Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 257: If a task seems too colossal, just reduce it to smaller, manageable portions

Ch 257: If a task seems too colossal, just reduce it to smaller, manageable portions

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"... No. A frontal attack would not work. But what if it were the people themselves who decided to confront their king? Nobles and kings only have power because of their people. That is a detail that is often overlooked in people's minds. A revolution. That's the way to go..." I say, evaluating the feasibility of the idea.

"... But how do we foster that situation? Well... that is also something quite complex in itself. I have to keep in mind that this has to be a plan that can be carried out by the main body...."

Then a bunch of possibilities run through my mind in rapid succession as I analyze the probabilities of success for each one, considering the contacts and skills the main body has and the decisions he can come to make in the face of various eventualities.

After a few seconds, I already have several plans with a high probability of success in mind, and a half-smile appears on my face.

"... If a task seems too colossal, just reduce it to smaller, manageable portions. A leader. That is the first requirement for this plan's success. Someone strong and charismatic enough to represent the people of the Drial Cenit kingdom. I could look for someone like that, but it would be risky...." I say musingly.

"... It's too important a position to leave in the hands of an unknown person. Alessia must have some level of claim to the throne, but I don't think the main body would like the idea of using her that way. No. As much as the normal Emir dislikes the idea of standing out, this is our best option..."

I think the main body will find this to be the hardest and most uncomfortable stage of the plan.

".... That leader will have to be the main body. That being the case, obviously, the first step will be to strengthen him. In every possible way. No one will follow a weak leader. The first and most important are physical and economic power..."

On the other hand, I realize that this other stage of the plan will be the easiest to solve.

"... Once that is solved, it would simply be a matter of building a favorable public image while subtly forcing the king and leading nobles to make decisions that negatively affect their public image. Yes. Seen this way, it's quite feasible...."

I won't spend too much time analyzing this stage of the plan, as there are many variables that could come into play once the main body starts moving, but I will make sure to leave in my memory several hints and seeds of ideas for when the time comes.

"... But let's get back to the basics. To quickly and efficiently increase our levels, you could use space travel to travel directly to the labyrinth trap rooms. That would surely help you gain tons of experience quickly. If you use your skills wisely, the risk is nil and the reward is infinite. Haaaaaaaa..."

As I think about those things, I can't help but let out an involuntary, long sigh as I realize how wrong the main body's priorities are.

'You could already have a lot more stats points than you have now if you hadn't taken so long to activate the 90% discount....


There are times when I don't understand how you haven't choked on your own saliva by now, main body....

So much wasted time and potential....


Another way to get stronger quickly would be to learn about the skills that my active classes give me but that are not reflected in my interface....

But then...

How could I activate the skills I have if I don't even know I have them....

How did normal people do it the first time? Hmm, I don't know...

There's too much I don't know about classes and skills, and the main body jerk hasn't taken it upon himself to do research on the subject....


I guess he'll have to figure out some way to learn how to use all the skills of each class....

There are some skills that have probably already been figured out by some people. The bad thing is that it's probably classified information....


If I can't improve the skills I discover with my interface because I don't know the ingredients or conditions.....

Maybe it's not worth the effort....

Not when the benefit isn't certain and there are better options to strengthen the main body right now'

"... The economic part is even simpler than the physical part. There are two very obvious methods you are not using. The first one, fortunately, you realized on your own, even if you didn't put it into practice yet, but you should also get and experiment with a weapon empowered by the improved version of the Chain Rune. Also.... you'd better buy weapons with the chain rune for Alessia and Delia as soon as possible!..."

I sigh and give myself a second to relax and not start loudly insulting someone who, deep down, is myself.

'Very, very deep down, I guess I'll have some parts of him.... I hope it's not a very high proportion'

" ... Sorry, main body, but people with so much potential who hinder themselves especially irritate me...."

It's probably stupid to justify my actions to myself.

And even more so when he's a version of myself who probably won't even fully understand the reasons for my irritation.

But I am superior to him, so I have a duty to be an example to him.

"... The second method is better, as you can perform it without depending on others. I have no assurance that it will work, but the chances of success are high... and if it turns out not to work... Well, in the end, you would have lost nothing. The method is quite simple, and you should have realized it ages ago..." I say, as I try to relax and not let exasperation win me over again.

"... The summoning scrolls that you started getting in your first days in the capital, and that you have accumulated in your inventory. Unused. How hard was it to think that you could have used them in the Golden labyrinth to take advantage of the Chain Rune despite being alone?..."

'Haa.... Days and days wasted... So much money he didn't get because of his stupidity.'

Hoarding money doesn't particularly appeal to me.

However, it is disheartening to know that he was wasting so much of his own potential.

I find it hopeless.

"... It's true that the summons are probably just as weak or weaker than the enemies that dropped the scroll, but that wouldn't create any kind of problem for you. At the end of the day, you would only need those summoned monsters to give the coup de grace to the monsters that wouldn't allow you to continue with the chain..." I say, trying to make it clear enough to the main body how stupid he has been so far.

"... And even if those summons die easily or have a limited duration, you have tons of scrolls in your inventory. The only downside to this method is that you're going to have to do quite a bit of work, and it won't really give you much of an experience benefit since we're talking about the Golden Labyrinth. But that's your problem for having been resting on your laurels all this time..."

'The most sensible thing to do, considering the urgency of the situation, would be for the main body to buy hundreds of energy potions from the adventurer's guild and start sleeping a lot less....

But that might be counterproductive, so he'll have to try them out and decide on his own if he wants to use them.'

I hope all this planning ends up doing some good.

He'll probably forget half of my ideas and directions.

But in some sense, I'm curious to see how well the main body will carry out my plans.

'Don't worry, main body....

As long as you remember all these things and follow my advice, you'll be fine....

Actually, I'm leaving you several fool-proof plans that shouldn't fail, unless you fail to follow my directions....

At the end of the day, I'm someone with 85 points in intelligence'

"... Well, I think you should be able to manage on your own with those ideas I gave you. I hope, for your sake, that you will listen to me and not call me again in the future.... Or, if you do, ensure that you don't further increase the imbalance between Intelligence and the other stats. I wish you well."

After those words, I activated my usual profile and suddenly felt the avalanche of information currently in my mind become overwhelming.

'Wow.... That.... That's a lot to remember... I think I should write it down. Damn, I'm running out of time!'

Looking towards the horizon, I see that the evening light has almost finished setting, and all around me, the landscape is becoming more somber.

In a few minutes, it will be completely nighttime.

And I was planning to return with Delia and Alessia at dusk.

'Before I go back, I have to look for a place to take a bath....

I can't go back to my girls while I have the smell of another woman on me....

Going to my house in Dominir Town is dangerous, as my parents would probably manage to find me as soon as I get to a place close enough to them, as always happens thanks to their luck.'

At the image of my mother discovering that I was with another woman besides Alessia and Delia, a shiver runs down my spine.

'That being the case... I can only go to one place.'

"Space travel."

After my words, an illusory door appears in front of me.

Passing through the door, I appear in the area near the Solitary Temple.

I then quickly enter inside and head towards the temple's bathroom.

'This place has a depressing atmosphere now that Delia does not live here.... Tomorrow, I'm going to Denir Town to hire a team of people to repair and refurbish this place.'

I don't know if I can still try to be on favorable terms with the Solus God.

Nor if being on good terms with him does me any good.


At this point, I'm kind of desperate for any help I can get.

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