Empire of the Ring

Chapter 658 - The Black Water of Tundra (1)

Chapter 658: The Black Water of Tundra (1)

“The schedule has changed so quickly that I’ve confused you. You planned a wolf hunting, but it’s canceled because of it? Then why don’t we go on a brown bear hunting later in Kamchatka? It’s my gesture of apology.”

The CEOs had agreed to go on a wolf hunting almost forcibly, but their faces were bleached white at Putin’s remark.

Seeing their faces of disapproval, Putin seemed to ask Youngho for an explanation.

“Mr. President, they have never hunted before.”

“So I’ll guide you. To catch the brown bear, you need the guidance of an experienced person.”

Putin did not deliberately propose a bull hunt to make an impression, but it was rather a gesture of goodwill.

If they knew that there were people standing in line to go hunting with Putin, they would have to comply immediately, but everyone was hesitating, which made Putin wonder.

It was because presidents of multinational companies felt burdened by the fact that they were meeting Putin. They were leading the multinational conglomerate, they were the ones who judged everything by business, not by any means politically motivated.

They were professional managers, not owners.

“Then, you could build your experience here with a wolf hunting and then go to Kamchatka.”

The idea of bear hunting in Kamchatka following wolf hunting meant Putin was willing to maintain a lasting relationship with the CEOs.

For Putin, he was asking to invest in Russia indirectly, giving up his pride.

At Youngho’s glance, Bechtel’s Johnson responded quickly, “I would be happy to join the hunting in Kamchatka if your Excellency would allow me to.”

Then Putin looked pleased.

To accompany him to Kamchatka for hunting also meant that he would invest.

As the atmosphere matured, Youngho made a remark.

“Mr. President. If you allow these companies to sail through the Yenisei River to the Arctic Ocean, the investment would be even more worthy for them.”

“The Yenisei River is a midpoint in Russia, so I’m cautious... Is that a prerequisite for investment?”

Putin was cautious because it was directly linked to Russia’s security.

“Not necessarily. I’m proposing that the Trans-Siberian Railway project will achieve its original purpose if the logistics are dispersed through the Yenisei River.”

The Trans-Siberian Railway should focus on the role of an aorta linking the East to the West. The success of the Trans-Siberian Railway project was in shortening logistics travel time. However, if the logistics from Krasnoyarsk were involved in the shipment, the logistics move would naturally be delayed. If multinational companies carried out large-scale investments, logistics would inevitably increase.

“You have a point. It doesn’t fit the purpose of modernizing the Trans-Siberian Railway, but we can’t ignore the military’s concerns.”

“I know what your concerns are about. Please remember that the Kazakh Royal Navy is also active in the Arctic Ocean.”

Youngho meant that the navy would play a role as an ally.

The two countries even conducted joint drills in the Arctic Ocean, and Putin would know what Youngho meant.

“If you had judged so, you would have looked at it from multiple angles. I’ll try to persuade the military.”

Putin, who wielded absolute power, also controlled Russia’s military. His remark was a political comment. He meant that since he would boldly give up the most sensitive security area, he wanted to see something in return from the CEOs as well.

“Mr. President, the three representatives accompanied the working-level officials on their visit.”

“Oh! You visited the working groups together?”

That meant concrete investment was underway.

“The investment in Krasnoyarsk will be carried out as planned. We also plan to expand our investment to other provinces as long as there is a plausible investment environment.”

Putin’s lips twitched at Youngho’s words. He was very satisfied.

“Okay. The door is always open in Russia. We’ll create the investment environment as you want. I’m going to make you say it’s better than any other country.”

When Putin’s unconventional promises came out of his mouth, everyone’s face brightened.

The remark came from the mouth of the nation’s most powerful man, and no one would doubt it. In Russia, no one would go against Putin.

The officials present at the meeting seemed to be diligently taking notes of Putin’s words, so there seemed to be tangible action soon.


The first face-to-face meeting with Putin seemed to have ended well, though it would be a surprise to know Putin’s desire to dream of the tsar.

It remained to be seen how long Putin would keep today’s promise, but Youngho only hoped he would not disappoint foreign investors who would strengthen his power.

As there were even multinational companies involved, Putin would not be greedy for the time being.

“Putin doesn’t make compromises easily. This unconventional promise proves that foreign investment is urgent. If we invest in such a situation, the Russian government will not disappoint us. You’ve already preempted Russia. Make the most of this opportunity.”

“If the Kazakh royal family takes the lead, we will comply without saying anything.”

“I told President Putin that I would take over the Chinese companies in Krasnoyarsk, so I relieved him of the political burden. That’s why I think it’s better to keep the scale of the lumbering business that Chinese companies have been doing.”

