Enlightened Empire

Chapter 310: Conspiracy

Chapter 310: Conspiracy

The kings of Rasacopa had always loved to consider their Green Island a unified kingdom, and themselves the absolute rulers of all of its lands. However, only a short walk beyond the city limits would dispel that illusion. Out here, one horizon into the inner island from Rasacopa's western borders, started what the commoners called the 'Green Underworld', the impenetrable jungle of the Green Island.

Inside, the lay of the land was barely explored. Almost no one would dare venture too deep into the land controlled by predators like panthers and gorillas. Though they were nothing compared to even more insidious threats like the deadly mosquitoes that sucked people dry, or the most mysterious jungle fever that befell anyone who dared to stay among the trees for too long.

As a result, the jungle was still ruled by its own laws and inhabitants, and didn't listen to the ideas of any mortal king. At the same time, it had also become a place for many young warriors among the Verdant Folk to prove their worth among their peers, owed to the jungle's inherent danger. Often, warriors would organize solo hunting trips that had come to be known as 'solace journeys'.

The goal was to survive the many threats inside, fell one of the jungle's giant beasts, and return victorious and unharmed through nature's challenges. Of course, the jungle was no playground, and most warriors of the Verdant Folk were judged more by their seafaring abilities than by their raw strength, so such challenges were rare. They were only limited to the foolhardy, and to those who needed to prove something, either to themselves or to others.

Thus, Captain Tayali had arrived on the edge of the jungle, together with his entourage, to prove to his followers that he was still worthy of loyalty.

“Captain, is this truly necessary?” one of his followers asked with a fretful look towards the depths of the forest. “Maybe some raids at sea would be more suitable to remind the others of your strength.”

However, Tayali wouldn't have any of it.

“The princess and her foreigner husband are trying everything to ruin my reputation right now,” he grumbled. “All this time, they have made nothing but trouble for me. And now, some of those idiots are starting to believe them, as if I've ever acted in any way but honorable.”

“That's right! We all know that Captain is a true warrior!” his man reinforced.

“But the normal people no longer see it that way,” Tayali said. “The princess has taken control of the court now, and many proper warriors have been infected as well. Now, she has free reign to weaken the power of Rasacopa's warriors and take away our traditions and customs, all in the name of 'defense'. If we want to throw out the foreigners and return to our old way of life, I need to replace her and take charge of the court. But for that, I need to prove that I am still one among the warriors, and one of their greatest, and I can't wait for the war to happen to do so. By then, it will be too late, so all that remains as proof is the Green Underworld. What counts a bit of danger in the face of our heritage? I will prove to everyone that I am still worthy to lead, far more worthy than a little girl.”

“I understand now, captain.” At last, his subordinate had realized how dire the situation was. Thus, he held Tayali's tools towards the captain and simply said, “Good luck.”

With that, Tayali took his saber, shield, and spears, as well as his net from the warrior and left, into the depths of the jungle. This wasn't the first time he had come here, but it still fostered a depressing atmosphere in the captain's heart, as if humans were not meant for this place.

In fact, many among the warriors had whispered among them that the old king had invited disaster when he had forced workers into the jungles to clear out more space for farms. Powerful divine beings were said to live inside the jungle, yet the king ignored the old tales, all in the name of his greed. Some beings were not easy to offend, and the king had reaped his just rewards in the end.

Luckily, Tayali wasn't as headstrong as the dead king and was willing to listen to the words of the ancestors. While he also entered inside, he only did so after extensive ritual and blessings from a priest. Even so, he was nervous. At least he wouldn't go too deep into the forest.

Instead, he simply walked a short distance in a straight line, along an old forest trail. Even though this was a path sometimes used by those in the know to enter the forest, everything was still overgrown by the endlessly expanding forest. Sweat dripped down his body and ran down his back as he hacked away at the thick brushwork, making slow but steady progress. He hadn't been out of view of his men for very long when he reached a small clearing. This was a place most people didn't know existed, an oasis of light among the eternal shadows of the jungle. However, Tayali knew this clearing well, for it was where he had done struck a number of political deals over the past season or two. As was usually the case when he came here, the person he was dealing with was waiting for him already. “You are late, warrior.” advisor Phuyu said, same as usual. Rather than play the game of power they always played, Tayali looked around the empty clearing in annoyance.

“Where are the tigers you promised me?” he asked. “You said you would have a few good ones prepared for me by the time I came here.”

Tayali walked towards Phuyu without ill intention, but only realized that something was wrong when the advisor took a step back and raised his hand in defense.

“Captain, I would prefer if you put your knife aside. Such shiny steel is not something this old man is accustomed to. Someone could get hurt.”

Confused, Tayali halted and looked down, only to realize that he still had his saber held up high and pointed straight at Phuyu's face.

