Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 193: Dealing with the tentacle monster

Chapter 193: Dealing with the tentacle monster

Thanks to the fact that Yunan needed to kill his way to the 35 floor boss, that is if he wished to find the boss in the first place, therefore it was decided that Yunan would create a new storage room and make it as big as possible while the rest of the gang would leave the dungeon to deliver the contents of this room to any organisation that cares for the unfortunate.

Yunan, therefore, added an automated system in the new storage room that would clean and separate the edible parts and use the rest to create fertilizer for the garden, he even sent a message to Hephaestus about his current predicament and the and the answer was "use your brain". Yunan was already trying to find a better solution but until he could find a way to repel all the monsters without repelling the boss it was not worth the time to research something that may or may not work, besides, doing charity work was not a bad thing to do no matter how you look at it.

Yunan tried to move away from the entrance as fast as possible and to the furthest part away from there, the further away he got the bigger the monsters and their invasive tentacles became and the more pressure that was put on Yunan and the armour thanks to the sheer weight and size of the monsters trying to squeeze him into a pulp, luckily the maelstrom was operating at maximum capacity and killing the offender's before they could deal any noticeable damage.

While on the outside, Debauchery party and the Valyrians were giving away some hefty amounts of meat to any charitable organization that they caught a whiff of, starting by orphanages and the church to animal shelters, hospitals, and more, in only six hours, they have solved the food problems for most of the orphans in big cities and made the church's legion work as porters and delivery men and women to care for the locations without teleportation portals. As for Yunan he finally found the boss in its own cage.

Yunan returned home and brought back his friends to celebrate the end of the floor of torment, the boss was located and dealing with it would not take too long, therefore he thought it would be funny if he invited them to a feast mainly made by squid flesh, as expected there was dissent among them but that was forgotten when Yunan brought out the new library he bought from the guild for them to choose from, everyone liked free stuff no matter who they were.

The morning after, Yunan confronted the boss with his usual weapon: venom, simply because he wanted it intact to preserve it next to the other bosses he got. The boss was a giant squid with a length of 1000 meters its tentacles behaved like jellyfish feelers, as in there were dozens of them and they could electrocute when attached to a body. The boss was a hybrid with a glaring weak point visible to Yunan, its mouth was too big to shred Yunan to pieces and it could only swallow him whole.

And that is what Yunan wanted, the moment he got into contact with the boss, he let himself be caught and swallowed up by the boss, there he started syphoning mana from the boss and turning all that mana into his own venom, flooding the simple digestive tract and then into the very flesh of the monster, it did not take long before Yunan had poured a few cubic meters worth of venom into the boss and who died peacefully after half an hour.

Yunan stored the boss and collected all the treasury behind, it was full of preserved body parts that would make any smith drool at the idea of seeing them, and would solemnly refuse to touch or work with these things because they had no ability to bring out their potential. Yunan had now gained many things from the underwater floors and was looking forward to the next prize. But the next floor had to wait for a few days because Ophelia had a crisis to deal with.

Lately Ophelia was breaking under the pressure from knowing all kinds of plots the devoted of Hermes were making to use against Yunan for disrespecting their god, Hermes himself was not even paying attention to the things being done in his name, therefore, Ophelia as a devotee herself, could not tell Yunan about something that was communicated through the link that bonded her with her god, as a result, she finally could not take it and got into a fight with the priests of Hermes and insulted them and Hermes himself for being a deceitful and negligent god.

That did not sit well with the priests who labelled her as a heretic and a turncoat and in the name of Hermes, they decided she is to be imprisoned and tortured until repentance or death, and from their tones, death was the goal here not repentance. After failing to hear from her god even after praying so much, Ophelia went ahead and forsaken the faith in Hermes. Which brought Hermes back into the picture, because it is not common to lose a devotee after the amount of prayer that Ophelia had offered him lately.

And so this time Hermes arrived with an oracle and a few priests led by Hephaestus who came here to enjoy the new fragrance of lava wine and the freshest taste of lotus fruits, as well as the old neighbour treatment he was having here. Ophelia and Anne were required to arrive at the meeting as well, and then all hell broke loose.

First thing Yunan did as he entered the guest room was to give a respectful greeting to Hephaestus and then with a look of incomparable arrogance looked at Hermes " I told you I will take her away from you if you fail her, why are you here now?". The proud priests of Hermes did not take kindly to Yunan's words and tried to attack him, one but their tongue and suffered a spell rebound, knocking into the guy next to him and changing the target of his spell to the oracle who was in the middle of an incantation as she suffered a good bit of damage and a rebound causing her to faint, the rest of them had similar accidents, targeting and ally, having their staff break and waste the channelled mana, all in all not a single spell made it past the group of priests.

Yunan, however, was not as merciful as he was before, he simply sprouted his feelers and wrapped them around those who were behind Hermes and electrocuted them to a half-dead state, he then looked back at Hermes again with the same contempt he did before "why are you here again?".

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