End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1460 - A Tie

Chapter 1460: A Tie

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

A very similar battle began. Lin Yun wore a solemn expression, and the Book of Death’s Magic Tool Incarnation was solemn too.

A perfect law rune appeared, illuminating the void, and marking the beginning of the battle.

Lin Yun’s skin emanated light. A rune surfaced on his arms, shoulders, chest, back, legs, forehead, and other important body parts each. The colorful rune on his forehead, in particular, was a symbol of the Elemental Spirit King Embodiment.

After he performed the Elemental Spirit King Embodiment, the elements of earth, fire, water, and wind gathered around him voluntarily. The four perfect laws were also spreading out glittering ripples.

Countless elemental spirits appeared around Lin Yun. They chanted hymns of elements, making the four laws even more active.

A Four Element Law Bomb appeared in front of the Book of Death’s Magic Tool Incarnation. In the world, a destructive energy ball exploded, enshrouding a radius of thousands of meters in destruction.

That was just the beginning. A rain of Four Element Law Bombs appeared in the void and exploded. It was like a firework show over a close distance. Within thousands of kilometers in the entire void, everything was dominated by the power of destruction. The violent power even raised a storm of destructive elements.

The storm of destructive elements enshrouded a radius of thousands of kilometers without leaving out anything. Everything inside was ravaged.

After the explosions lasted more than 10 seconds, a colorful ball of light darted out of the tides of destruction, and a ribbon extended from the ball. Ignoring the distance between them, it approached Lin Yun instantly, and slapped his shield.

Lin Yun was flung hundreds of kilometers back because of the blast. After he regained balance, he quickly chanted three syllables, and the ribbon in front of him, as if receiving a new order, split up and circumvented Lin Yun.

That was pure elemental mincing. It was connected to the rainbow bridge in the elemental supreme plane. It was a special way for Elemental Spirit Kings to cross elemental planes, and could penetrate elemental planes.

If hit in the front, even the pure elemental spirits would be obliterated by the power of four laws.

Also, not just the laws of earth, fire, water, and wind, but the law of space had been applied too. The space had been folded, allowing the rainbow bridge to cross hundreds of kilometers in no time.

The destructive power and the rainbow bridge were both gone, and the Book of Death’s Magic Tool Incarnation confronted Lin Yun in the void.

“Merlin, your Elemental Spirit King Embodiment is indeed very powerful. It’s even the best embodiment spell that I’ve seen. But that spell is still dictated by laws. The shield of four elements is the simplest, but it can resist the invasion of four elements.

“Even the most destructive storm cannot destroy elements themselves. As long as I melt myself into the elements, even the greatest elemental storm won’t be able to break my shield.”

Lin Yun’s expression didn’t change, and he knew that the guy was speaking the truth, at least theoretically. However, in order to do that, one’s control over elements had to be unbelievably perfect.

A shield of four elements was a level-8 spell at most, normally speaking, because it was usually impossible to control every element that constituted the spell after it was cast. Only the direction and tiny changes could be controlled.

In order to resist the destructive elemental storm with the four element shield, one had to control all the elements in the shield separately. While maintaining the shield, one had to let those elements melt with the destructive storm outside.

Even Lin Yun couldn’t possibly do that with the Elemental Spirit King Embodiment.

In order to do that, he would have to split his attention into a billion parts to control every element in the shield. When he made a mistake, he would be destroyed by the destructive storm.

Lin Yun suddenly felt a lot of pressure. He realized why the Book of Death had never succumbed to anyone. Nobody could possibly beat the guy if they were on the same level. Even Bane, who was as strong a god, would be no match for this Magic Tool Incarnation when they were on the same level.

It seemed that the guy was laws, elements, and all the other powers of the world.

It was utterly impossible to beat the guy with laws and elements.

It was impossible to destroy a law using it itself. It was possible to destroy flames with flames, but it was impossible to destroy the law of fire with the law of fire. That was the truth of the world.

The battle continued. The spells were more and more powerful, and the clashes were more and more intense. The entire void was filled up by violent spells.

