Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 223: Retaliation

Chapter 223: Retaliation

Taking a few days in bed in the care of the hospital, Yunan was able to get better, at least he was not aching anymore even if he was still as limp as a wet sock.

Jesseca the nurse read the fable to Yunan over a few days, until he was able to hold the device that substituted for a book in this world, he read it over and over again but never liked or agreed with how his life turned out in the fable, ever since the day he was tricked by the goddess Venus. According to the book, the goddess took him into a dream world where he can never escape unless he loves her, he lived in that place for centuries hating the goddess for taking away his life from him for a whimsical reason like loving her.

Eventually, his hatred grew so strong he killed her over and over and over again, he killed her so many times in the most brutal of deaths. she used all the methods to torture him mentally and brainwash him while he took it out on her by killing her, eventually his rejection to her and this reality grew so strong not even the dream god could keep that dream stable enough, resulting in him escaping from the dream and killing Venus as soon as she appeared before him, he then hunted and killed every single ascended and god he could lay hands on.

His hatred for Venus has festered in that span of time to the point he hated everything, in the tale, he turned from the kind man who accepted all and rejected only those that dared cause harm, to a murderous menace that killed every one that watched harm and did nothing about it, his tyranny and madness burned so hot that he turned Burkan into his own private world, it was a beautiful world where hatred was only directed at him, he, who did not flinch when he used his own hands to murder his own friends and family because they, just like everyone else in the world, has looked away from a scene where harm was dealt to an innocent.

Although Yunan was sure about his mentality, he could never say how a century of missing his friends and loneliness in the world would change his heart, especially if the cause of it all wanted nothing but subjugation, and all he had to do was submit to her whims, Yunan knew that even with his personality, there was no telling what a period of extended time would do to him, and if that mentality left the dream with him, he would be a changed man.

Then he thought he found a clue, rejection, if this was a dream world than only rejection can break it, but if he has truly transmigrated then he would have to live a cripple's life and wallow in loneliness and isolation for he was never part of this world and he would never have the body nor the mentality to live in this strange world.

When a nurse came to check on him the next time, he asked her "what are the rules to escape this world?" The nurse did not even lift her head from her work and recited in a mechanical way "prove the strength of your will and be rewarded by the gods", "anything else?" He asked her again " the gods watch with anticipation how long it will take for you to break" she answered.

"Will, huh?" Yunan said to himself, so this is a test, a game if you will, it seems not even the god of dreams can make each and every character in the game "real", but if only "will" was what needed to be proven then it was rather easy to break out of this place.

It was a test of will, meaning that it can be manifested in this place, and if it could be manifested then it was easier to win this game with the gods, break the board.

With that thought in mind Yunan willed his body to heal, and to his surprise, he only had to focus a little bit before he could see his emaciated body grow to its healthy lustre and original form, he then experimented with moving objects and changing the pattern of behaviour of the characters in the dream.

After two weeks of trial and error, he found the correct way to get out of here, and end this month-long dream that he was forced into. First was willing his former Dragonification armour to appear, he then used its 300% buff to push his mental powers to a higher level, then he willed his status to return back to the peak, then he applied a 1000% all attributes buff. With this, his status has become too strong for a mortal, but Yunan was not done yet, he converted all his attributes to Wisdom effectively making his mental powers almost unmatched.

Once his mental power had reached such height, manifesting his will became as easy as thought, so, he made the dream world around him disintegrate leaving behind nothing but the nurse Jesseca and a gentleman in formal well fitted clothes. "so what gave it up?" Said the man as he put his arm around the waist of the nurse " I thought my honey trap could keep you in here for a few decades at least, she was made with you in mind, the one to rope you into the family life.

"The exaggerated story made it easier, and the clue about rejection was a good thing but the mechanical nurses were your only mistake" Yunan waved his hand and Jesseca too turned into dust and floated away "you sure have made a bigger mistake though" said Yunan as he started willing his mental power to grow infinitely "giving me a world where I can overpower the creator is not something you should have done, now you and all those who are watching are my prisoners". Yunan waved his hand and hundreds of men and women, young, old and children appeared from thin air, all of them were shocked and exasperated.

