Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Chapter 50

Rumors about the Lightning Wizard in Area 49 spread quickly.

It must have been because of the loud screams of the collapse of a large-scale gang called the Cigar Bang.

It is only natural that the way people around him look at Lennok will change.

If up until this point, only those who knew promising freelancers knew about it, is it an illusion that more people seem to recognize Ban’s face now?

Considering the stinging gaze stabbing the back of the head, it didn’t seem like that was the case.

“That guy.”

“It doesn’t look very special…”

“The brokers I’ve worked with are very complimentary. It will not be a frothy lie.”

“I heard that he was scouted several times at the mercenary office…. He might be more picky than I thought.”


The residents of District 49, who had seemed completely uninterested in him, turned their heads from time to time to check Lennok’s face.

As if he wanted to remember that appearance.

Someone close and blatantly, someone throws a faint gaze as if they can be seen from a distance.

Even in the midst of this, there were some people who had a conversation with more information than the hosagers were talking about.

“…..Not an ordinary lightning wizard.”

“I heard that you have used other types of attributes as well.”

“There is a possibility that he belongs to the mysterious magic tower with a very long history.”

“Can I scrape the information?”

Rather than being surprised and frightened by the appearance of a talented newcomer, those who calmly judge profit and loss and calculate what they can do as partners.

In the future, if Lennok has a job to work with other freelancers, he will probably hold hands with those people from time to time.

With that thought in mind, Lennok naturally headed for Jenny’s bar.

“Come. I’ll give you a glass of whiskey, so wait a minute.”

Jenny, who can’t even raise her head properly with her head on her laptop, and Jordan, who silently shakes a shaker next to her, are now familiar.

Lennok sat down across the bar and asked Jenny.

“You look very busy.”

“Who do you think it is?”

Hearing her blunt tone of voice, it was immediately clear what was going on.

Lennok smiled bitterly.

“Even if you hadn’t rejected all the requests from Ban in the first place, this wouldn’t have happened. My laptop is about to explode because of the inquiries coming into the deep web right now.”


She didn’t bother to say it, but when the water came in like this, she seemed to be dissatisfied with Lennok’s rejection of the request.

It’s not that Lennox doesn’t understand Jenny’s feelings either.

If the harvest from this operation hadn’t been so great, Lennok would have pretended to look at the request without worrying too much.

However, this time, the realization and research journal he gained from the battle with Eden was an unexpected surprise for Lennok, and Lennok had no intention of letting this luck pass away.

After confirming that he could steal the essences contained within them without acquiring unique magic, what Lennok had to do was to check his skills once again, not to be swayed by the immediate money.

After everything Lennok thinks is done, there won’t even be a need to row the incoming water.

It didn’t seem like it would take long for it to create water currents on its own.

“What about the materials you talked about?”

“Here it is.”

Instead of Jenny, Jordan picked up a thick pile iron and held it out to Lennok.

“…..Thank you.”

“I don’t know why you suddenly started to pay attention to warlocks, but you better be careful.”

Jordan answered quietly.

“They have been integrated into society through a very long compromise, but fundamentally they are the ones who play with the source of life as a driving force for development.”


“I felt very naked while working together a few times. It’s fine if you don’t understand that way of thinking at all, but if you don’t, you’ll get tainted surprisingly easily.”

“Don’t worry too much.”

said Lennok with a wry smile.

“I have no intention of quitting this job any time soon.”

“okay. I won’t talk too long.”

Jordan really just said that and kept his mouth shut.

You probably know that the longer you talk, the more pointless chatter you get.

I felt it again, but he was a man who deserved to run a business with the impatient Jenny.

‘I can’t go anywhere else with a body like this anyway.’

In the meantime, I didn’t really realize it because I was dealing with warriors who used hand-to-hand combat, not wizards, but I was convinced once again in the battle with Eden.

Lennok’s talent is dangerous.

Like a bomb that could explode at any moment, when overflowing intuition and inspiration met strong stimuli, they escaped Lennok’s will and spread out in all directions like mad.

