Entering Apocalypse in Easy-Mode

Chapter 123 Beheaded

This time, there was nothing solid that he could use as a foothold. Even so, Clyde saw no problem in that.

It turned out that with the Demonic power he got, Clyde could step into the air as if it were a solid object and shoot toward the Outer God. Though, he couldn't keep doing it because the ability would weaken the more he used it.

Eventually, Clyde will fall because he can no longer step in the air. He had almost been hit hard because of that mistake he didn't know about.

Luckily, he was still able to block the Outer God's swing with the Elderglass Sword. So he was just thrown down without feeling the blow directly.

Asqa gasped when she saw Clyde hit. She was already running towards him.

But then Asqa saw that Clyde had shot back toward the Outer God almost without missing a beat. That makes her certain that Clyde is fine.

So Asqa now intends to get closer to Sonya and give her help.

The fight, which was mostly in the air, was quite difficult. Clyde is clearly the one at the disadvantage because of his size and limited time to stay in the air. So Clyde has to play carefully if he doesn't want to fail.

Clyde threw a ball of dark red fire that was covered in Demonic power toward the Outer God's face. However, because the distance was still far away, the fireball could not land properly and only hit its face.

The Outer God's hand came back. Clyde kicked the air causing his body to spin. Then he stabbed the Elderglass Sword in that gray arm.

Dark red lightning shot out from where the sword had penetrated and scorched the Outer God's flesh. Clyde then drew his sword and ran down its arm.

From below, they could see that dark red flash of lightning blazed across the Outer God's hand.

The Outer God used that other arm trying to hit Clyde who was in that hand. However, Clyde immediately jumped to avoid it so that the Outer God just hit its own arm.

Clyde jumped into the other hand. Then dashed again closer to its face.

The Outer God's eyes flashed yellow and noticed Clyde's presence. For a moment, Clyde seemed to see those eyes widen and showed fear. But Clyde immediately thought that was impossible.

He kept running until he finally felt that he was close. Clyde intends to send another fireball. It occurred simultaneously with the Outer God's eyes starting to shine even brighter.

Clyde remembered how those eyes gave off a light so bright it blinded him. So he immediately created the fireball and shot it toward the Outer God's eyes.


Luckily, the fireball managed to hit the Outer God's eye before it had a chance to emit its light. Clyde's gamble ends up winning.

The Outer God let out that terrifying scream again. The head was knocked back after being hit by the fireball. Exposing its neck to Clyde.

Clyde's eyes had found a good target. He increased his speed and in the blink of an eye, he was already in front of the neck.

Clyde slashed the Elderglass Sword with all his might at the Outer God's pale neck.


Because Clyde increased the reach of the sword with the Demonic energy he had, his slashes could cover a very long area. He could almost cover the Outer God's entire neck.

There was a dark black, foul-smelling liquid that was supposed to be blood oozing from the large cut. The liquid hit Clyde who was so close.

Clyde immediately kicked the Outer God's body. The Outer God grabbed its neck.

No more screams of pain came out, all that could be heard was a gasping sound like someone whose breath was simply cut off.

The black liquid splashed out like a fountain and filled the surroundings with dark liquid and an unbearable stench.

But Clyde ignored all that. He couldn't waste this opportunity just because of a bit of stench.

So Clyde landed on the Outer God's shoulder and intended to attack again. However, the Outer God, who was in pain and cornered because he felt so close to death, didn't let him.

The Outer God opened its mouth wide. Now at this close, Clyde could see the abyss and its five wriggling parts full of rows of teeth.

Clyde didn't know whether to attack the abyss' throat or dodge. But the answer came shortly after when the Outer God tried to eat him.

Clyde kicked the Outer God in the shoulder and flew backward. Even so, he couldn't avoid it completely. The tip of the Outer God's teeth hit his left leg and left a bloody scratch.

Clyde cursed inside. After a while, he landed on the ground. Everything he had done to get to the Outer God's neck, had to start from zero again.

Realizing that made Clyde feel frustrated. But it's better than being torn by those rows of hundreds of teeth.

The Outer God gripped its neck which was gaping from Clyde's slash. Black blood that looked like ink kept pouring out of the wound and mouth.

Seeing that Clyde grinned. The suffering he saw in the Outer God relieved his frustration a bit.

The Outer God's eyes shone brightly again. Clyde thought it would give off that dazzling bright light. However, those eyes dimmed again as if they had lost their power.

Clyde grinned again. "Not so strong now, huh?"

After being repeatedly hit, Clyde could see that the Outer God was getting closer to death.

Clyde was about to be charged again towards it. But the sting of pain in his left leg that was hit by the Outer God's teeth made him fall to his knees again.

"I have to move now!"

There's no time. Before the Outer God could pull something out to save himself, Clyde had to kill it. Or he will regret it.

So Clyde forced his sore leg to move. He dashed forward at high speed, then kicked off the ground again to shoot up.

A growling sound from a broken neck was heard. The Outer God saw Clyde approaching accompanied by dark red lightning. That sight was reflected in those eyes that widened in horror.

Clyde kicked the air several times then dashed over the Outer God's body. As soon as he arrived in front of those eyes, Clyde thrust the Elderglass Sword into the remaining Outer God's eyes.


Clyde immediately streamed his lightning through his sword. He tried to pour in as much Magic Power as possible.


The red lightning came out through the nose, ears, and incision on the neck. Dancing like serpent trying to break out.

Then, the Outer God fell backward.


A huge booming sound was created as the Outer God's gigantic body hit the ground. Clyde hasn't stopped pouring his lightning until he feels the Outer God is really dead.

But then Clyde felt the symptoms as his Magic Power ran low. Meanwhile, the Outer God was still not dead.

'Damnit! I need to endure a little more!'

Clyde gritted his teeth as he thought about how else he could kill this Outer God.

But his mind was too occupied with looking for the way, and he also had to maintain concentration to channel his Magic Power, so Clyde didn't notice that the Outer God's hand was already moving towards him.

The Outer God caught Clyde's body from behind. Then pulled him and slammed him on the ground.



Clyde was now in a precarious position, between the Outer God's palm and the sharp ground. He felt pain all over his body. And the lightning that enveloped his body began to dim.

He knew that now his Magic Power was almost exhausted. Even he could no longer maintain the power of his Skill and Demonic power.

But he still has one more trump card that he saves for emergencies if the Demonic power and the Nightmare Orb aren't enough to kill the Outer God.

'I have to use my 'Title' now!'

[Title: Limit Breaker (Lv.2) is activated! ]

[All Stats (+2)! ]

[ You have become a Transcendence! ]

[ Your strength has exceeded the maximum Stat of a normal human! ]

Now, by combining the power of [Title], Demonic power, and the Nightmare Orb, Clyde's power has multiplied.

He slashed the hand that was squeezing him into pieces and then shot up. The dark red lightning surrounding his body grew even brighter.

Clyde headed towards the Outer God's head and finished his work. The Outer God saw him coming but couldn't do anything because of Clyde's speed.

With a scream, Clyde extended the Eldgerglass Sword and slashed the Outer God's neck which was almost severed.


The slash that lasted in the blink of an eye separated the Outer God's head from its body.

The head shaped as a cow's head rolled away with a mouth open to five different sides and eyes that had lost their life.


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