“Do you have any other plans?”

“I would like to recommend a project that can maximize your business interests and actually help Russia.”

Nothing was better than the development of oil fields to achieve noticeable results right away. Of course, there was a chance of failure, but Youngho had faith in its success.

“You mean the oil field development?”

“Yes. It is reported that the oil is buried where the taiga forests meet the tundra. The natives spotted smelly black liquids everywhere.”

It was quite believable because the local mafia, Sergeenko, told him.

The Evenki people lived in Siberia alone for more than a dozen centuries. They followed the reindeers around, so they knew Siberia better than anyone else.

“Your Highness, I’d like to check right away, but is that possible? I can send a survey team to see if there is crude or not.”

“You can do as much as you like. Just now, there’s a car ferry of the Kazakh royal family on standby. If you take a light armored vehicle with you on the ship, you won’t have much trouble moving around. Our staff and the Evenki people will guide you.”

“Is the car ferry equipped with the ice-breaking function?”

“An ice-breaking car ferry is essential to travel through the frozen Caspian Sea and the Russian Canal in winter.”

“You were preparing thoroughly to develop Siberia. I’m sorry we seem to be riding for free.”

“You’ve made a difficult decision, and I’ll serve you that much. It would be nice to wait for a dedicated icebreaker to arrive, but let’s try the ferry first since our schedule is tight.”

The Yenisei River in the middle of winter was as thick as the Arctic Ocean, but they would have no problem navigating. They could sail only to the point where the ship could navigate, and from there, they could reach the destination by using a light armored vehicle.

The ferry, which would carry the Evenki people who would move to the royal territory, was waiting for the private icebreaker to arrive, so Youngho was going to utilize it

There were no airfields in remote parts of Siberia, and there was no way to replenish the oil even if people tried to use a helicopter, so they had no choice but to use land routes near their destination after traveling on the Yenisei River.

“Let’s leave the survey to the survey team, and let’s go for a wolf hunting with Putin.”

“He must be so busy with national affairs. Would he have time for leisurely wolf hunting?”

“The Russian government will take care of it. In Russia, no one can fault Putin for his hobby. Now you have a chance to get close to Putin, so make sure you make the most of it. Just hunting with Putin makes you someone who can’t be touched in Russia.”

“I think we are in a strange country.”

“I told you, didn’t I? This is Russia. If you try to understand it by Western standards, you will never understand.”


The hunt in the forests of taiga, which was forced by Putin’s suggestion, ended well.

The CEOs of multinational companies with no hunting experience had to be satisfied with watching without even touching their guns.

It was because Putin’s bodyguards would not let them near their guns after learning that they were beginners. It was to protect Putin from safety accidents.

However, for the presidents of the multinational companies, it was still a meaningful trip since they could build friendship with Putin.

After the hunting, there was an exchange of the memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the Kazakh royal family and the Russian government on the development of Krasnoyarsk. Multinational companies were mentioned in the MOU.

Although the Kazakh royal family was in charge of the business, ACS in Spain, Vinci in France and Bechtel in the United States were given the status of observer.

“Your Highness, we seem to have unexpectedly qualified as observers.”

“We believe that oil exploration is impossible without your help, so we inserted your companies’ names to jointly develop it.”

“Thank you for letting us participate.”

“To be honest, I’ve got you involved because I might be in trouble for being too greedy.”

The reason why he opened the tundra’s crude oil without monopolizing it was because the Russian government or Putin would not treat the consortium poorly, as it was a collection of different companies.

“Your Highness. Why are you so careful, even though Kazakhstan’s national power has become stronger?”

“Has there been good results historically when a nation took advantage of the difficult situation in its neighboring country? If it’s important to us, it’s important to them. History has taught us how coveting other countries could end up in a conflict between the people of the two countries. I think anything should be done at the proper level. If you find something you can’t handle, it’s better to bury it in the ground for each other’s good.”

The reason why Youngho said this to representatives of multinational companies was that he warned them not to be too greedy to go long in Russia. Even companies that sought profits should do it properly concerning the time and place.

“I’m learning a lot from you today.”

“A professional manager shouldn’t get that kind of realization. Don’t you have to play for the benefit of the shareholders, no matter what you do?”

“Ridiculous benefits are always followed by responsibility. I think that’s a counterweight to the interests of the shareholders.”

“If all three of you think that way, business will go smoothly in Krasnoyarsk. I wish you a long business life in Russia. You won’t be ostracized by the Russians in other provinces of Russia if you do business with that kind of mindset. Russians are hot-tempered but surprisingly vulnerable to affection. They’re quite naive in that sense. Anyway, keep in mind that there are laws in Russia, and there are laws in Siberia.”

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