How much was the magic of Eden that Lennok faced at that time?

What wizard in this world could see the opponent’s unique magic and assemble the same magic on the spot?

If other magicians knew of his talent, would they genuinely bless his ability and wisdom?

Or will he try to find out the secret at all costs?

It was still difficult to say that I knew much about this world, but the answer to that question was obvious.

Unless you really trust someone, it’s best to hide it until you can.

At least until Lennok has a power to match his talents.

In order to overcome that fear, wasn’t it an effort to become stronger while taking steps step by step like this?

While I was thinking about that, I was putting the data Jordan had given me into the bag I brought, when suddenly the outside became noisy.

As always, no one would have cared if it was someone’s death or gunfire.

However, the faint sound of military boots coming from the entrance of the bar was enough to stimulate people’s nerves.

In addition, even the useless memories of Lennok, who had never been in the army here.


“What are you talking about?”

It’s not like they’re trying to enter the bar, but it looks like a group of people are passing through here in groups, but even that is obviously rare.

There was no one who didn’t know that it was dangerous to run indiscriminately on these streets.

If they’re acting this way despite knowing that, it’s probably only those with the arrogance or qualifications to do so.

Before answering Zordon’s question, Lennoch swelled up and quickly stretched out of the bar.

His magical power control ability, which has grown greatly due to the battle with Eden, far exceeds the existing sensing range, taking control of a space of several kilometers and conveying the information transmitted in it to his five senses.

Clear visual information flowed into the back of my head as if I was facing them right in front of my eyes, and I saw dozens of people passing in front of the bar.

A body armor tightly wrapped around the body. A helmet that doesn’t show your face properly and a rifle strapped to your back.

However, his gait is quite unstable compared to his armament, and his breathing is irregular.

Lennok nodded after confirming the coat of arms of the Balkan City Government engraved on their chests.

“They are city officials.”

“public official?”

What are the officials going to do here?

Fortunately, there was an intelligible part. Didn’t Evelyn, whom he met at the market, give him information as a gift?

“I’ve heard rumors that the city government is conducting inspections on the outer districts. Maybe it’s part of that.”

“It’s a checkpoint…”

Uncommonly, Jordan’s face was serious.

“They say it targets magicians who do business without permission. It probably has nothing to do with this bar.”

Of course, Jordan didn’t bother to ask where the information came from despite Lennok’s overly detailed explanation, but his blurred expression didn’t ease.

A heavy voice came out of his mouth after thinking for a long time.

“It seems that the city government has decided this time. This will give me a lot to think about.”

“…is it serious?”

Lennok, who was not familiar with the extent of the checks, let it go, but the fact that public officials were touring the outer districts in groups was unfamiliar to Jordan.

“I’ve never had anything like this happen in the decades I’ve been working here. It must be the result of the strong will of the city council. I don’t know what you’re aiming for, but I’m sure you have something you want in this area.”

True to their word, the officials showed signs of shrinking at the sharp gaze of the residents here, but instead of backing down, they moved their steps even faster.

If I were to roughly guess the direction those footsteps were heading, it would have to be in the 44th area.


It has already been a year since I started working in District 49 without knowing it.

The environment around him was slowly but surely changing.

I thought it was a life where I was finally finding stability, but things don’t always go my way.

As always, we have to adapt to the new.

It was Lennok’s candid feeling that if he couldn’t stop the change, he would at least want to go up to the point where he could lead the change himself.

Lennok slowly turned his gaze to Jordan, who had a complicated expression, and Jenny, who had stopped working and looked outside.

Come to think of it, did the blood mage boy I met in Area 44 evacuate well?

If he hadn’t listened to Lennok’s words, he might have done business and escaped at the right time.

After that, he won’t have to worry about it.

As Lennok thought, he tried to clear the boy’s existence out of his mind.

Until I checked the image of the boy I was thinking of just before in the sensory sphere of magical power.

