Divine Mastering Dragon System

Chapter 17

C17 – The Sorcerer Was Certified

“You… You’re here for mage certification?”

The young man’s voice betrayed his panic, his speech slightly jumbled.

Choo Qin was equally taken aback. He had always assumed that instant spellcasting was common knowledge, simply requiring the casting of a skill. Yet, unexpectedly, it had drawn the attention of everyone present.

Rune Carving?

That was something he truly didn’t know how to do…

“Yes, I’d like to undergo mage certification.”

“Do you wish to certify as a Beginner Level Mage or as a High Level Mage?”

“Hmm? Isn’t there anything else? I feel like I might be a Sorcerer…”

Choo Qin was unfamiliar with the procedure, so he simply stated his situation.

He reasoned that the higher the level, the greater the privileges, allowing him to learn more skills.

“A Sorcerer?”

The young man’s shock was evident, his hands trembling as he struggled to hold onto the papers.

It’s well-known that the journey of a mage becomes increasingly arduous as one progresses.

Whether commoner or noble, the chance of possessing the aptitude to be a mage is one in a thousand, and even fewer surpass the hurdle of apprenticeship to become a true mage.

Mage Apprentice, Beginner Level Mage, High Level Mage, Sorcerer.

Currently, the youngest High Level Mage in Long Song City was in his thirties and qualified to teach at the academy.

And here was this young man, not even twenty, claiming to be a Sorcerer?

Had Choo Qin not demonstrated No-talisman Spellcasting, the young man would have thought it was all a joke.

Now, however, he was uncertain.

“I… I’ll go call the president; your case is somewhat exceptional…”

After a brief hesitation, the young man decided it was best to escalate the matter. This was beyond his authority to resolve.

The onlookers in the hall watched with a mix of skepticism and awe.

Most were Beginner Level Mages, with a scattering of High Level Mages among them.

They were all intrigued by the sudden appearance of such a young Sorcerer.

Shortly thereafter.

A middle-aged man with a stern countenance emerged, his face weathered by experience.

Having already been briefed by the youth and after a thorough examination, he too found that he could not fully discern Choo Qin’s abilities.

“Sir, are you seeking certification as a Sorcerer?”

Choo Qin was met with the same curious gaze he had grown almost immune to.


“Very well. The certification for a Sorcerer is somewhat unique. Please accompany me to the training room in the rear tower.”

The middle-aged man was succinct, simply adhering to protocol.

Yet, on their way, Choo Qin managed to glean quite a bit of information.

The man’s name was Van Wan, the president of the Mage Guild in Long Song City, and he himself was a Sorcerer.

The young man from before was his nephew, Gong Zheng, who had achieved the rank of Beginner Level Mage at a remarkably young age.

“Sir, in accordance with Mage Guild regulations, your test will be recorded and sent to headquarters. Rest assured, your identity and test details will remain strictly confidential.”

“For Sorcerer certification, you are required to flawlessly construct three Advanced Magic Runes and one original Small Spell.”

“Additionally, we will conduct a magic power assessment to determine your Sorcerer rank.”

“These evaluations are all mandatory and will be reviewed by the headquarters.”

Van Wan spoke confidently as he guided Choo Qin to a dark green testing platform, showing no prejudice due to Choo Qin’s youth.

He was curious to discover whether this enigmatic young man truly possessed the skills of a Sorcerer.

“Hmm? Is there anything you’re unclear about?”

Seeing Choo Qin standing on the testing platform, looking at him expectantly, Van Wan wondered if his explanation had been insufficient.


A flicker of embarrassment crossed Choo Qin’s eyes.

“If I tell you I don’t understand any of this, would you believe me?”


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