Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 158: Massive Door Of Dungeon

Chapter 158: Massive Door Of Dungeon

As Lee cluelessly received the talismans on his body without his consent, they were activated, and a numbing sensation coupled with agonising pain crawled over Lee. Two talismans were stuck on each of his limbs, and crucifying pain enveloped his body. Lee lost his composure and cried out loud, in pain!

After a dozen seconds of pain, Lee felt his body heavier than usual. He evaluated that his body was at least 4 times heavier, and his limbs were already suffering from the dissecting experience. A scorching sensation was felt on his wrists and heels, and Lee struggled to raise his head, and saw a sight never seen before.

Golden yellow ring materialised around his wrists and heels, delivering an intense burning sensation. The ring began to brighten up and Lee couldn't control the pain. He ended up roaring, and Chu Hua was content with the result. She stood up and spoke-

"For your information, we, the Moon Water sect, do not tolerate male dominance and would punish anyone when came across. Today is your turn to learn that women are not men's subordinates and are greatly superior in the world, known and unknown. Now repent your sins for the rest of your life."

Lee was barely conscious, as his ears registered the words. He can clearly feel his energy being drained from him. An imminent sense of danger popped up in his mind, as he saw the sect leader gesturing something to someone who was next to her. His mind repeatedly murmured-

'Must escape.'

Against his will, Lee felt his body floating. Before completely losing his control over his body, he leaned forward and leaped onto the nearest cultivator, and grabbed onto her collar. Using all of his force fuelled by pain and rage, he swung her around. Fortunately for Lee, she went and collided with many other cultivators around him. Some of them were the ones who maintained the talismans, and their control was lost. The scorching rings disappeared into thin air, and Lee came back on his feet.

Like a caged beast released, Lee violently fought back. The talismans flew away from his skin and he sensed the dreadful draining halting immediately. A spear in the hands of a cultivator was caught in his eyes. Taking a glimpse of the well made spear, Lee snatched it away from the owner's hands. A new energy began to channel through his body.



Lee was literally dancing on the stage, with the spear flashing horizontal. Many were subjected to face slaps with the spear. Lee was extra cautious not to kill or severely damage anyone around him, because that could seal his fate.

A few cultivators jumped up and threw talismans at Lee. Lee tried to deflect the talismans with the spear, but they were sticky in nature. The four talismans began to glow with a red hue, and threw the spear out of his hand.


Never would have he thought those talismans to be explosive in nature. He had a feeling that they were dangerous, but not like an explosive. The accumulated power of four explosion talismans was powerful enough to throw him out of the stage. Each talisman was as powerful as a kilo of TNT exploding.

Lee was thrown out of the stage like a projectile, and he crashed to the array of seats. The wooden constructs prickled against his body, and Lee immediately sprang up on his feet. The obscurity of vision on the stage made everyone descend from the platform, and Lee, who was standing and alert, was caught in their sight. Without contemplating on the current affairs, Lee turned around and ran aimlessly.

The pain on his feet and arms were fading away, and Lee began to pick up his pace. The flat and paved ground did not give much hardships for Lee as he sprinted. Guessing the direction of the front gate, Lee jumped with all his might.


A steel dart came and pierced his skin, only to be pulled out by Lee. The wound was shallow, but this gave him a revelation that a volley of such darts were right behind him. He leaped sideways and ran diagonally in order to evade the darts. The star shaped shurikens among them were coated with mild poison, powerful enough to numb and immobilise Lee in less than five minutes. Thus his evasion became more active.

Cultivators pounced on him from all sides. The sheer quantity of the opponents proved exhausting and troublesome. Concealed sneak attacks under the veil of slashes were difficult to avoid, and Lee was starting to feel ever so slightly sluggish. His fight for escape became a matter of fight for survival.




Each hour ticking away was relaxing for him. The fact that the system will be online after 23 hours made him excited, but the extent to which the upgradation can be, was still a mystery. All he could assume was that D acquired some key components and information from the apparition which made him decide such an act at such a short notice.

The race to find the exit was still on. Lee continuously ran around the sect, barely missing the flying talismans and poisonous darts. All the while he was looking for the exit, the sect elders were plotting their own plan.

Using the number as an advantage, Chu Hua ordered the disciples and the elders to reroute Lee, who was frantically searching for an exit, towards the dungeon. Even for the elders, who were cold-hearted and resentful to men, hesitated to proceed immediately.

"But the dungeon has not been opened for decades. The insides must be in ruins. The mobs might have already ceased spawning. Why don't we capture him alive and proceed with torturing?"

The four core elders stood around the sect leader, and peered at her.

"Men like him will always sprout here and there. They will continue to degrade women as a second class gender, and will treat unfairly. This man is especially hard to capture, and killing him is an exaggeration of ourselves.

Yes, the dungeon has not been opened in decades. But under no circumstances can it be in ruins. You all know how the Tyrant Fairy was spawned and wreaked havoc inside the dungeon, and it still did not collapse. But I am positive that the Aluminiles are still alive."

Chu Hua glared at the core sect elders, and commanded-

"The decision is taken. Open the dungeon and lead him into it."

The sect elders dispersed into different directions to inform their disciples about the decision. A few shivered as the term 'dungeon' was uttered, and many recollected memories of the past. Organizing and plotting the rerouting, the elders led their group of disciples. Lee, who was still far away from the entrance, unknowingly slipped into their trap.

The surrounding crowd appropriately changed their formation in order to make Lee flee through the path they wanted him to move. Thus, he was led away from the main building, and Lee found a wooden construct at a distance.

The wooden door was massive, and it was not locked. The metal beam placed across it was only moved a few minutes ago, and it had left a mark, which Lee overlooked. The elders gestured to the disciples to make it look like they are really trying to capture him, and Lee increased his speed by a small margin.

The way the door was situated right in front of a small rocky mound was suspicious. At a glance, Lee evaluated that the door was closed for security reasons. But from his experience with the people of sect, he evaluated any beasts as more reasonable.

Darts and shurikens came flying at him from his back, and cultivators came approaching him from his left side. In order to avoid the fatal strikes, Lee had to take an L turn to his right and come around without getting caught.

Lee was slowly getting his legs tired from continuous running. His speed began to lessen, and he soon was barely maintaining a few metres from them. Tired of running, Lee suddenly halted his tracks as he stamped his foot on the ground while turning around.

The army of women who were dreaming of acquiring the six Soul Replenishing pills, hoped to catch him. But contrary to their expectations, Lee began to deflect strikes and slashes with his own hands. Soon he was surrounded from all sides.

It was all part of his plan. He was so in need to escape that he did not probed into the zodiac of the massive wooden door. Lee slowed down and began to confront the cultivators, who were after his life with only one intention - to get rid of hind limbs fatigue.

Soon after a couple of minutes, Lee decided that it was his cue. He was maintaining a safe distance from the crowd, while reacting and responding to the incoming strikes. With all his might, he leaped towards the massive door, while the crowd of cultivators were taken aback by his action. Lee slowly made them move away from the door, so that the sudden burst of speed coupled with his hindlimb strength could close the distance with the door instantly. He also did not want the pests to enter inside while he shut the door. So to take the cultivators a distance away from the door was necessary for him.

The door was slammed open by the powerful fists of Lee. Without wasting a moment, Lee jumped inside and the door automatically closed. Lee assumed that the door might have an automatic closing mechanism. But what that was waiting for him inside the dungeon, was beyond his guess!

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