincts. After all, anyone who follows him won't show themselves just like that, so it's only natural that he can't see them amidst the crowd.

'Did they realize I contacted Asqa last night?'

Clyde was starting to feel a little worried. It just might happen. He thought that he should ask Maethion later.

They agreed to meet again at Hammer's smithy because there the portal to go to the hidden Ruin was located.

When he arrived, Clyde found Leon, Albert, Wiley, Rosie, and Lola already there. They also had the new weapons made from the bones they gather for yesterday.

Once again Clyde praised the amazing performance of Hammer and his men.

Lola looked even more tired than yesterday. There are eye bags under her eyes.

"What happened to you?" Clyde asked with a frown.

"O-Oh, I... did shooting practice last night." Lola smiled shyly. "Sorry, you saw my ugly face because I stayed up late."

"There's nothing wrong with your face," Clyde said dryly.

But somehow, Lola showed a reaction that he thought was odd. Her eyes widened as if surprised.

"What?" So Clyde asked.

Lola turned her face away. "N-Nothing."

Thinking it wasn't important, Clyde turned to the rest of the group. "Are you guys ready?"

"Yeah, we're ready," Leon answered. "Are we going to the same place?"

Clyde nodded. "There are still lots of monsters in that place. And from there we can also get materials for the next equipment.

I'm still curious about the whereabouts of those pink crystals. It seems, that pink crystals trigger some kind of evolution in those monsters. And we haven't found the most powerful monsters there either."

Clyde's words made them shudder.

"What do you mean powerful monster?" Wiley asked with a look of horror.

"You remember the fifth and sixth days of the Selection Stage?" Clyde asked.

Upon hearing that, not only Wiley and his friends, but Hammer also stopped moving as if frozen.

The terror instilled by the fifth and sixth days for them is still too great for them and makes them unable to react.

Clyde realized their reaction. So he decided to say something that would ease their fear.

"There's no need to rush now. We can fight the small monsters first until your levels are high enough."

Even so, they know that eventually, they will also meet those terrible monsters.

"Let's go now."

They entered the portal and disappeared. Hammer gulped when he was alone.

"That kid is..." Hammer shook his head, he lost words for Clyde. How could he talk about fighting a hideous monster on the fifth day carefree?


As soon as they arrived at the Ruin, they immediately continued their hunt just like before. Now that they knew what they had to do, they wasted no time.

Within minutes they had discovered the abnormal T-Rex. This time, with enough preparation, they could kill the T-Rex without experiencing the same trouble as yesterday.

But Clyde felt a strange feeling. He turned his head but still saw nothing.

'Oh right. This is a world that should be destroyed. So it's not surprising if something bad suddenly happens in this world.'


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