"I have to thank Apophis, his introduction to the power of faith is certainly handy, and thanks to all of you, I can now do this". Yunan used his infinite mental strength to go over his memories, spells and skills, and everything he learned, he took this chance to practice as much as he could, one of the things that resulted from such high-speed learning and development was his better understanding of the power of faith. The power to ascend into godhood was something that leaves its traces in the world, it would leave an imprint with each action the ascended took, this can be seen most visibly by the example of Fortuna, if she bought from a shop it would become lucky for a time and gain new customers, if she watches a play someone with high standing will take a liking to the troop and buy the place to help them become famous. Such things are random acts of luck that can only be attributed to the brand of faith power each ascended has, the god of death would cause deaths, the god of healing would cause the sick to heal by crossing paths, the goddess of truth would make secrets come to light around her.

If we take that as an example then anyone watching this dream world has a bit of their consciousness and power imprinted on the world, and if Yunan had enough mental power he could "will" them all to join him, trapping them with him in the dream while he becomes the god in this world, changing it so that no one can exercise their power or will in this place, as soon as he did that, he was now watching as the deities scrambled for a way to exit this plane that literally turned them mortal, if Yunan willed it they could die as their consciousness has been fully dragged into this place.

However Yunan did this as a form of warning to them " now that you know how strong my will is, I propose that you stay away from me and my own, I have no reason to threaten you, but just keep in mind that I could do this with your own power, and I can do it again, so, you can be sure that the next time you try to use me for fun is not going to end as peacefully as this one".

Yunan broke the dream world and sent everyone back to their bodies, although he did something naughty to the gods, in retaliation, he took a tiny bit of divinity from each god and added them to himself, although most were minor deities the power they had was of the same origin, and therefore had the same effect. He hid all that power deeply inside himself to be locked and used only if he decided to ascend or if he was in trouble with a god.

Upon waking up Yunan found himself still on the bosom of Venus with the rest of the group looking at them as they slept, he first shook himself away from her and went on hugging and kissing his loved ones, he had spent a month without them even if they thought it was merely a few minutes of sleep, he chose not to care about Venus, simply because she was not worth the time he should be spending with his beloved ones.

Special note.

Hello there dear readers, I was taken aback about how bad was the reception of the start of the new arc, that I decided to just remove it and end it early. Although it might be wrong to do that, I do not hesitate to do so because this novel is meant to be enjoyed and not provoke such negative feelings.

Well to be honest I was planning on a test/examination arc, where Yunan is trapped in a dream world with a different identity every time he solves the previous dream, the plan was to have Yunan be part of many kinds of novels, and had basically prepared a full 50 chapters worth of all the possible tropes, from the top of my head I had things like reincarnation, system novel, VR games, gender bender, cultivation, reincarnation into a monster or animal or a plant, living inside an established anime/novel, I even was in negotiation with a fellow writer, I was really looking forward to this.

I used the fact that nothing happened to Venus in return for her trap as an indication there was no harmful intent nor there was a threat to Yunan or his safety, otherwise the luck he had would have got him out of it, I have painstakingly established that getting beaten without harmful intent would not trigger the luck retaliation, but it seems I have done this the wrong way and I apologize for my blunder, I hope in the future that I can reintroduce this project and let you all enjoy my silly writing style in all types of different genres.

The true goal of this arc was to answer the question what if this was [enter genre here] novel, and I also wanted a change of pace, this arc may have not been overshadowed but ad it has been established with Hermes that a god can just pop up out of nowhere and demand to be entertained, unfortunately I seem to have to re-establish those ideas through more chapters and very long winded explanations like this one, which I know no one wants to read, well since it was a failed project let's not dwell on it too much and continue with the novel onwards.

As you might know I seriously answer most comments that have something to say and like all comments, even neutral ones, so if you were interested in the project but did not say so, then please, comment of not just upvote the comments that shares the same opinion, I know that there are hundreds who read daily and give me their power stones because they love the novel, however, I can not read minds and therefore I beg you, please make your thoughts heard in the comments even by a simple upvote that way I can strive to make this novel into the best it could without losing the interest of my readers.

Thanks for reading this huge mess of a note and please consider its contents, also you can leave your impressions in the discord channel, if you want more I can even make a Facebook page for it, anyway, I want to hear your opinions and ideas about anything and everything, it doesn't matter if you think its stupid or what not, just share it, I am blessed by a good and well-behaved readers.

Thank you, sincerely Yasser.

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