The same rugged expression as when we first met, the thick bag he carried on his back.

Realizing that the boy’s footsteps, which had penetrated the crowd, were headed precisely for this bar, Lennok let out a blank laugh.



“no. it’s nothing.”

As Lennox said that, he turned his gaze to Jenny.



“I’d better get ready to receive guests.”


I hear someone walking down the stairs.

Lennok grinned.

“okay. Maybe… a glass of milk would be enough. Let’s put it in front of me for now.”


late at night.

Lennok’s new apartment complex in the 30th District.

I didn’t think that someone’s head would rise while looking through a book by relying on the dim light of the nightstand.

The lab was refurbished while moving.

A strange vibrating sound echoed as magic rotated inside.

After tidying up the surroundings, Lennok began digging into the unique magic of the Thorburn School in earnest.

At that time, he had to establish a specific theory of the inspiration he had raised to the fullest through the battle with Eden and make it his own.

In the case of [Brainman] or the ‘waterdrop’ magic stolen from the black magician, Lennok could only use it at the cost of rapid magic consumption, but Eden’s other unique magics were different.

A door once opened never closes, and the knowledge and inspiration that have passed through my head are still the same.

If it was Lennok’s talent, it would be enough to absorb all of Eden’s abilities.

All it took was the right amount of time.

‘I guess I didn’t sleep well today.’

Staying up all night is not difficult for Lennok, who suffers from insomnia.

You’ll be able to see the sun tomorrow morning just by not looking for a bottle of sleeping pills.

It was much more important not to miss the thoughts that came to mind while devouring Eden’s research journal than to sleep now.

Perhaps it was because Eden started writing a journal some time after he started learning magic, most of the basic information was omitted, but it was rather comfortable for Lennok.

‘Certainly… there is a part where the strands are caught.’

Concerns piled up while studying mana and magic alone.

In Eden’s research journal, there was some answer to that question.

[Once again, I received a B rank in the midterm class evaluation of the Magic Tower… It is because of not being able to control the last reverse flow among the five ways to control the flow of lightning. It is not easy to hold on to the flow until the end, even though you know that the remaining magic power will bounce in the opposite direction after using magic. If you don’t get an A rank in the next evaluation, the dormitory subsidy may be cut off.]


Of course, I didn’t like the fact that I had to look into the details of the dead guy in the middle of it. Lennok learns a lot from the information contained in it.

No, it’s not about learning new concepts.

Through this research journal, he is receiving confirmation of concepts in the actual stage that he was only guessing while studying magic and was not sure about.

It was a different way of growing than supplementing knowledge in the theory part through a conversation with Aris.

The roots of the great tree from which Lennok had sprung from within deepen, and its branches stretch out in all directions.

Being able to understand and use the principle of the unique magic [Brain Man] through the battle with Eden was a great help in understanding the journal.

‘The lightning pursued by the Thorburn school is closer to a heavy and intense image.’

It builds up the maximum amount of mana and images that can be contained in one magic, and discharges them at once as if sweeping them away.

All the magic tricks needed in the process are to increase power and speed.

It focuses on the essence of destructive magic called power rather than mystery or functionality.

And it suited Lennok perfectly, who was contemplating the limits of destructive power of common magic.

Although he had overcome all hardships with his overwhelming sense of battle, in the end, the most powerful magic that Lennok could use was limited to [Thunder Calling].

Conversely, it meant that if [Thunder Calling] could not be hit, Lennok’s full potential would not be fully displayed.

Instead of having strong power, the point of impact is clear and there are omens during casting, so I have been using it in parallel with [Gravity Bind] as if I were eating.

However, the story is different if you can add Thorburn School’s unique magic to his common magic.

Even [Brainman], which was used against Eden, had an extremely short casting time and overwhelming strength of extending from the hand, but it was not inferior to the power of [Thunder Calling].

If only we could keep these points in mind and apply them to the development of magic…

‘It wouldn’t be difficult to create a completely new magic.’

