Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 212: Dying thrice

Chapter 212: Dying thrice

Yunan sighed and sat there while the other doctors who were following the young master scrambled like headless chicken failing at healing him back to life because his heart had stopped, and 5 minutes later, they announced the young master dead.

After the healers gave up Yunan walked to the body, put his hand on the location of the heart, injected it with a dose of adrenaline he got from Ophelia, and then performed a heart and lungs resuscitation with a bit of magical help, he used telekinesis to make the heart and lungs pump, a periodic electric jolt to revive the heart and finally a layer of healing magic to cover up the mess of multiple spells. With traceless casting, Yunan was very sure no one would sense his spells if he purposely showed a visible healing spell.

40 seconds later the young master woke up from death to hear the words "if you get your heart rate up you are going to die, I only gave this one extra chance in case you didn't believe me, next time you die, it will be unsalvageable and permanent, this is your second death, and the god of death does not take kindly to dodging death too many times, enjoy your third chance at life" with that Yunan left the young man to his mother and returned to his seat.

"Can you please let me know why he could not be saved if this happens again before his new heart is strong enough?" The master of the house has skipped the part about apologizing for his son and immediately asked about why he could not be saved which peeved Yunan a little bit, but he still answered calmly. "To rebuild his heart, I had to use a spell that rebuilds lost flesh, and I had the original heart as a template for the new one, add in the fact that there were two of us who cooperated on creating the heart; both of us have enough knowledge about non magical healing to make it possible, as for why he could not be saved, well he has a new heart that must be treated as the heart of an unborn fetus, and this incident has already damaged it"

Yunan looked at the young master trying to get a grasp on reality "if by chance the heart of an newborn which has already been pumping for three months get over excited it will stop, how do you think the heart that just started beating less than 4 hours ago will take to stress, therefore I told you to keep him from any amount of stress, but now the new heart is already damaged, it is like your child being born with a defective heart, making the recovery period extend to a full year without stimulation, he also can not take food that is high in mana nor can he walk or stand up for more than 30 minutes per 24 hours".

Yunan kept the bullshit stream coming because he knew there was no expert in the field that knew as much as he did currently so it was his way of revenge. " To put it in a fewer words, he can eat food from above the 10th floor but never below, he cannot stand from bed or walk for more than 30 minutes, he must not hold in his waste or excrements, he must not meet sexual stimulation, he must not talk or enter arguments, he must not do any activity that can raise his heart rate for at least 6 months before starting to walk an hour a day and meet and talk to other people, finally he must start by basic small exercises after the first year for at least 2 more years to avoid any further complications, however, if he is continuously stimulated, well that only shorten how long his frail heart will last and if he gets into something too stressful, then it becomes about whether the heart is still in one piece at the time of death".

There was a nugget of truth in Yunan's words and the experts sent by the guild immediately referred to Anne as the only one currently known to be able to rebuild a heart and she was too eccentric even the guild disliked having contact with her, if it was not for her or death scenarios no adventurer in the 70th floors would accept her treatment. The fact that Yunan was working with the apprentice of Anne was something to be considered a blessing for the household.

The master of the house asked Yunan to stick around for dinner but he declined, he only asked for his silver mouse and was about to leave when the lady of the house asked if she could contact Yunan and where he lived, Yunan told her that it is almost impossible to get hold of him unless one left a message at the guild, as for emergency contact, it was best to contact Debauchery party through the guild since only they could contact him at all times.

The poor woman had her worst fear come true even before Yunan left; a scream resounded in the palace, lo and behold, the young master did not listen to instructions and voila he was dead, once again, this time before the lady could beg for her son's life, the master gave Yunan and order "revive him" and that made Yunan feel like it was time to teach both a lesson in thanking your saviour. Yunan obliged but this time he made sure to weaken the already weak heart so that the young master would never live like human again.

Before leaving the master of the palace gave him a token that can summon him to the palace, however, Yunan said something that made the man shake with rage. "Pay me for saving his life, the first time I saved because I hated the look his mother had, the second time I saved him because he didn't understand the consequences, the third time was ordered by yourself, therefore you must pay the fee". The man looked livid and said while spitting out his words at Yunan "do you know who I am?".

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