Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 178: Killer whale boss fight

Chapter 178: Killer whale boss fight

After two months of constant fighting, Yunan has reached a point where he could repel the onslaught from ten 200 meters sized killer whale simultaneously, and thus he thought maybe it was about prime time to try his hand on the boss orca.

Yunan flew above the surface of the water and headed for the opposite side of the ocean simply because it was faster that way, after reaching the other wall, he dove down and looked for the boss cage, as expected he found it had the same proportions like the first cage. It was half circle with a radius of 100 kilometres, the boss was there, like a shadow lurking beneath the waves, it was 1000 meters long and had the presence of a mountain.

It did not eat its kin like the shark boss, it was feeding on the fish schools herded into the cage by the other killer whales, it was the matriarch, the one that was in command of the big community. And unlike the shark it did not ambush Yunan nor did it try to attack him, he just looked too fragile for it, what came after Yunan was a pack of smaller orcas who were dispatched with ease, the boss made a screeching sound that made Yunan grit his teeth as he braced for impact.

The killer whale used the same tail tremor attack but it was at point-blank range, Yunan was amazed at how something that big could move faster than his perception and land an attack, given that the boss was angry it put some power into the strike sending Yunan hurtling for miles, he could feel his bones about to shatter as he coughed up a mouthful of blood, that attack did a number on his body.

Yunan activated his healings and took a few swigs of honey, he then activated the all stats buffs to the maximum 300% and started concentrating mana on very thin 10 meters long ice spear, he added lighting, wind and poison effects, he coated it with spider silk to make sure it does not accumulate more ice while it is travelling through water. The first spear successfully enraged the boss who now has decided to make sure Yunan dies this time.

Yunan used teleportation to get away from the path of the boss and sent 10 such ice spears with each teleport, and by the time the boss has changed direction Yunan was already teleporting away and preparing for the next wave of ice spears, this continued for 5 hours where Yunan had to push his body using food and drinks, casting through the armour when he ran out of mana and his healings was using up most of the regenerated mana, eventually borrowing mana from the stores he had kept aside for rainy days.

The boss died from blood loss and not from the effects of the poison, for some reason its constitution was resisting the poison successfully, another point was that it did not get into contact with the same amount of poison as the shark because Yunan did not want to come in contact with it. This boss was able to cast a tremor spell and use it on its tail, it was within reason that it could use it anywhere in its body, making the plan of getting close to it an unrefutable failure, therefore Yunan took the trouble to cast such mana consuming attacks and try to outlive the boss.

With the boss dead, the surrounding killer whales split into different groups and floated away offering a sad song of mourning for their late boss, the sound was sad and it even had a touch of pain and loss attached to it, Yunan quickly stored the corpse and went down to collect the treasures that were all over the floor of the cage, this time what Yunan found was something different, the clams had shells of different metals, and the pearls they produced were beads of the same metals their shells were made out of. After scanning a clam with the Black Fate he got his answer, these clams were using the same method used by Tartarus to make mana into tangible items and these clams were creating metallic beads.

Yunan suddenly had an idea, since the last floor had all the types of pearl clams in the boss cage, did that mean that Yunan now got his hands on every metal Tartarus knew how to make, a shiver ran down Yunan's spine as he thought about the implications of having every single metal in Tartarus produced in his own home.

Yunan shook his head and put that thought in the back of his head, it was time for another week of sorting and dealing with items, Yunan told the genie to transport 5 of each clam to the aquarium and keep them well fed, as for the rest, the metals were to be separated into a hidden room and for the rest of the clams to be disposed of accordingly, their metallic shells to the hidden room of metals and the meat inside to the fermentation pit.

Yunan did not announce his gains this time, and just quietly dealt with everything, it took a full week but when he was done it was worth it, the chests from the killer whale boss all contained forging materials of extreme rarity, things that Hephaestus called grade 5 items, Yunan didn't carelessly feed the armour any of those materials but made the Black Fate extend an invitation to Hephaestus, he also contacted Fortuna and asked her to bring Hephaestus home if she could.

Hephaestus did come by and was asked by Yunan to review his collection, after telling him about the current situation and how he got his hands on them and asked about what will happen if he kept feeding the armour and it kept evolving beyond him. Hephaestus was mostly unconcerned and only promised Yunan one thing "if you could defeat every single boss until the 39th, you will get a very nice surprise, as for your armour, if you worry that much then wait until you become strong enough, and for now only feed it monsters".

Yunan thanked Hephaestus for his advice and took him to see the newest addition to the house, the aquarium, Hephaestus was very pleased about the way it was made and the creatures inside it, he told Yunan that it would be a good idea if he could find some things that exude mana naturally and add them to the house, since the only thing limiting the evolution of this house and the genie was the amount of mana, and the current reserves were for Yunan's use, it would be great to make the house self-sufficient.

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