With a sneer at the advisor's weakness, he put the saber back into its sheath, before he returned an insincere “apologies”. Since there was no news on the tigers yet, he wouldn't press the old man any more. Maybe Phuyu's warriors were out in the jungle right now to hunt a good specimen for him, so Tayali didn't mind the delay. In the first place, the tigers weren't the main reason he had come here, and it seemed like Phuyu had realized the same.

“So what do you wish to discuss this time, captain? I was of the impression that there would be no further meetings.”

The old man gave him one of his stinky looks, but Tayali didn't care. Phuyu's anger had the same threat as the anger of a kitten. What could the timid old man possibly do to a warrior like him?

“Yesterday, all warriors around the princess quarters were replaced by foreigners. That is a good third of the whole palace complex. She did so right after the court session, clearly prepared for a long time. This morning, even the old librarian was forced to retire by her hand. When I say that she will be all our end, do you believe me now? The princess is starting to take over with her army of foreign mercenaries. Who knows how long we still have until we are considered unnecessary as well. At this rate, it will be only a few days more and not a single one of us will be left in the palace. For now, you've shied away from any conflict because of your timid heart. And for some reason, you lost your mind and played straight into their hands at the last session. But you can't claim to stay neutral anymore. You've already taken sides for the outsiders, and the moods of the warriors have begun to turn in favor of the princess. That will be bad for both of us, it will end both of our roles in the court. But I can still turn it around, all I need is your help.”

“And how would this timid-hearted man change the opinions of so many warriors?”

In response to Phuyu's weak claim, Tayali could only sneer. The old man was always very low-key, but that didn't mean he didn't have any power. Aside from Tayali himself, the old advisor had more influence over the warriors than anyone, especially in the palace, where many of those in power were his direct students.

“All you need to do is rescind your words,” Tayali explained. “Without you as a witness, the heroic claims of the foreigners would be seen by any sane man as the ridiculous lies that they are. Defeating fifteen ships with ten, without any losses, exploding their own ships while they were still on it. Who would believe such nonsense if it had not come from your mouth? Just claim that you were forced. The princess and her husband... maybe smuggled someone into the palace, like they did with the maids. And now, those hidden assassins threaten your family's lives if you don't comply and pretend their fake story was real. That is all it takes to regain the rudder and steer the island into the right direction. Now you need to make a choice. You are either on our side, or on theirs. And remember when you choose: Your ancestors are watching.”

“You see, this is the very reason why I have already chosen the way I did.”

As he spoke, advisor Phuyu stepped back again. A confused Tayali checked his equipment like before, but couldn't find anything threatening this time. When he looked back up, the old man was already ten steps away, almost to the treeline.

“What are you doing?” Tayali asked, a bad hunch in his heart. He began to close the distance, but two warriors came out of the jungle behind Phuyu, large shields in their hands to protect their master.

“What are you trying to do!” the captain shouted and drew his own saber again, this time with ill intent. He was confused, but he wouldn't be scared. His own shield raised, he was ready to take on his enemies.

Only two, I can take them.

Yet before he could act, a sudden thump in his back broke his balance and made him stagger a step forward. Confused, he looked at the advisor who had started to talk again.

“You see, this is what I mean. Why would you ever come here without any protection, when we were, at best, allies of convenience? This lack of political instinct has made you look so much like a fool, and has caused so much trouble for all of us. Your moves in court have been clumsy, one and all. Every time you open your big mouth, you get shown up by the foreign king and the little princess. It makes us all look bad, and it has eroded confidence among the warriors. What makes you think that you of all people are the man to turn the tide? Do you have another one of your poorly conceived plans on offer?”

While Phuyu spoke, Tayali barely registered the words. By now, the pain had started to set in. He reached for his back, and felt at the piece of wood that stuck out of his body. When he brought his hand back to his eyes, it was smeared with his blood, and his saber had long fallen to the ground.

He knew he was done for, and he should have known before. Phuyu was a coward, so he wouldn't face him without many layers of protection. How had he never considered this? Now that he was in their trap, Tayali knew that there would be no escape. However, he wouldn't just give in like this.

“This is your only chance, our only chance,” he tried to reason again. Now that his legs were about to give in, he couldn't win any other way. “You think you can save your head by presenting mine on a platter? After I disappear, you will be the only one with any influence among the warriors, which makes you the biggest threat to our new rulers. Once the princess has settled her foreigner friends in, you will be next.”

His words had just finished when another two thumps hit his back and made him fall face first into the mud.

“Are those your final words, warrior?” he heard from above. “I thank you for the advice, but there is no need to worry about my future. See, you would not understand all the intricacies, but I believe I have found a way to preserve not only my life, but also my position. And your head is just what I need to achieve my goals. I truly need to thank you, captain. Your sacrifice will allow me to retain my role in court, and secure my family's future. We are all very grateful to you.”

As he spoke, Phuyu's voice seemed to become quieter and quieter. Tayali tried to lift his head to spit at the traitor, but he couldn't muster the strength to do even that anymore.

Truly, no one should enter the jungle. One day, the curse will take us all.

Those were Tayali's final thoughts, before he died in the dirt.

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