Lin Yun’s Demiplane projection, which was also part of Lin Yun’s power, appeared too. The competition of laws joined the battle. In the void, a lot of brilliant belts of light were appearing. The void was twisted, and the belts of light appeared as vortexes.

At this moment, Lin Yun and the Book of Death’s Magic Tool Incarnation were nowhere to be seen. Everything was a complete mess. Everything was colliding.

Gradually, the void was dominated by chaos and collisions. Still, nobody could beat the other party. When their outburst of laws reached the highest point, their attacks scaled down.

The Book of Death’s Magic Tool Incarnation boasted exactly as much power as Lin Yun. Their mana was of the same quantity and quality. Their battle consumption was the same too.

Gradually, they were back to the beginning of the battle. Lin Yun was pale, and his mana was almost exhausted. His soul was so badly weakened that he could barely cast another spell.

The Book of Death’s Magic Tool Incarnation was the same. He could barely cast another spell as well.

The spells they cast turned from level-10 ones to level-8 ones. Then, their levels continued dropping all the way down to level 1.

In the end, it was a collision of level-1 spells. The two of them were so exhausted that a level-1 spell could kill them.

However, in the battle between Lin Yun and the Book of Death, both of them had perfect control over their mana and soul power. Nobody wasted even the slightest amount of mana or soul power.

Last time, the Book of Death’s Magic Tool Incarnation was killed and defeated by Lin Yun’s wind blade, and Lin Yun gained control of the Book of Death. If he was defeated again, Lin Yun would gain full control of the Magic Tool Incarnation.

“Merlin, I have to admit that you’re strong. I gave you the opportunity because you picked a perfect path of magic. Even I can’t possibly find a more perfect being.

“But this time, neither of us is going to win. You only have enough mana to cast a wind blade, and I have enough mana to do that too. If you can’t defeat me, you will fail.”

Lin Yun floated in the void, with deep eye sockets as if he were badly ill. He barely had any vigor left, and his shield was completely gone. He only had enough mana to cast a basic mana shield that would be as powerful as a shield that a Magic Apprentice released…

That kind of shield would be gone after resisting a wind blade.

The Book of Death’s Magic Tool Incarnation was not wrong. It was impossible to beat the guy with so little mana.

But Lin Yun didn’t seem frustrated at all. He simply gazed at his opponent, and raised his head.

At this moment, Lin Yun’s expression slightly changed, and so did that of the Book of Death’s Magic Tool Incarnation. Both of them raised their heads.

An enormous crack was torn open in the void, and a huge head craned into the crack. The gargantuan monster looked like a ghost as it had squeezed into the crack that was obviously too small for its head.

It was not until it appeared in the void that Lin Yun finally saw clearly that the guy was transparent but 10,000 meters tall. Its soul waves made Lin Yun feel like he was being torn apart.

The Magic Tool Incarnation was rather shocked too, and looked at the giant who popped out of nowhere.

“Damn you fools. You think you can confine me with a magic tool? It’s true I cannot break free from this Extraordinary Magic Tool, but I can still travel within it when you and your Magic Tool Incarnation’s control over the magic tool is minimized.

“As long as I swallow both of you, I will have a perfect body that belongs to a natural-born extraordinary life and an Extraordinary Magic Tool that’s born in a supreme plane.

“It’s not entirely impossible for me to reclaim my glories in the past. Nobody can possibly stop me. No. I’m not just going to restore my former glory; I will surpass my past self. The glory of the gods is already the past, and I’m initiating a new age. I’m going to be the new king of gods!”

Lin Yun was quite surprised to see the strange soul that had traveled elsewhere inside the Book of Death, but he was not really scared.

Ignoring the King of Nightmares’ enormous body, Lin Yun turned around and looked at the Book of Death’s Magic Tool Incarnation.

“Let’s start our final round. As long as you can resist my last spell, our battle will be over.”

Everything here would be gone if the battle was over. Lin Yun would be away from this place too, and he wouldn’t be almost dying anymore.

The Magic Tool Incarnation would also be freed from the dying status.

“Merlin, you cannot possibly beat me, and I won’t obey you just because of this…”

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