Divine Path System

Chapter 1488 Genesis and Nexus

Chapter 1488 Genesis and Nexus

Equilius' body dissolved and delaying no time, Icarus decided to leave for the mission.

Beep! Beep!

The ringtone used for specific contacts sounded.

Icarus pursed his lips and took the call.

A few seconds later, he left the duchy and passed through the border customs, before entering a special world in Genesis Empire.

A dozen people, all exuding a subtle but undeniable divine power were seated across a round table.

Icarus grew up without anyone knowing his background and the world knew him as an orphan powerhouse of the Nexus Empire.

He's a genius but not so much that he stood out in the top circles, relatively speaking.

"Why are you always so late?" A woman with pink cucumber-like hair crossed third leg over the other two, frowning slightly.

"Leave him be. Nexus isn't so near." A ten-meter tall man with four eyes and two heads, said with one head while the other head remained in conversation with someone else.

Icarus exhaled lightly and took a seat.

With a cough of a short but imposing man of two feet, the chatter died off.

"As you all know, 7th Prince's forces have struck the border. While it's a non-divine army as per the 3rd clause of the 3247th peace agreement, there is a high possibility that the Jai Empire will break the rules."

The short man said, the two antenna rooted on his forehead swaying violently with his words.

"Cap. Of course it does." The pink cucumber-hair snickered before her expression turned serious. "Wait, are we looking at another war? It's been only half millennia, damn it!"

The 2-foot man cleared his throat. "The 7th Prince didn't term it a war. It was specifically directed at Pala, a border kingdom of Genesis Empire."

The people nodded, they heard some rough news about the incident. It was just another conflict. Though the nature was different since the 7th Prince was directly involved.

Divine rankers have clashed outside the galaxy so far but made no attempts to breach the kingdom. The Empire's divine rankers stationed for that region have been on full alert.

"It's a small scale battle directed against the Pala kingdom and should not concern us too much." The two-headed man said in his deep voice.

The others expressed the same views.

Icarus nodded and said his bit, just to raise his sense of presence in the room from zero. "The Alliance has mobilized divine rankers to strategic locations in case things escalate. Nothing to worry about."

"As newbies, we aren't on their radar. But that's precisely why it's an opportunity for us. We should take this opportunity to show our prowess. The 7th Prince deployed some divine rankers under him.

They're already an overkill for a kingdom. So maybe that's why none of them are experienced or strong." The two-foot man said.

His antennas straightened like a pole and he slammed the table. "Let's win some war booty and establish ourselves! This is the time! This is the opportunity! Let's do it! Who is with me?"

Out of the twelve people, nine raised their hands.

The pink cucumber-hair, two-headed giant and Icarus were the only ones who didn't.

"Icarus, are you for real?"

All the gazes turned to Icarus.

"What?" The young, well, relatively young man raised a brow in confusion and subtly glanced at the other two who also didn't raise their hands.

"I have some work to do. Maybe next time."

No one had said anything but they all looked at each other, a common emotion found in each of their eyes.

"Right. Nexus also has its problems, I understand." A lady in risque clothes covered her mouth and said, the lips behind her palm curled into a contemptous smile.

"It's not like your presence will make any difference." The two-

foot antenna man shrugged and waved his hand.

The others didn't speak out but showed their agreement to the words said.

Icarus narrowed his eyes and glanced at the twelve peers, particularly the two who spoke up.

"Out of us all, I have the most military merit. I think it is acceptable if I skip out this time."

His words riled up the group and the pink cucumber-haired lady, one with the least merit of all slammed the table.

"So what? We're the ones fighting against the Empire! You guys from Nexus are just piggybacking on our fo…" Her voice died out as she realized what she just blurted.

But she didn't bother to apologize.

With a dissatisfied snort, she muttered "Why do we see them as equals?" and disappeared.

"Well," The organizer of the group, the two-foot man shrugged, feigning helplessness. "Don't take her words to heart. You know we aren't like that. The Alliance is one."

Icarus nodded stiffly.

"So anyway, the specific plans are…"

The blatant disrespect toward Icarus and insults posed not just on him but his entire Empire were swept under the carpet.

No one cared.

A few seconds later, someone called back that pink lady and she joined without any showing any remorse.

Icarus didn't utter a word for the rest of the meeting.

As he's about to leave, a woman said in a worried tone. "Icarus, don't take her words to heart. She's in a bad mood lately."

Icarus paused for a moment and nodded lightly before vanishing. But as he did vanish, he left behind a tiny portion of his power in the room without anyone noticing.

Since no one expected him to do such a thing, they didn't sense anything.

Through that tidbit of power, Icarus watched the room without him.

They talked about the preparations some more and then his name was brought up.

"Seriously," The pink lady snorted. "Why do we keep hanging out with that loser? The folks from Nexus are leeches."

"Don't be like that. He's as good as any of us." The lady who consoled him said.

Icarus was pleasantly surprised at the goodwill.

"So what? He might be our equal individually but our positions are vastly different. Our only equal is Mors and Jai. Nexus is a weaker power that's kept alive only because they're good fodder against the God Emperor's forces."

Another person intercepted.

The lady who consoled him nodded at that remark. "That's true but it'd be better for us if he fights willingly than being forced. If there's any risky mission in the future, he will be our good asset.

I don't particularly like him or his people but if showing some good will can make him risk his life for our causes, it's fine with me."

Icarus' face twisted and he clenched his fists. All the good will he held for her was shattered, leaving only disgust.

"She's right. He's an orphan anyway, so even if he dies, no one will bang the doors of the Alliance and make a fuss."

The new divine ranker opened his palm and looked at the shining mark with a mad gaze.

It didn't matter how those words were intended. The lofty people of Genesis have only made it all too clear that they would never consider Nexus their equal.

'A single sliver empire dares to behave so arrogantly…you will cower in front of us when we gather two slivers.'

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