Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 182: Defeating the craby boss

Chapter 182: Defeating the craby boss

Chef Ro was impressed by the speed and efficiency Yunan displayed, out of safety he asked about how Yunan did it and thought the answer was too sinister for the simple Yunan. "I made a paralytic toxin that causes death within seconds of exposure, it decomposes automatically after 5 minutes and it can be ineffective if the body to dose ratio is too low, I use it when I need to capture intact bodies for cooking, I got the idea from the snake floor and the spider floor, snakes use venom to paralyse their prey and kill it with asphyxiation or heart failure while the digestive poison of the spiders breaks down on its own after a certain period of time, that is the basis of my toxin, its fast acting and unstable ".

Chef Ro was stunned to hear such an idea was formed simply by passing through the same floors like everyone else but stopping to take inspiration from his fights, proving he did not use the information provided by the guild to clear each floor like most of the rest did. "Alright I will send you your money later through the guild's bank, what is your account number", "I have many so I don't remember, but if you are serious about the bank transfer just tell the employee to send it to the wise prowler Yunan from the Valyrians, subsidiary of Debauchery party, they will know what to do".

With that Yunan used his ring and teleported back home to the infirmary for the usual after battle checkup, he found that Ophelia has taken the girls and were now with Reina fighting in the 30th floor so he simply took a dip in the cleansing pool and then went to sleep and set up the alarm for an hour before dusk.

Chef Ro was very impressed, he did not feel Yunan use mana when he saw him disappear in a blink thinking that he used some camouflage method to hid his presence. So he ordered his party to store all the crabs and even went to give away some to the surrounding parties for fear they would get greedy and make trouble for him, he would rather lose a dozen corpse than his life and comrades. And he did not forget to spread the word about how one man roared taunting exactly 1000 crabs and killing all of them within 10 minutes.

Those rumours being shared between adventurers gave rise to a wave of eyewitnesses who have seen the man solo a hidden boss in the 25th floor, some said they have seen him with a dragon burning down the boss room in the 29th floor like dry grass, some claimed that a party from their organization was carried by him from the 20th to the 25th floor in 4 days. All those rumours had one thing in common, the guy had a draconic armour that was unique, the black and scarlet colouring, the scales, the pointy and sharp edges, the only difference was whether there was a tail, wings or both present in the armour.

Such a rise in popularity was inevitable for someone who did not shy away from displaying his powers or even try hiding them, it was as if everyone else in the universe had the same power and it was not unique to him, on the other hand, Yunan just did not care much about who knew about his power because they can do nothing about it, plain and simple.

After some good refreshing sleep, Yunan returned to the 32nd floor ready to start the boss hunt, but he was surprised to find chef Ro waiting for him alone on the beach sitting by the stairs and looking at the horizon with blank-eyed. Yunan called out to Ro asking what is he doing there, it seems that the crab meat was a hit at his restaurant in the 30th floor and was the most popular item in the menu at the moment, so he asked Yunan for more and if he could make a daily delivery of 1000 crabs worth of meet as long as this crab meat craze is still going. Yunan accepted the job and walked away into the water towards the boss room.

He arrived early there and climbed to the ceiling where he made a makeshift hammock with spider threads and lay on it while chowing down on some fruits and meats the girls had made for him as dinner. Soon enough the boss drilled out of the wall of the room like a rock golem, it looked at its children starting to pile up see weeds and fishes just outside the perimeter of the boss room as if they knew there was an outsider and tried not give the opportunity to steal the food they worked hard to collect.

The boss looked up at Yunan who was swinging happily in his hammock and sent him a few jets of high-pressure water that sliced through the wall cleanly, unlike the other crabs, this one was more inclined to use its spells instead of just snapping mindlessly and endlessly. It hardened its own armour to block a punch from the falling Yunan who bounced off without leaving a scratch, it too was an old monster and it was truly capable one too. Yunan decided on the incapacitate approach where he used mud mires and frozen pits to halt the boss in its tracks and the climb along its back up to its mouth and there he poured 10 caskets worth of paralysis toxin, the boss was enraged enough to roll around and try to swat Yunan away but to no avail, sadly those actions only let to the toxin acting faster and rendered the boss immobile.

Feeling like death was on the door it attempted to self-destruct but failed miserably because there was no mana left in its core, even if its flesh and armour were saturated with mana it was no longer usable and the boss died soon after and with its death the children it had all attacked Yunan. Yunan used the same frozen toxic needle tactics to end all their lives without using too much mana, and the storing the corpses within his home.

Yunan told the genie to separate 50 thousand of those corpses he collected for selling to chef Ro and deal with the rest the usual way, feeding the armour, feeding the cat and the dragon, then saving some to feed the guests and finally store the rest with the "to be fermented" pile

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