Dragon Tamer

Chapter 332: 334: Dark Star Dragon of Heavenly Destruction

The Fiend Star Dragon had already approached, and under such circumstances, Zhu Minglang needn’t worry about it playing any tricks. It was a matter of life and death, and suddenly biting himself to death out of spite held no meaning for it.

In fact, Zhu Minglang did not know that the Fiend Star Dragon indeed had an impulse to bite this hateful human to death.

Were those even human words that he just said?

However, the temptation of Crossing Tribulation and Ascending was indeed greater for the Fiend Star Dragon. No life wished to remain a Mortal Fish among the myriad of others in the river. If there was a chance to climb reversedly, they would spare no cost in pursuit of the Heavenly Dao and the Cloud Realms, to become a supreme sovereign that roams freely without fear of predators, without fear of natural disasters!

The Spirit Contract Seal was branded on the forehead of the Fiend Star Dragon.

Zhu Minglang saw that the Fiend Star Dragon’s body was already scorched beyond recognition by meteoric fire, and many bones were nearly exposed. He felt deep sympathy in his heart.

The Dragon Gate, Heavenly Tribulation, the long and winding path of cultivation, how many unknown trials awaited each cultivator thirsting after the Heavenly Dao? How much grinding pain must they endure? Zhu Minglang himself was indeed one of countless Ordinary Spirits climbing inversely. It’s just that his methods were not quite the same as most of the lonely, haughty cultivators…

A path of cultivation without attachments was not suitable for him.

The Spirit Contract was signed, forming a special bond between two souls. Zhu Minglang quickly felt a special emotion, full of unwillingness, pain, anger, and resentment.

This was the emotion of the Fiend Star Dragon, which Zhu Minglang could now empathize with.

Stretching out his hand, Zhu Minglang touched the forehead of the Fiend Star Dragon, trying to use his own gentleness and friendliness to soothe the volatility in its heart.

In fact, Zhu Minglang was well aware that its irascibility did not stem from cruelty, ferocity, or deep-seated hatred, but from a lack of any sense of security.

Ever since the Female Star Dragon died, it had been living alone in a cruel world, without a single day of peace, unable to find a true resting place.

Although it had been born for some time, the Fiend Star Dragon had a lifespan of a thousand years. By human standards, it was no more than a child of seven or eight years old.

This came as a surprise to Zhu Minglang.

This Fiend Star Dragon was actually still quite young.

“From now on, we will face life and death together. I will be with you through this Heavenly Tribulation,” Zhu Minglang said.

Zhu Minglang climbed onto the back of the Fiend Star Dragon and bestowed upon it another piece of Ancient Lantern Jade.

The two pieces of Ancient Lantern Jade shone brilliantly together, protecting the Fiend Star Dragon while also healing its flesh and bones.

Ordinary lantern jades were already imbued with formidable life energy, but the Ancient Lantern Jade could even heal injured souls.

The Fiend Star Dragon’s burnt skin and flesh began to regrow, and it, with its already vigorous vitality, just needed such a boost!

The tattered wings unfolded anew, and the Fiend Star Dragon raised its head and let out a long roar, as if challenging the meteoric Heavenly Fire Tribulation!

Beating its wings, it soared upward against the torrent of flowing fire. The red splendor was magnificent, but for most creatures, it was undoubtedly a terrifying inferno of Purgatory.

In the Purgatory, accepting the flames of the furnace, reshaping the Soul Class within the tribulation, fearlessly facing the heavens to reach the shore across the fiery abyss!

Zhu Minglang held his sword, and at that moment, he could feel the Fiend Star Dragon’s unyielding and defiant will, which made a blazing fighting spirit burn in his chest as well!!

He refused to believe they couldn’t tear through this Heavenly Fire Tribulation!!

Zhu Minglang raised his Sharp Sword high, dancing with it as though a dragon’s shadow moved with it. Standing on the back of the Fiend Star Dragon, he suddenly slashed toward the fiery abyss, cleaving a heavenly rift through the rolling flames.

The Fiend Star Dragon caught sight of the sword mark crevice and suddenly burst forth with extreme speed, flying through the infinite heavenly fire and, with the protection of the Ancient Lantern Jade, soared towards the other shore in one vigorous effort!

Across the fierce sky of the other shore, there lay a tranquil realm that rose above the meteoric fire tribulation. Below, the bursting heavenly fires represented the punishment of God Demons, yet just a thread away, the other shore was utterly serene, as peaceful as another divine land.

Zhu Minglang’s body couldn’t withstand the scorching of the final flames, and as he swung the last sword for the Fiend Star Dragon, he himself fell back to earth.

However, the Fiend Star Dragon surged upwards, its body almost reduced to bones, but as it passed through that “thread of separation”, its flesh rapidly regrew, its black corundum skin also restored, thicker, harder, and smoother than before!

Dark golden scale feathers started to grow slowly from the black corundum skin, the finely detailed dragon scale patterns on them seemed to carry age-old heritage, concealing mysterious powers, luxurious and beautiful, resembling a dazzlingly bright and blazing starry night sky, now imprinted on the Fiend Star Dragon’s newly sprouted scale feathers.

The wings were the part of which the Fiend Star Dragon was most proud. They fluttered gently, the heavenly radiance burst forth, the depiction of the wings against the celestial dome of the other shore was vivid and lifelike, perfectly integrated with the scale feathers on its body!

Such a dragon, as if countless exquisitely beautiful stars were aligned together, constituted by a clean and clear night sky, by the collaborative tapestry of starlight, was the master of a nocturnal star river, wielding mysterious and powerful forces!!

Heavenly Killing Dark Star Dragon!

The omen, now fully realized.

Yet, whether it was an ill omen or an auspicious omen, was ultimately to be decided by Zhu Minglang, for the omen dragon had become the Dragon Shepherd’s companion.

With the appearance of the Dragon King, the starry night seemed to herald the dawn of creation, boundless and lavishly splendid.

And the heavenly fire, too, as the Fiend Star Dragon completed its tribulation, was rapidly receding.

On the earth below, the people were staggeringly terrified.

Within the forests, myriad beasts ran in fear.

Even some forces stationed farther out on the tea-colored ground, some venerable cultivating monsters seemed to have sensed the birth of the Heavenly Slaughter Dragon, standing atop mountains with grave expressions, staring at this overly splendid starry night!

The populace of Runyu City, each and every one of them, looked ashen-faced.

Whether they were soldiers from Slaughter Country or Cultivators from the Godly Mortal Academy.

They all knew too well that if the Fiend Star Dragon successfully transcended its tribulation and ascended, no one would live to leave.

At this moment, the Fiend Star Dragon had transcended its tribulation, had transformed into the Dragon King, and people’s time of death was imminent!!

Zhu Minglang fell from the high sky, without much cushioning, the fall from such a height left his whole body feeling numb, but thankfully, since the Sword Spirit Dragon was a Flying Sword, it could soften Zhu Minglang’s landing somewhat.

He landed in a city of scorched earth and ruins, limping, Zhu Minglang hurried to check on Little White’s condition.

Fortunately, Little White was only burnt bald, reduced to a featherless White Dragon, its injuries not too severe, just a dent to its aesthetics.

Little White’s ears drooped, lacking its beautiful and bright feathers, which wounded its pride more than its body. Therefore, it took on a delicate and exquisite form, hiding among the debris, too ashamed to show itself.

Zhu Minglang lifted it from the ruins, looking at Little White now resembling a Grey Charcoal Dragon, he did not mock it, but instead gently stroked its little head.

“We have one more companion now.”

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