Dragon Tamer

Chapter 240 - 241: Scumbag Exposed for Certain?

Chapter 240: Chapter 241: Scumbag Exposed for Certain?

Translator: 549690339

“If you write a poem for me from Zhu Gate, I won’t quibble with you about sending someone to block the door,” said the short, handsome man as he placed paper and pen in front of Zhu Minglang.

“What should I call you?” Zhu Minglang asked.

“Quan Zong Yan Yuan,” the short, handsome man replied.

“Only good with your fists, not with a pen?” Zhu Minglang asked with a smile.

“To write or not to write?”

“Alright,” Zhu Minglang picked up the pen.

He dipped it in ink and then wrote one big character on the white paper!

Upon seeing the character, Quan Zong Yan Yuan’s face changed, and his gaze turned icy.

Tu Wenhe, who was standing nearby, leaned over to take a look at the character Zhu Minglang had written and immediately burst into laughter.


On the white paper, Zhu Minglang had written this bold and unconstrained character, no wonder Quan Zong Yan Yuan’s facial muscles were twitching with anger!

“Looking for trouble, blacksmith?” Yan Yuan was almost about to grab Zhu Minglang by the collar and beat him up.

At this moment, the senior palace maid scolded him and signaled Yan Yuan to sit down.

Zhu Minglang placed the ‘Scram’ he had written back in front of Yan Yuan and said with a smile, “So you can read after all.”

“You’re courting death!” Yan Yuan exploded in rage, but faced with the imposing senior palace maid, he restrained from acting out.

Outside the Princess Manor, they could fight all they wanted, but once inside, they were not allowed to summon Dragon Beasts, nor were they allowed to use the Power of God and Mortality.

Yan Yuan tore up the character Zhu Minglang had written and simply sat there, no longer writing any poetry of first acquaintance, his eyes fixed deadly on Zhu Minglang as if his goal that day was no longer to become the princess’s consort but to beat Zhu Minglang to a pulp!

Before long, the palace maids and servants collected everyone’s ‘exams,’ and the group was left hanging in the courtyard, only able to face the beautiful maple wood.

After nearly a Time, the senior palace maid reappeared and read out a few names.

“The rest can go back and wait for the final contest,” said the senior palace maid.

“What does this mean, Princess Luoshui isn’t even meeting us once, how does she know we’re not the right candidates, is it just based on those few words?” Prince Liang was the first to voice his dissatisfaction.

“Visitors to different places, looks, fame, strength, character… Princess Luoshui has already heard of them all, she has a rough idea of the candidates in her mind. Those left here are just for the princess’s amusement, to discuss poetry and taste tea with no intention of selecting a consort. The final results will only be announced on the day of the contest, and the one Princess Luoshui favors will naturally command a high price,” explained the senior palace maid.

“But I have only visited the Princess Manor,” the mature man Tu Wenhe said.

“How could the princess not know of Dragon Herding Sanctifier Tu Wenhe?” the senior palace maid said with a smile.

“If that is the case, Tu Wenhe will await the good news,” Tu Wenhe stood up and spoke politely.

The others withdrew, leaving only a few behind, including Zhu Minglang, and a young scholar among them.

After waiting a bit longer, the breathtakingly beautiful Princess Luoshui finally appeared. The screen in front of her was pushed aside by a few maids, and she walked from her fragrant couch to the maple wood long table before inviting a few people whose poetic talent had been selected to sit nearer.

Princess Luoshui personally poured tea, the fragrance was intoxicating and uplifting, but even the enchanting aroma of the tea couldn’t compare to the mystery and elegance of Princess Luoshui that captivated everyone. She didn’t speak but poured a cup of fragrant tea for each person.

Zhu Minglang was surprised that his poem had been selected.

It was a village song from the mountains hummed by some old farmers during his wanderings, barely modified by him to be easy to understand and not at all refined.

“Your swordsmanship is exceptional, your poetry talent is impressive, and your handwriting is also exquisite,” Princess Luoshui said in a gentle and elegant manner.

Zhu Minglang looked around, thinking Princess Luoshui was addressing someone else, but her eyes, hidden beneath the ornaments of silver and jade, were fixed on him.

“Swordsmanship?” Zhu Minglang was surprised, how did Princess Luoshui know about his swordsmanship?

“At the Sword Pavilion of Miao Mountain Sword Sect, your phrase, ‘The weak are lowly, the strong are honored,’ was indeed memorable,” Princess Luoshui said with a gentle smile, her voice exceptionally pleasant and beautiful.

“So the princess was there that day too?” Zhu Minglang was quite surprised.

At the time in the Sword Pavilion, amidst the screen-painted parasols and curtained seats, there were indeed many commandery princesses, female marquises, and female city lords as spectators. Zhu Minglang hadn’t expected Princess Luoshui to be among them; she must have changed her attire not wanting to be recognized by others.

“The sword contest between Yaoshan Sword Sect and Miao Mountain Sword Sect is a rare event, occurring only once every ten years. Naturally, I would not miss it,” said Princess Luoshui.

“It turns out the princess also likes the Sword Dao,” Zhu Minglang said.

“However, with such a stunning and unmatched lady by your side, why come to my modest princess manor?” Princess Luoshui continued to inquire.

Zhu Minglang’s brow furrowed.

Was she referring to Nan Lingsha?

This was trouble!

A confirmed philanderer!

Savoring what’s in the bowl, while eyeing what’s in the pot…

The women of Miao Kingdom not only refuse to accept other countries’ men having multiple wives and concubines, but they also despise men for being fickle.

Here, a woman might be forgiven for an accidental affair, but no man with a divided heart has ever escaped contempt and loathing!

“Princess Luoshui, you misunderstand. That female painter is merely a Divine and Mortal in my Dragon Shepherd team, and she and I have a pure and innocent relationship,” Zhu Minglang quickly came up with a response, showing a calm and nonchalant demeanor.

“Has the young master’s heart never been moved? Several female city lords with special preferences told me that day they were besotted with the painter; beneath her veil, there must be a face of outstanding beauty,” Princess Luoshui said.

“If I were moved, why would I come here?” Zhu Minglang responded.

“That’s true,” Princess Luoshui no longer pursued the matter, but instead talked with the truly poetic scholar about the poem he had written, from the literal emotions to the hidden ambitions within the lines, and even the deeper implications…

Zhu Minglang sipped his tea while nodding along as if he understood.

After talking for a while, Princess Luoshui went back to rest.

She did not express any particular fondness, merely making idle conversation. As for whether she would bid a fortune for the man who moved her heart on the day of the contest, that was uncertain.

Zhu Minglang also felt a bit of a headache.

This overly simplistic method of “matchmaking” was giving him no opportunity to apply his strengths.

If Princess Luoshui had not visited Miao Mountain Sword Sect in disguise, she probably wouldn’t even know of his existence.

Could it be up to fate?

Forget it, take it one step at a time.

At least today he had roughly identified the experts around the princess. One was her senior maid, and there were two others dressed as maids who were hidden guards with high cultivation bases. He would need to remain vigilant!

If he failed to win the contest, he would abduct the princess.

If all else failed, a bait and switch could be executed, offering her a fake silver adornment to wear, which would not tarnish her reputation.

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