Dragon Tamer

Chapter 238 - 239: The Bully Zhu Minglang

Chapter 238: Chapter 239: The Bully Zhu Minglang

Translator: 549690339

The autumn in Miao Kingdom is still rather hot, with fiery-red maple leaves dancing in the breeze atop the eaves of the city…

Women on the streets are clad in styles that couldn’t be more different. Some are wrapped from head to toe, with headscarves, veils, and gloves leaving nothing exposed, while others dress daringly, revealing their pearly white and slender waists and long beautiful legs, perfectly showcased by the slits on the left side of their silk skirts…

These vibrantly dressed women don’t care in the slightest about the gazes of the opposite sex. In fact, they seemingly disregard the fervent gazes of men altogether. Instead, when encountering similarly dressed, equally charismatic women, they would glance at each other, then lift their proud chins, neither willing to concede defeat!

Today is the suitor selection event at Princess Manor, a place already spacious and sprawling, but now it is packed to the brim, including a good number from foreign lands—kings, princes, princely heirs—who, despite knowing full well that Miao Kingdom holds women in high esteem and the victor would have to marry into the princess’s household, still swarmed like moths to a flame.

Zhu Minglang arrived at Princess Manor, coming as a scion of one of the Six Great Clans from Imperial City. Zhu Minglang naturally made a show of force for this occasion, first employing a large group of apprentices from Zhu Clan housing in Miao Country to pose as his suitor entourage, then, flaunting the banner of Young Master of Miao Mountain Sword Sect, he entered the manor without regard for prior arrangements!

“Who is this playboy, showing off such a spectacle in front of Princess Manor? Doesn’t he know Princess Luoshui detests these opulent, useless dandies?” said a few maids at the gate, visibly disgruntled.

“Seems he’s from Imperial City.”

“So what if he is? Here in our Miao Kingdom, he still must show respect.”

The gate was bustling with activity, and with the arrival of Zhu Clan’s Young Master’s suitor procession, those who were sensible swiftly made way, opening up a broad path. Yet there were many, prominent and of high status, who were not necessarily inclined to accommodate the face of Imperial City.

“Zhu Minglang of Zhu Clan pays a visit,” declared Zhu Minglang while seated atop the Divine Green Holy Dragon, dressed in pristine, luxurious attire, his hair groomed to perfection, even his accessories chosen with great care to suit his current skin tone.

“Do you lack any sense of decorum? We of Xu Public Mountain have already presented our visiting card; you must queue at the back!” said an irritable man, fanning himself with a feather fan.

This person was also escorted by four masters, but judging by their attire, they had purposely chosen to understate their presence. Luoshui was known to dislike anything overly boisterous, which is why many royal family nobles chose to visit her in a rather subdued manner.

“Xu Public Mountain? What’s that? Han Wu, throw that guy and his lackeys out,” laughed Zhu Minglang, showing the arrogance typical of a clan leader!

Meng Hanwu’s expression darkened.

This Zhu Minglang, was he treating her as his lackey now?

Zhu Minglang glanced at Meng Hanwu and, seeing her indifferent, whispered, “I’m making an effort here for the suitor competition. If you don’t cooperate with me, and things fall apart, you can go back and explain to mother yourself.”

Meng Hanwu coldly huffed, aware she had been outmaneuvered by Zhu Minglang, but still moved towards the man who claimed to be from Xu Public Mountain with icy coldness.

Soon, screams emanated from the gatefront. Meng Hanwu’s cultivation base was likely on par with that of the masters from the Sword Sect; dealing with these fame-seeking pretenders was almost too easy.

“Isn’t that the Sword Master from Miao Mountain Sword Sect?”

“Such a formidable Sword Master, why would he act as an accessory to this young master of Zhu Clan?”

The folks from Xu Public Mountain were pitiful, not even making it inside the gate before being tossed into the moat outside of Princess Manor, utterly disheveled.

“Even if he is from Imperial City, one should still follow the rule of first come, first served. I am the young City Lord from North Wilderness Town…”

“Throw him out,” Zhu Minglang commanded without waiting for him to speak, addressing Meng Hanwu.

“Such insolent arrogance! I am the youngest King in the Hidden Kingdom. Never have I seen such brazen audacity. On behalf of all the world’s heroes and talented individuals, I take offense. If you dare, try to throw me out too—if you’re not afraid of my kingdom’s one hundred thousand strong army flattening your Zhu Gate!” a man in his early thirties righteously proclaimed.

In front of Princess Manor, with so many prestigious visitors present, those who dared to compete for the princess’s hand were either of eminent status or possessed outstanding strength. Zhu Minglang’s blatant and bullish behavior spared no consideration for any other powers or kingdoms—it was utterly unforgivable!

“A frog in a well,” sneered an elder from Zhu Sect’s foreign court. He walked slowly over to the man who claimed to be a King and whispered a few words to him.

The self-proclaimed King, who had been fervently eager to take up the cause for everyone, immediately changed color. In the end, under the scrutiny of all, he had no choice but to bow in Zhu Minglang’s direction and then skulk away with his tail between his legs, accompanied by his entourage.

One hundred thousand strong army??

Nothing but a ragtag force of scrap metal!

Nowadays, in the whole Supreme Court Courtyard Continent, any well-equipped army had dealings with the Zhu Sect’s foreign court.

On the annual celebration days, the so-called Kings, State Preceptors, and National Aids would all wait outside in the falling snow for an audience, simply to establish friendly diplomacy with the Zhu Sect…

This King of the Hidden Kingdom had probably indeed spent too much time in his remote and harsh lands!

“No one else dares to obstruct me now, do they?” Zhu Minglang glanced around the crowd and asked with a smile curling up at the corner of his mouth.

The vast majority were too angry to speak out, and of course, no one else wished to stick their necks out—after all, the scale of the house he represented was no small matter.

After making a high-profile entrance into Princess Manor, the princess’s maids pursed their lips, showing their dislike for Zhu Minglang’s pompous behavior.

But however they were meant to receive him, they received him, inviting Zhu Minglang and his “henchmen” into the courtyard of Princess Manor. Yet soon after, Zhu Minglang committed another act that outraged everyone.

“Meng Hanwu, you stand at the entrance. Drive away anyone who comes after me!” Zhu Minglang pointed at the gate to Princess Manor, exuding the tyrannical air of a thug who acted as if Princess Manor were his own house!

“Young Master, by doing this, you’ll displease Princess Luoshui,” a chief maid raised her voice to say.

“Are you the princess?” Zhu Minglang inquired.

“Of course not.”

“Then stop wagging your tongue. Doesn’t the princess like peace and quiet? I’m providing her a serene suitor festival to start with. Moreover, if others wish to enter Princess Manor, they can do so—let them defeat my guardian sister; if they win, I, Zhu Minglang, will acknowledge their right to compete with me!” Zhu Minglang declared.

A few maids of the princess had never seen such shamelessness. Knowing full well that this man was very likely a privileged fool from the Imperial City, they found themselves helpless against him in that moment.

“I will go ask the princess. You all accompany Mr. Zhu to his seat,” the chief maid said as she hurriedly lifted her skirt and scampered away.

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