Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 1031 Destiny Has Other Plans

Chapter 1031 Destiny Has Other Plans

Old Gu: "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed teachers, and honored guests, once again welcome to the Nirvana School's Graduation Event! Today, we gather to celebrate the accomplishments of our talented students and witness their growth as cultivators."

"The young masters of the Sixth Heaven have graced us with their presence, and I thank them for joining us on this momentous occasion. Let us not forget the hard work and dedication put forth by our teachers, who have guided and nurtured these exceptional students."

"As we move forward with the event, I encourage all participants to display their skills and spirit in the upcoming battles. Remember, this is not only a competition but a chance to foster camaraderie and unity among the young cultivators of Second Heaven."

"Let us begin this grand event with enthusiasm and respect for each other. May the battles ahead be fierce and exciting, leaving no doubt that Nirvana School is home to some of the most exceptional cultivators in our realm!"

The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, showing their support and excitement for the upcoming battles. Old Gu's words had set the stage for a thrilling and unforgettable event, and the young masters, teachers, and students alike were ready to embark on this journey of growth and challenge.

Old Gu's keen gaze swept across the students standing on the stage, making them feel a sense of reverence under his watchful eye. He then addressed them with a firm yet gentle tone, "Now, each class will be represented by one of your own. Choose wisely, as this representative will be an embodiment of your class's talent and prowess. They will come forward to draw a number that will determine the order of the battles, those who got the same numbers will face each other!"

Rayus and Noah, in their eagerness, promptly nudged Reinhard forward, nudging him towards the center of the stage. Reinhard grinned with excitement, ready to embrace the challenge that lay ahead. As he stood there, he noticed Jasper, a fellow student from another class, eyeing him.

As word spread throughout the audience about Class Six's achievements and their remarkable progress under Lyon's guidance, a newfound sense of respect began to emerge among the other classes. The once dismissive glances and condescending attitudes were now replaced with cautious admiration. The young cultivators from the other classes realized that Class Six was not to be underestimated.

As the news of Class Six's remarkable achievements spread like wildfire through the audience, a hushed awe filled the air. The other young cultivators couldn't believe what they were hearing, and for some, fear began to creep into their hearts. The once dismissive and contemptuous gazes directed at Class Six now held a sense of trepidation and respect.

Rayus, Noah, and Reinhard stood confidently on the stage, surrounded by the envious and cautious glances of their peers. The teachers from the other classes observed them with a newfound sense of wariness. They had heard rumors about the transformation of Class Six, but to witness the results firsthand was an entirely different matter.

The fear that gripped the other classes was not merely because of Class Six's newfound strength, but also because of the enigmatic figure behind their growth – Lyon. The other teachers had heard tales of the bandit who had once brought terror to the Second Heaven. They had seen the rumors of how he had defeated Drogan and single-handedly turned Class Six from a struggling group of deadweight into formidable cultivators.

Their faces, their cultivation levels, their attitudes... evolved beautifully and gallantly. Not a single shred of hesitation was on them as their determination to win was more than just a recognition now.

"Class one," said Old Gu.

As Old Gu called out Class One, Jasper stepped forward with a confident stride. He approached the urn containing the numbers and reached in without hesitation. The crowd held its breath in anticipation, curious to see which number Class One would draw.

Jasper's hand emerged from the urn, clutching a small piece of paper tightly. He unfolded it with a flick of his wrist and glanced at the number written on it. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he looked back at his classmates. The tension in the air was palpable, and the other students leaned forward, eager to see the number that would determine their fate in the upcoming battles.

Old Gu, standing beside Jasper, couldn't help but be intrigued by the young cultivator's reaction. Jasper was known for his stoic and composed demeanor, rarely showing any emotions openly. But at that moment, there was a glimmer of excitement and confidence in his eyes.

"Class One will be represented by..." Jasper began, his voice steady and clear, "Number One!"

Jasper returned to his class under the cheers of the others, he nodded at the glance of his teacher, Han, before darting back to the other classes. His gaze soon stuck on Reinhard before he smiled inwardly. ( All your achievements were nothing but riding on your teacher's shoulder ).

Lyon suddenly raised his hand before the next class's representative took their number. "I propose a redraw, using a different method."

Lily, the other teachers, and the young masters were all taken aback as Lyon, in the middle of the ceremony, suddenly raised his hand and offered a proposal for change. His action was unexpected, and it immediately captured everyone's attention.

The crowd fell silent as Lyon raised his hand, a bold and unexpected move during the number selection process. Old Gu looked at him curiously, intrigued by the proposal.

Han, one of the teachers, opposed Lyon's idea of changing the traditional order of determining the winners. He believed that the established method had been in place for a long time and should not be tampered with. Han's conservative mindset clashed with Lyon's innovative approach, leading to a heated discussion on the stage.

"I must disagree," Han spoke firmly, standing his ground. "The method of drawing numbers from an urn has been used for generations to ensure fairness and impartiality. Changing it now would be disrespectful to our ancestors and the traditions they upheld."

Lyon, with his arms crossed and a confident smirk, met Han's gaze. "Respecting tradition is important, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't seek improvement. The current method may have served its purpose in the past, but I believe we can create a more dynamic and engaging system, besides, I believe my method will ensure true fairness."

Lyon shrugged as he was not done, "Because, let's be honest here, my class, Class Six, will get the last turn, which means they hardly have a chance at all."

Han, with a hint of skepticism, snorted in response to Lyon's bold proposal. "And what makes you think that would be any better than the traditional method?" he challenged.

Lyon grinned mischievously, undeterred by the skepticism. "Well, let's make it more thrilling and unpredictable," he explained, pointing to the urn. "Return the pieces of paper back inside the urn, and then let the six leaders from respective classes take their positions in a circle around the urn."

As Lyon outlined his idea, the young masters and teachers watched with intrigue, their curiosity growing. Lily's eyes lit up with excitement as she listened to the unorthodox suggestion.

"Then," Lyon continued, "let the old man stand at the center of the circle, holding the urn high above his head, lob it up and destroy it." He raised his hand to demonstrate. "As the papers flutter in the air, the leaders of each class can take whichever piece they can grab."

The crowd murmured with intrigue and excitement, warming up to Lyon's innovative idea. It was indeed a departure from tradition, but the unpredictability of the method made it all the more exciting.

( What a wild fellow ) thought Esmeralda as a mischievous smirk formed with her gaze locked on Lyon.

"Now that is what I'm talking about!" Mavis voiced his opinion.

Old Gu took a moment to contemplate the suggestion, and then he nodded thoughtfully. "Very well," he said, "Let's give it a try. It will certainly add an element of excitement and surprise to the event."

Han was shocked before he frowned at Lyon. He gritted his teeth but he didn't have the power to reduce once Mavis loved the suggestion.

With the principal's approval, Lyon's proposal was set in motion. The urn was returned to its place, and the six leaders of the respective classes took their positions in a circle around it, their eyes shining with anticipation.

Old Gu stood at the center, holding the urn high above his head, and with a dramatic gesture, he released it into the air. He flinched his eyes at the urn before it broke apart. As the papers fluttered down, the leaders of each class reached out eagerly, trying to seize their fate.

Jasper looked at the paper inside his hand, and the number was the same as before, "Hah, looks like I am destined to be number one."

He turned around and his smirk faltered, his eyes widened in disbelief as he saw Reinhard holding the same number as him. The crowd gasped in surprise, and even Lyon couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, intrigued by the unexpected turn of events.

Reinhard grinned mischievously, reveling in the surprising coincidence. "Looks like destiny has other plans," he teased, his voice filled with playful satisfaction.

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