Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 20: Confession & Affection

Chapter 20: Confession & Affection

The twin stars illuminated Utopia with warmth. The villagers were busy as ever. The crater in front of Paulo's house was nowhere to be seen. Darwin and his companions left for the city. A day had passed since Lee fell from the sky.

An Fenfang was sitting on the chair as she sipped tea from the cup. She was in deep thought and did not hear any noises around her. Her health was restored to its peak, but still had to take a few days of rest.

Doctor was sitting in his courtyard and pondering on Lee's state. From the present condition, the doctor could only say that Lee is probably in a comatose state.

An Fenfang glanced at Lee as she walked to her bed. She was given an account of what Lee did for her from Freya. Fenfang's face lacked expression. She sat on her bed and extended her hand to touch Lee's bandaged hand.

The very moment, Lee opened his eyes. They were brimming with energy. He quickly sat up and his body responded with a painful sensation. His long hair was a mess and he was naked under the blanket.

Fenfang quickly retreated her hand in astonishment. Never had she saw someone jump up from sleeping a whole day. She stared at him with confusion written in her face.

Lee hurriedly looked around and saw Fenfang sitting on the bed and staring at him. His guilt spoke up before he could organise his thoughts.

"Are you okay?! Are you feeling fine?! Does it hurt?!" (Lee)

She put up an awkward smile and replied-

"Yeah, I'm alright. I'm fine. It doesn't hurt anymore." (Fenfang)

Her reply made Lee sigh loudly as he fell back to his bed. Fenfang thought that he's losing balance, but Lee signalled that he's okay and would like to lay down for a moment.

After his reply, she walked out of the room and came back with the doctor in tow. He was the most surprised one as he clearly saw him drenched in wounds. Lee's increased healing factor was directly linked to his high amount of Vitality.

"Boy, how are you still alive?! Are you really sure that you're a human?! I'm amazed by your healing capability." (Doctor)

Lee slowly sat up as he raised his head and said happily-

"I'm happy I'm not dead!"

For the first time, Lee saw shock and confusion in Fenfang's face. The doctor next to her frowned deeply.

"Son, your eyes..they are green! You didn't have them before. How did it change?!" (Doctor)

"What? Is something wrong with my-" (Lee)

Before he finished his sentence, D cut him off.

[When you relearned your experiences, your pupil changed from brown to green. It was pretty unexpected.]

'Is it good or bad?!'

Silence shadowed the room as Lee probed on D.

[Colored pupils are acquired through blessings. When a person is blessed with an element, respective colours shade the pupil. The color green is the rarest and is from the blessing of nature, that is, Essence. Even forest-dwelling elves don't have them.]

Fenfang took a step forward and broke the ice.

"I clearly remember that your eye had brown pupils. Until a moment ago, it was the same. How did they change all of a sudden?!" (Fenfang)

Lee attempted to get out of his bed, but the realisation of nakedness hit him and froze. Seeing his intentions, the doctor spoke up.

"Your dress was all shredded. Paulo had brought a new set of clothes for you. Miss, let us step outside." (Doctor)

The doctor handed him over a new set of clothes and walked out. Fenfang followed him and closed the door behind her. After making sure that the door is closed tight, Lee stepped out of he bed and immediately put on the dress.

The dress was made of leather and wool. It felt more comfortable than his previous ones. He took a moment to appreciate the cozyness it provided. He checked his Spatial ring, and then walked out of the house.

Outside, the doctor and Fenfang were talking in an inaudible voice as Lee entered the scene. Seeing him appear, the doctor smiled and asked about his eyes. Soon, both of them came to understand that even Lee didn't know anything about it.

"By the way, how did you appear in the crater?!" (Doctor)

"I fell from the sky and made the crater." (Lee)

The answer was sudden and simple. His voice was honest and polite. The doctor couldn't just believe it.

"How did you fall from the sky?!" (Doctor)

"Because I cannot fly." (Lee)

"Not that. How did you reach till the clouds?!" (Doctor)

"I jumped." (Lee)

"Why would anyone jump at the clouds?!" (Doctor)

"Because I sensed a Law fragment in it." (Lee)

The exchange between the doctor and Lee was progressing in a weird manner, so Fenfang could only silently listen to it. But his last answer made both of them frown as they turned to him.

