Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 240: Ruin Expedition (4)

Chapter 240: Ruin Expedition (4)

The soldier quickly took a few steps backwards after receiving Lee's expressionless glare. Seeing this, another soldier who had a slightly large build approached Lee. Lee saw the man and found him as a person belonging to the Dwarf race.

"State your intention!"

The Dwarf had a tall figure which could be found pretty rare among the race. The aura of a 4th stage Soul Condensation realm cultivator rippled from his body as he stepped forward and took over the position of the previous soldier.

"We are from the Alaqvier academy and we are going to for the Ruin expedition."

The words were solemn and did not have any expression. Lee maintained his cool while simultaneously scouting the perimeter for any anomaly or hostility.

"The Ruin will not open until tomorrow morning. Don't you people know this basic information?"

The stout Dwarf began to laugh aloud and the soldiers joined him. The students tried to maintain a tranquil face, but the minuscule traces of concealed anger leaking from the students as a result of mocking was detected by Lee.

The professor promptly attributed a very faint amount of Ice affinity to the Mana enveloping the students. The soothing coolness made them calm down their hearts while their fists remained folded. They inwardly apologised for their behaviour.

What the Dwarf soldier said was correct. When a Ruin appears, it will have a natural barrier around it so that no one enters it the very day it appeared. Only after 24 hours did that barrier begins to dissipate.

In the first place, nobody knew why these Ruins popped up at regular intervals! Even Denekewy was clueless as to why these variables give away artefacts and pieces of stuff of mysterious origin whenever they pop up.

But these freebies were accompanied by danger and trials. Sometimes it might be a horde of undead. Sometimes, it could be a trial of pulsating plasma beams.

Though this has been going on for many centuries, nobody was able to predict the monsters or rewards waiting for one in a Ruin.

But some had devoted their lives for discovering the mysterious origin of popping up Ruins, and they were called Explorers.

Now, back to where we were. Lee maintained the poker-face despite the atmosphere. Not that he did not want to give attention, but these toddler activities were simply not worthy of his attention.

The aura of the soldier swept across the party and the students felt a faint hostility from the aura. But it was not something to be cautious about as the Mana envelope was thick enough to cancel it.

Seeing that the feeble students of the magic academy are withstanding the cultivator's aura, the reason was obvious to them. Till Lee is with them, they could only feast their eyes with the curvy figures of the girls.

"What? Cat got your tongue?!"

Lee couldn't help but shake his head at these soldiers' vain attempt to provoke him. Now he understood why they laughed at them. It was clearly to provoke them to do something first hand.

As they saw that the leader of the party is not budging or giving off any kind of expression, they were infuriated.

"He is asking questions, and you think you don't need to answer?!"

The sword-wielding soldier who looked like a cultivator drew his sword and stepped forth. The tip of the blade was only a few inches away from the neck of Lee. Yet, he did not flinch.

The students saw this and were about to raise their weapon when Lee Shen's hands clasped behind his back gestured them not to. The palm of the left arm was open wide and spoke, 'don't'. The students reluctantly lowered their weapons but did not feel at ease.

Lee was about to say something as he opened his mouth when a voice cut him off.

"Well well well, look who is here?."

The intimidating tone gave the students goosebumps. They quickly turned to their right to see the origin of the voice, and their expressions fell. On the contrary, Lee Shen saw a familiar face and his expression slightly brightened.

The 8-foot tall figure of a High Orc walked towards them. When the students felt a shiver going up their spine watching the armoured humanoid beast walking to them, Lee uttered a name-

"Timur Adiuvat."

That one soldier who had his sword pointing at Lee's neck heard him saying the Brigadier in command's name casually. The change of expression indicated the soldier that the situation might be troublesome, for him.

As the black armour plates with golden border lines came walking as a whole, the soldiers immediately assembled on the sides and bowed at the High Orc. The sword-wielding soldier was no exception from this.

The respect grew from fear to this being was tremendous in the hearts of the soldiers. They did not have the guts to take a glance of the triple horned helmet decorating the Brigadier's head. The overgrown canine incisors made a few students take a step back unconsciously.

According to Lee's observations, this man had not changed his outfit since they met last time. The same pair of Odachi with the black and red leather-wrapped handles comfortably sat inside the scabbard. The only change he could notice was dark circles beneath his green eyes.

The maskless face of the Brigadier displayed curled up corners of lips as he neared Lee. As a High Orc, he was taught to respect strong ones, even behind enemy lines.

"Lee Shen, wasn't it?"

Lee literally looked up to the High Orc's face and nodded. The faint smile on his face was unseen by the students, but the soldiers saw it.

The High Orc turned to the soldier who pointed his sword to Lee's neck. Timur placed his right palm on the hilt of one of the odachi and the man froze.

The soldier amassed courage and slowly lifted his eyes and they met a menacing pair of green pupils.

"You, go and open the gate."

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