Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 231: Tomorrow

Chapter 231: Tomorrow

"What did you just say?"

Even the usually composed Director couldn't mask his shock.

If anyone else had made such a claim, he might have brushed it off. But this was Fang Xiu, a top ten figure in the national psychic talent database. His foresight had previously averted a Grade-S Specter disaster, making him a rising star and a respected figure among the country's psychics.

When Fang Xiu spoke of the future, people listened.

"Mr. Fang, are you sure? You really foresaw the fall of the headquarters?"

The Director's disbelief was met with Fang Xiu's nod. "My foresight has never been wrong."

Fang Xiu hadn't seen the exact moment of the headquarters' downfall, but he knew that if Yan Changshou and his group succeeded, the result would be catastrophic—either destruction or severe damage.

Psychics were not ordinary people; power often twisted them, making them rebellious.

The headquarters, with its five captains and the formidable Xiao Zhenhua, could keep them in check. But if the headquarters fell, psychics across the nation would become restless, and foreign psychics would see an opportunity to strike.

This wasn't just a battle; it was an all-or-nothing fight. A mere victory wouldn't suffice—only a decisive win would do.

As Fang Xiu's words sank in, the Director's face grew more serious, his eyes reflecting deep thought.

The room was swallowed by silence.

After a few moments, the Director's gaze sharpened, locking onto Fang Xiu.

"Mr. Fang, can you tell me when this destruction will happen? Is a Specter behind it?"

Fang Xiu shook his head and uttered two chilling words, "Human disaster."

The Director's eyes narrowed instantly. "A human disaster? Who's behind it?"

Fang Xiu didn't answer directly. Instead, he asked, "I heard the headquarters has a Spiritual Gadget for me as a reward?"

The Director, an experienced man, understood the unspoken message. Fang Xiu was making it clear that such valuable information wouldn't come for free.

Rather than being offended, the Director recognized the practicality of the request—after all, this information was worth more than gold.

"What exactly are you asking for, Mr. Fang?"

"More rewards."

The Director chuckled, appreciating Fang Xiu's straightforwardness. "If your information proves accurate, the reward will be far beyond your expectations. We value and reward merit here. What is it you want?"

Fang Xiu noted the Director's willingness to negotiate and gave a slight nod. 'It's no wonder this man became the Director; he knows what to prioritize.'

"No need to rush. We can talk about rewards after we've dealt with the crisis," Fang Xiu replied, maintaining his calm.

The Director was surprised. He had expected Fang Xiu to make immediate demands but was intrigued by his decision to wait. 'Isn't he concerned that the headquarters might not follow through?'

What the Director didn't realize was that Fang Xiu wasn't worried about the headquarters breaking their promise. He had a trump card: he could reset the entire world.

If they tried to cheat him, Fang Xiu wouldn't need Yan Changshou or the Pokers to lift a finger—he could obliterate the headquarters, and the world with it, in the blink of an eye. One look at the sky, and it would all be over.*

"Aren't you concerned that if your demands get too high later, the headquarters might not be able to meet them?" the Director asked, his tone carrying an undertone of caution.

Fang Xiu's response was cool and unwavering. "It doesn't matter. If I can change the future to save the headquarters, I can just as easily ensure its fall."

"Fang Xiu! Are you threatening us?" Xiao Zhenhua, who had been standing nearby, finally snapped, unable to hold back his anger.

He had already been on edge when Fang Xiu hinted at making larger demands. Now, with Fang Xiu openly threatening them, it clashed violently with his strict sense of fairness.

Fang Xiu turned his indifferent gaze toward Xiao Zhenhua, as if the fourth-tier powerhouse posed no threat to him at all. He replied with a single word, "Yes."

"Why you—"

"Zhenhua!" The Director's sharp command cut him off, forcing Xiao Zhenhua to step back, though his anger was barely contained.

Instead of reacting with anger to Fang Xiu's words, the Director's eyes held a newfound respect.

He understood that in a world where the Specter threat was growing more dangerous by the day, a psychic with a temper was not an issue—lack of ability was.

As long as Fang Xiu had the power he claimed, even if he demanded access to the headquarters' most valuable resources, the Director would have no choice but to let him have his pick. The price of his greed would be irrelevant as long as he could deliver results.

"Mr. Fang, please forgive Zhenhua. He's straightforward and not always tactful," the Director said with a measured tone.

Fang Xiu simply nodded. "He's not worth my time."

At this, Xiao Zhenhua nearly lost control again, but the Director's firm gaze kept him in check.

"Mr. Fang, I agree to your terms. Now, can you tell me more about this future? When will the headquarters face this disaster?" the Director asked earnestly.

Fang Xiu didn't hesitate. "Tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" The Director was taken aback, a trace of disbelief flickering in his eyes.

Had Fang Xiu predicted the headquarters' fall years from now, the Director might have found it more plausible, due to the growing Specter threat. But tomorrow? With the five captains guarding the headquarters, it seemed impossible that it could be destroyed so quickly.

However, the Director wisely kept his doubts to himself. Questioning Fang Xiu without knowing all the facts would only reveal his own ignorance.

"What will cause the fall?" he asked.

"The headquarters will be attacked tomorrow night by someone working with the Pokers from within," Fang Xiu answered plainly.

The Director's expression darkened as he considered the implications.

Xiao Zhenhua scoffed. "Fang Xiu, is this really what you saw? Do you honestly think a mere traitor and the Pokers could bring down the headquarters? You have no idea how strong we are."

Fang Xiu knew exactly what Xiao Zhenhua was hinting at—Xuanyuan Sword. With such a powerful weapon in their possession, the headquarters indeed had the ability to suppress almost any threat.

But Fang Xiu's next words cut through their confidence like a knife. "What if Fang Moli dies?"

Both the Director and Xiao Zhenhua froze, shock rippling through them.

"Impossible!" Xiao Zhenhua exclaimed, disbelief etched across his face. "Who in the world could possibly take down Fang Moli?"

Fang Xiu didn't bother to elaborate. He simply added, "It's not just Fang Moli who will die; you two are destined for the same fate."

The Director's frown deepened, his eyes becoming unreadable windows to his thoughts.

"Mr. Fang, did you see this exact future? What's the reason behind Fang Moli's death?" the Director questioned, deliberately ignoring the mention of his own demise to focus on Fang Moli.

"Yan Changshou will kill Fang Moli," Fang Xiu replied calmly, dropping yet another bombshell.

The Director's expression shifted instantly. "Are you telling me that Yan Changshou is the insider collaborating with the Pokers?"

"Exactly. Yan Changshou has been working with the Pokers for quite some time. He's already undergone Specterization. Haven't you noticed he's been making fewer public appearances lately?"

The Director fell into deep thought. With Fang Xiu's revelation, he realized the truth. Given how occupied the five captains usually were, he hadn't paid attention to this detail before.

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