"You can sense Law fragments?!" (Fenfang)

"Not precisely, but I get a feeling when it's in the vicinity." (Lee)

The doctor was calm and in deep thought. His eyes closed and a frown deep etched on his face. Upon deciding something, he opened his eyes and told Lee.

"What you said to us, must not be known to another being. It'll only bring chaos and destruction to you and those near you." (Doctor)

Every answer Lee gave was according to D's advice. It was for two reasons. One, to let them know of his 'uniqueness' and to not question him any further in his actions. Two, to make Fenfang intrigued in Lee. Obviously, Lee didn't know of these reasons. If he had known, he would have protested.

"You two, stay inside the room. Act as if you're recuperating from injuries." (Doctor)

The doctor gave a short advice to both and walked towards Paulo's house. Lee and Fenfang promptly went inside and sat on their beds. A strange silence enveloped them.

"I'm sorry for my actions. If I had not teased you, you would not have ended up in this state. I'm sorry"

Lee spoke his guilt out. Fenfang bit her lips upon hearing this.

"It's not your doing. It was my carelessness that caused it. You have not done anything wrong."

She tried to take his guilt away, but didn't succeed.

"Miss, I want to ask you something."

Saying this, Lee stood in front of her and knelt on one knee. His head was heavy with guilt.

"May I protect you in the future?!"

His question stunned Fenfang. She had already convinced herself that it was her fault. So she didn't know what to say.

"Young man, I did tell you that it was my mistake. You don't have to be so hard on yourself." (Fenfang)

Lee took a moment to respond.

"What's done is done, and it is clear that my actions have caused your state to worsen. It is not me, but my guilt speaking. I want to atone my wrongdoing. I want to accompany you in future. And.....

You're beautiful to me. I like you."

(A.N. this is not romance, but guilt. Please don't misunderstand.)

His confession skipped her heart. Her eyes went wide as she tried to speak out something. Soon, she came to realise that he'll never live well if she denied his 'proposal'.

"I can understand your guilt and desire to protect me. But what you said it true?!"

When Lee lived his life on Earth, he was an offbeat boy with good physique who did not find a necessity of love. He saw girls like his own sisters, and they felt secure with him. He had already spoken his heart out, so none confessed their love to him. They knew that he'd outright reject it. He felt that love is something that should be used to shelter, care and protect one another, and not to wantonly fall in relation and make love.

"All I know about myself is my name and that I have a blade with me. I do not know where I'm from. I do not know where I belong. And I do not know what and who to protect. Living in the forest made me realise two things. One, treasure love and care. Two, protect those you love and care. Until the day we fought, I have never had such a feeling in me. Now my own conscience is asking me to protect you. I do not know what to do if you deny my request."

Lee spoke with honesty. His voice was trembling with an unknown discomfort. Fenfang noticed the teardrops falling on the wooden floor. She was moved from his sadness.

She wanted to speak, but the voice didn't come out. For the first time in her life, her voice shut itself in her throat. With no idea of what to do, she stood up and held Lee's shoulders, and raised him. A few words came out of her mouth without her consent.

"If you are crying like a baby, then how can you protect me in the future?!"

Thinking upon her spontaneous response, she became red like a tomato. A smile lightened up Lee as tears rolled down his cheeks.


They stood there for about three minutes, without uttering anything and looking each other in their eye. A seed of love sprouted in their minds. Lee took a step and came closer. Despite of their age difference, they were equally tall. Lee took her hands from his shoulders and held it. She unconsciously gripped her against his. Seconds passed by as they slowly came closer. Now they can hear each other's rough breathing clearly. Fenfang gulped down saliva as sweat drops rolled down her neck. She felt her body heating up and a strange and pleasant sensation rising in her. Lee saw her changes and he kept his face about 3 inches from her. Seconds later, he can see visible unrest on her face.

Finally, she lost her patience and shook his hands off. Lee expected her to back off. But what happened was opposite to it.

Fenfang went commando and held his head as she planted her lips on his. Lee was stunned for a second as his first kiss was thus stolen. But he played along a second later. The kiss was filled with affection and care. Fenfang eventually loosened her grip and wrapped him with her hands. His right hand went down to the waist while his left went up to the neck. The intensity only increased by each passing moment.

Fenfang had to put a halt to her affectionate deed because she nearly ran out of breath. Lee understood her situation as she was still recovering. They stood there, looking into each other's eyes passionately, and regulating their breath. There was a feel of satisfaction in the air.

(A.N. maybe it was romance. donno, I've never wrote b4.)

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