Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 158: Overpowered

Chapter 158: Overpowered

After a good night sleep Yunan returned to the control room to check on the results of the scan the Black Fate has performed and the results were rather pleasing to him.

Name: Yunan. Title: wise prowler, suiter of Fortuna, lucky bastard.

Attributes : Strength: 3500, Constitution: 3500, Dexterity: 3500, Wisdom: 3500.

Skills : Combat mastery: master (encompasses sword, dagger, shield, archery and unarmed). Heavenly smithing: level 35, Appraisal: level 30, Ranging: level 33, Dual wielding, Multi-casting, Technician, Thinker, Mastermind, Lucky cover, Hardened skin, Dark sight, Taunt, Intimidate, Voice manipulation, Cooking, Therapeutic massage, Traceless casting, Mapping, Regeneration. Wall climbing, water breathing, echolocation, Mana manipulation: master

Spells : lesser heal, mend, healing grounds, all attribute buff, toxin flush, spitting flames, automated looting, dizzying spell, teleport, spatial shift, icicle, fireball, lighting bolt, wind blade, earth spike, spell break, elemental coating, mana syphon, fear, paralysis, ice field, mud mire, elemental maelstrom, fire pit, icicle rain, lighting cascade, meteor shower, earth shifting, camouflage, invisibility.

Resistances : elemental, plague, toxin, vibration, detection.

Pet : Drogon, Valyrian, 2nd evolution.

Attributes : Strength: 9500, Constitution: 9500, Dexterity: 9500, Wisdom: 9500.

Skills : luck bringer, enhancer, lucky cover, shape shifting, taunting cry, intimidating roar, imposing presence, flame control, mana syphon.

Armor : Dragonification, level 40, draconic nature, evolutionary.

Abilities and enchantments : master mark, self repair, storage space, camouflage, invisibility, presence hiding, dark sight, heat vision, life detection, echolocation, attribute buff, wall climbing, water breathing, isolation, permanent restoration (included health, stamina and mana), damage reduction (from all inferior level items), mana syphon, mana storage, mana inject, mapping, detection, integration.

Integrated effects : winged flight, prehensile tail, contact sensitivity, poison, adhesion, elemental cores, elemental cloaking, spreading effect (allowing any spell to become an area of effect covering a controlled range), adjustable effects.

Resistance : elemental, decay, damage, plague, toxin, detection.

Yunan had a smile on his face as he read the long screen full of information, he has worked very hard and this screen was indisputable proof of his accomplishments.

A gentle sigh came from behind Yunan, a moment later Leader sat on the arm support on Yunan's right side leaning on him, "I'm proud of you" she said as she kept her eyes on Yunan's status. "You worked too hard, sigh only two and a half years and already in the 26th floor, i really am proud to be your teacher and friend". Yunan pulled Leader to sit on his lap and started caressing her hair gently "if you are tired how about i find you a few good slaves to pamper you back into shape?" Yunan had this feeling like Leader was just tired of it all, just like the old barber, maybe she needed to just quit this life and find something as boring and mundane as possible.

"Nah, you just keep what you are doing, that should be enough for a few months" said Leader with the tone of a purring kitten. "Well, if that is all it takes, i can only offer myself as healing aid, whenever you need to". Leader nuzzled her head on Yunan's chest "the last man that told me that got two cute daughters and stopped petting my head ever since, are you going to break your promise too?" Leader was really tired and needed some simple comfort, she did not know why this kid could understand her more than most of those around her, still she would enjoy this as long as she could.

Yunan did not respond to Leader after all, because making promises to someone who had seen many broken ones, would be like pouring water into an ocean, inconsequential, so he chose to keep silent and keep Leader in his arms.

After a few minutes of silence Leader picked herself up and sat straight "we have a name for guys like you" she looked at Yunan in the eyes "overwhelmingly overpowered" she then placed her hand on Yunan's shoulder and planted a kiss on his forehead " you however have taken that name and took it to a new hight, and as the one who raised you, i must say i am so very happy i can carry your baby". Yunam looked rather happy hearing her confessions " i don't think i will survive seeing you turn fat from pregnancy though, so let's not risk it, now tell me the big secrets you are hiding from me".

The duo looked at each other before smiling tacitly "lets go have breakfast first, your beloved wives are acting like cats in heat especially the cat one and they need some pacifying, since Balin is currently in enlightenment we need someone to play the pervert, and you my dear are the only jack of all trades that i trust" leader stood up and dragged Yunan by the hand out of the control room, and into the living room where a lively and lovely atmosphere was radiating like sunshine.

Yunan and Leader joined the fun like they were there from the beginning, Yunan did play the perverted role for Leader acting all vulgar and talking in the manner of Balin imitating his jokes and quips, making the party cringe and laugh at the same time, but ending up promising to never turn into a Balin ever again.

After the lively breakfast Yunan told his friends he had an urge to return to the surface world for some reason, and proposed a trip to Damascus to do whatever the elite and rich nobility does with their money, he had too much money and nothing to spend on, since neither Anne nor Debauchery were from nobility nor had anything to do with them for a very long time, all gazes landed on Leol, who as expected said that he had not been part of anything since he joined Debauchery and his grandfather would flay him for not doing his best in the dungeon.

Since all others were out of touch with the world, Sarah as the royalty that has been in contact with society recently, was given the mantle of fun manager for the rest of the day, however she tried to refuse by stating: " my family is in dire need of money and i can't just leave when i started making money in the dungeon, i have to apologize, but i do not think i can be your guide". Yunan grabbed her by the hand and looked at her with puppy eyed "if it's just money, everyone here is richer than half the kingdoms in Burkan, we can absolutely buy a duchy or something like that, that way you don't have to work too hard in the dungeon".

"Absolutely not" screamed Sarah " i can send them money that i worked for, but i would never do something like give them authority again, if you want to give me money then pay me like any other guide" Yunan noded immediately, he would never force someone into a position they were uncomfortable with so he said " fine we will pay you the average daily income of an adventurer between the 20th and 30th floor, now take us outside and lets us feel like royalty".

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