Divine Path System

Chapter 1458 Sorry Not Sorry

1458 Sorry Not Sorry

Neither Samantha nor Robert dared to attack Varian first.

The first mover would be declared enemy and face the assault of three warriors!

Samantha couldn't bear to give up her mission after coming so far.

Martial Saint might tolerate him failing all the missions but he'd never tolerate him letting Samantha distort the kingdom he oversaw. Robert knew for certain that even if he killed everyone here, if he let the damage happen, Martial Saint won't leave him alive.

'Anything for the greater good.'

'I'll kill this bastard later. But I can't let that bitch ruin everything.'

Putting aside their grudge with Varian, they prepared very rational arguments to persuade the man.

With an earnest expression, Samantha began.

"You've seen how badly the spiritless are treated, right? They're like livestock for the disgusting nobility to feast on. They can't even live with dignity. Parents selling their chil…"

Varian just wasn't interested in the moral lecture. Sure, the situation of Palarians was apalling. Any normal person would feel pity for the poor souls. But he wasn't here to save anyone.

'Soul locking, Everdream…'

While pretending to listen, he stared studying the formations acting on the Fortune Spirit.

'The formations aren't designed to restrain the spirit through brute strength. Application of rank 9 power would undermine Cradle's stability. The Spirit must be in a dream it can't get out of. But if it can be awakened,'

Varian's soul power stirred, calculating the steps he needed to wake one out of the induced slumber.

"…people are all equal. There is no one superior or inferior. Any system that puts one above another is inherently evil and must be demolished.

Now is the chance to make the call. Stand on the right side of history. Good over evil."

Samantha's passionate speech ended and she gazed at Varian with an intense gaze. Her eyes were shining with a brilliant light, like lamps driving away darkness.

If there was one irrefutable thing, it's that Samantha believed everything she said. Many were like grass, bending with the wind. They held no firms convictions of their own and could be persuaded, cajoled or threatened into submission.

But Samantha, even if she had just a single finger left, would try to fulfill her mission with that one finger.

She's like a tall tree that wouldn't wield against even the harshest of winds. But that's why, unlike grass that would survive the tempests, she'd be broken first.

"Nonsense! Utter nonsense! Samantha, you never answered me. If everyone is equal, who will become the pillars?"

Robert, unable to control the surging rage, roared.

Samantha's gaze wavered for a moment before she fiercly argued. "Everyone will become a pillar! Besides, we still have the existing generation. When the time comes, the hardworkers of this generation will take up the mantle! It's a non-issue!"

"Ridiculous! So you say talent is not important to becoming a pillar?"

"Of course it isn't! Everyone has a base talent. If they work hard, they have a chance of reaching the higher ranks."

"Then where are those who reached higher ranks from a normal talent? Only a handful of higher ranks I know have a normal talent."

"Then are you saying people don't need to live properly? Do they have to be trampled? We are all created by All Mother Asherah. She never differentiated between us. Why should we devalue a fellow palarian?"

The debate grew more and more intense. Thankfully, the two were educated. But even more importantly, they were civil. So, instead of using childish curses, they tried to present their positions as convincingly as possible.

It's just the man this debate ran for was focused elsewhere.

'Oh? There is also a protection formation? Once you enter the dream, your soul gets attacked and slowly fuses into Fortune Anvil.

But to prevent any contestants from accidentally getting killed, there are features to not target anyone with a physical body.

Oh boy, oh boy.'

Varian's gaze down to the floating ring in front of the Anvil. Its aura continued to rise, slowly but steadily inching toward high rank 9.

Going from high rank 9 to peak rank 9 would take thrice as long as compared to going from mid to high rank 9.

'That means I have some time. But the window of opportunity is small—before the spirit gets fully assimilated and loses its sense of self and also before the old bastard wakes up.'

"…and it's time for common sense to prevail. Her ideas sound good. But that's all they do. They are suitable for books. Not in reality. There cannot be a world of equality for the very existence of life is inequal.

People aren't born equal. They don't live equally. Nor do they die equally. But I'll concede that perhaps death is the least inequal of all. But even the death of a king and a commoner are different.

It is nature nature of life itself. Its inherent quality. If you remove that, then you're taking the soul out of a race."

Robert too, concluded his speech, with equal passion.

He didn't notice it himself but the prince detested a world like that as much as due to personal reasons as due to his beliefs.

Hailed as a genius since childhood, he could not fathom not being the center of attention, could not imagine a world where his natural talents would not bloom and could not and a life where he wouldn't lead an army to the border.

The prince and princess, both with completely opposite beliefs they believed with equal passion, now turned to Varian with a stern gaze.

There was no pleading in their eyes contrary to the beginning.

As they spoke about their deeply held convictions, at some point, both of them decided that even if they had to fight against three, they would do so and still try to win.

No, they must win.

'I can understand their passions. Honestly, it's a tricky subject.' Varian clicked his tongue and opened his mouth.

The two waited with an eager gaze, their fists clenched and breaths held.

"As the Emperor of Human Race,"

Varian began with a solemn gaze. And as he did, he also started sending some information to Enigma through the soul link.

She too had been deciphering the formations following his instructions but due to his familiarity with a lot of paths and the experience that came with wielding the slivers, he was able to decode far more than her.

"I understand the issue is very serious. I have once fought for a world of peace from external enemies. You are fighting for peace from internal elements.

Our problems, circumstances and methods maybe different but we all want the good of our people in the end."

Varian's words were a surprise to the two. He was actually speaking sense!

In Samantha's defense, the 'brother-in-law' was arrogant, lustful and headstrong.

From Robert's perspective, this man was a cheater who hid his strength and humiliated him in front of everyone.

So, the two were, understandbly, surprised at the unlikely words of common but important wisdom.

"I know you're not so bad! Pick the right side! I swear on my honor I'll treat you forever as my ally! I'll give up my life for you after this if harm were to fall on you!" Samantha urged.

"…I will," Robert struggled to let go of the grudge. After all, it's his sole reason for sacrificing his future and cutting off his lifespan. But he figured he could say things even if he didn't mean them.

What's the harm? By the time Varian would realize, the deed would've long been done.

"I promise to treat you as my ally and best friend. There shall be no more grudges between brothers. Come to the right side.

Let Palarians stand proud in the galactic arena. Let the geniuses of other kingdoms see the greatness of our civilization.

Come, brother. This is the time for the right call. I trust your judgement."

Robert gave up all shame and used all the tricks in the book. Looking at Varian's face that's still a bit conflicted, he went a step further.

"Oh, my best friend is a man who cherishes women at heart. What's wrong with that? It's only natural.

So, how about this?

I am solely focused on my divine path. I hold no woman in my heart. But to satiate my elders, I accepted a woman as my fiance.

If you accept the proposal, I shall bestow you upon her…"


Varian grabbed Enigma's hand. A black and white light struck the numerous formations.

Like being sucked into a vacuum cleaner, the two were pulled in.


"The heck are you doing? Stop right now!"

Varian was quietly planning to slip away into the formations but this bastard's atrocious words deserved a reply. He paused at the final moment and flipped a middle finger.

"Sorry not sorry, but I am not someone who becomes best friends or brothers with a pimp."

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