I quickly read through the journal without obsessing over the parts that I can’t understand right away.

The important thing in learning is repetition, not perfect understanding. Research materials are not going anywhere, so I thought to take my time calmly and leisurely.

‘It’s the last chapter.’

According to the journal, Eden was a pretty good student at the Magic Tower, but it seems that he was eventually released due to the lack of background and the limit of his potential.

It was possible to guess his psychological state just by seeing that his handwriting, which had been stable until then, became disorganized after leaving the magic tower.

Even after Eden was released from the Mage Tower, it seems that he did not stop studying magic, but he was soon blocked by his limits.

The last page of the journal clearly revealed his feelings of despair and confusion.

[White thunder (魄雷), which was regarded as the symbol of a 6th-level military wizard in the Mage Tower… Through steady research, I have reached the end of the 5th level, but I cannot find a way to go beyond that.] [About the change in the nature of

lightning I heard it so painfully in the Magic Tower, but I couldn’t understand it. How on earth is it possible to change the will that has already been put into magical power? Master resents me…]

[The only way I found was to forcefully increase the firepower of lightning by pouring magic power to the limit. In this way, as the temperature exceeded the nature of electric shock, it was possible to change even half of the nature.] [I should

start by increasing the amount of magic power. I thought I would need more money.] [

Much more than now.]

“… ……”

After reading the log to the end, I could understand the reason for Eden’s behavior.

The reason why he jumped into the arms business even after taking risks.

The reason why he had so many amplifiers installed at the power plant and dealt with Lennok’s group.

And at the end, why did he fight so desperately at the [brain man] that Lennok showed us?

It wasn’t a pleasant feeling.

After exploring the life of someone who had already died, all that remained was an unknown gloom.

Suppress the useless thoughts that come to mind and slowly build up your mana.


A blue current formed between the index fingers.

Lennok was troubled.

It’s been quite a while since I was able to deal with attributes like this without having to call out all of the lightning-type common magic.

Compared to other types of magic, the reason why the lightning type was particularly easy was probably because Lennok used this type of magic that much.

Powerful, fast and intuitive.

It was magic that was well worth the effort and had never let Lennok down.

Going one step further here.

Having made that decision, Lennok raised his mana drastically.


As he poured his magic power, the amount of lightning that formed on both hands increased rapidly and began to look like a bright blue ray.

Although the small stand placed in the room is filled with a colorless amount of brilliant light, not a single line of electricity escapes between Lennok’s fingers.

Complete control over the magic he created was now all too natural for Lennok.

Lennok, who was looking down at the complex of magical powers with a nonchalant expression, slightly twisted his fingers.

What is the image contained in the magical power?

Until now, Lennok had only thought of his strong will to use magic, and with that alone, he ran frantically without any hindrance.

However, in order to change the magic that has already been activated, is it necessary to change the will contained in it?

‘I can’t agree with that.’

Eden thought so and seemed frustrated, but Lennok didn’t think that the image he created was so worthless.

He differs from other wizards from the starting line.

He knew very well how ridiculous his talent was and how he was reaching the limits of existence.

It is an immortal quality that he acquired even while suffering countless penalties on his body.

There was no way that the thoughts he had assembled from the images he created could be replaced for more powerful magic.

Lennok couldn’t even be sure of the future right away, but he knew that when it came to magic, he could contemplate himself more objectively than anyone else.

What is needed is not loftier images or high-level thoughts.

Just a small trigger to realize ignorance was enough.


That moment.

The blue waves of lightning that flowed between Lennok’s hands parted as if peeling away, revealing pure white flesh inside them.

As if a drop of ink had fallen into a glass of water, the white electric current that grew from the inside quickly consumed the blue magic light and covered Lennok’s hands with dazzling brilliance.

The threshold that Eden spent all his remaining time worrying about and getting frustrated with.

Lennok casually steps on the stairs leading to a higher level.

It was only then that a faint smile began to appear on Lennox’s lips.

up more up.

There was still a long way to go.

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