Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 203: Duel (1)

Chapter 203: Duel (1)

[But there is a possibility that it might not have completely left.]

Lee understood why D had mentioned the necessity of an in-depth analysis. He nodded at Hudson's words, and stared at the empty plate.


8 A.M.

32655 Essence harvested.


"Shall we get going?"

Drake asked, as he saw that all three had finished their breakfast. Receiving the nods of agreement, the professor stood up and took the plate. The trio followed his lead and walked to a set of taps under the label 'Wash'.


After washing the plates and glasses thoroughly, the trio followed Drake's example. The warm water was pleasant to touch, and was apt for germ cleansing. The plates and glasses were placed inside a tray after washing. Drake went to take his books, and they went out of the cafeteria.

The grey robed students were entering the cafeteria as they were exiting. Drake saw a few professors of the academy and greeted them, to which they greeted in response. The visual interface showed that the time was 8 in the morning, and he assumed the reason for the inflow.

"Mira, can you lead Lee to principal Erikko's office? I will join you three in a minute."

The books in Drake's hands were larger, and his hands were not feeling good after holding them for long. Mira nodded and the professor quickly disappeared after walking down an aisle.


The principal's office.

*knock knock*

"Come in."

The voice from the inside permitted them to enter, and Lee followed Jake and Mira. In his chair was Erikko sitting and skimming through a thick file. Upon seeing the trio, he closed the file and placed it over the table.

"Long time no see, Jake and Mira. And Lee, I was wondering when you would come."

The siblings gave a light bow, and spoke-

"We have been busy with missions, principal."

Erikko stood up from his chair, and walked to the window.

"No worries, kids. I am happy that you both are living well. Take a seat."

Jake and Mira sat down and Lee followed their lead. He was careful not to mess up anything in front of the principal.

"I hope mister Lee is ready for the duel."

"Yes sir, I am."

Before Mira could speak up and defend him, Lee had already given an answer. She was confused and glanced at Jake, who gestured to her to stay silent and let him speak. Since Lee was alright, it was natural to let him decide for himself.

*knock knock*

Drake poked his head and asked-

"May I come in?"

Erikko looked over his shoulders and said-

"If I am to say 'No', will you stay outside?"


Drake had already entered inside and gave his response. He walked to the table, and handed over a file to the principal.

"Any casualties?"

"None yet, sir. But we have some students gravely wounded. They will have to stay put in the beds for a few months."

Erikko nodded and opened the file. While he was glancing through the report, Lee used the Map to read the content of the file, which did not have a name.

'Hudson, can you scan the entire file and give me a report?'

[On it.]

Erikko quickly skimmed through the file, and closed it, saying-

"Now.let us go to the arena, shall we?"

When Drake was about to object to the principal's words, Jake stood up and walked to him and whispered the events unrolled before he came in. Knitted brows scanned Lee's face as it conveyed Drake's expression.

Without wasting a moment, Erikko walked out of the office and Drake, Mira, Jake and Lee followed him. They walked straight to the indoor stadium which had opened its large metallic gates for everyone.

While they were walking, Drake came next to Lee and asked why he had accepted the duel. Lee replied that he had no reason to deny it since he was alright, and if he denies for no reason, that would be cowardice.

Drake shaked his head and picked up pace. He knew that youngsters are bound to make mistakes by their fragile and feeble moral views. He hoped not to see this young man lying in the Medical room.


The time was half past eight in the morning, and many had finished their breakfasts quickly. Those who ate, ran to the stadium with all their might to get a hold of the best seats for best view.

Yesterday at noon, Erikko announced that Lee, the champion of the city tournament, and professor Ganga Equis, head of the Magic Research department, would duel in the indoor stadium. He also stated that Miss Ganga objected to his decision of welcoming Lee as a tutor to the academy. Thus, the principal concluded his message by saying-

"Professor Ganga would be evaluating the champion of the city tournament. I would not compel anyone to come and watch, but if you could, you may witness some serious magic brawl."

Drake let Lee know of this information, and he deduced that these students are here to see some action.


Each passing minute was like a year ticking away and the stadium was already filled with students. It was then Lee noticed a pattern with the students' robes.

Each student would have gold coloured circular bands on their cuffs. The long sleeve robes were specifically tailored for each student, and the position of the cuffs was precisely where they are to be.

The gold coloured bands determined the year in which each student was studying. As he was standing next to the raised platform, he saw a familiar face among the crowd, and his mind recollected the name 'Janvi Stuart'. She had five golden bands on her cuff, and it proved that she was a fifth year student.

Another face that caught his eyes was the girl named Val Dimin. The two golden bands on her cuffs told Lee that she was a second year student. Since it was possible for a student to study under more than one department in her lifetime, many dreamed of being well-versed in multiple talents.

A set of footsteps entered the stadium and walked straight onto the raised platform.

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