Dictator From Outer Space

Chapter 261: The Princess is Alive

Chapter 261: The Princess is Alive

Ether was a very troublesome energy for the 22nd century humanity.

They used it through the relics of the prophet, but they could not even distinguish whether it was a particle or a wave.

Fortunately, there was no big problem in using ether for humanity.

Just like a child could use a computer, they produced various items by studying the relics of the prophet clumsily.

Leobold and Yu Ji-ha did not research much about the essence of ether even after they returned to the 21st century.

Arma, the super artificial intelligence, poured most of her computing power into the construction of the megacity and its derived plans, and the research on ether remained stagnant.

In fact, there was nothing to do.

It was impossible to analyze ether with any observation means or tools that humanity had.

But that did not mean that what they had done so far was meaningless.

Arma kept all the ether-related data recorded by the United Human Federation, and also recorded the plague that appeared in the 21st century in detail.

And after coming to the ether universe, she began a full-fledged research with the help of Luciana, Zigarion and Steffina.

She started a theoretical design to explore the essence of ether.

According to that theory, ether energy was neither a particle nor a wave.

Ether itself could be defined as one of the units of matter, and it affected reality through changes such as vibration, entanglement, fusion, destruction, and extinction.

There were many equations with unknowns in each change, and to solve them, it was necessary to observe the magic directly.

Just like Dragon Eater used various magic on Black Knight.

Arma had been observing such magic without missing since she arrived at Terra planet.

However, she had no chance to observe dangerous magic such as mental magic or time stop.

Most of them had entered the path of extinction after the Great War.

To observe them, she needed to bring out the beings from the time of the Great War, and it was part of her plan to humiliate Tirendell.

She hoped that he would attack Leobold with divine power even if he could not do it with his own strength.

Her intention was perfectly fulfilled.

Tirendell received a divine power called Dragon Eater and stood in front of Leobold, and he used a magic called time stop from the time of the Great War.

Thus, Arma was finally able to complete her ether theory.

It was like a kind of enlightenment.

She did not fully understand the essence of ether and trace its origin, but at least she knew how to use it.

In other words, she reached a position equal to or higher than that of Plague Queen.

Ether basic equation analysis completed.

Ether sun, ether dimension analysis started.

Analyzing 1,372 kinds of magic

Billions of computing units were activated to unravel the secrets of the ether universe and Terra planet.

That did not mean that Arma or Leobold became transcendent beings who could control everything right away.

It would be better to think that they secured a powerful tool to pave the way for meeting the prophet.

Leobold was satisfied with that alone.

Now you wont say you dont know when I ask you about ether.

I have established a theory, but I need to make an ether origin for research. You will have to wait a few more months.

But there are some things you can do now?

There is nothing that can threaten you in Astera now.

He had been almost like that before, but now he was sure.

He could not be harmed by any power, including divine power or black magic.

At this point, wouldnt it be fair to call him a real god?

But his mind is still close to a soldier of the United Human Federation

Lately, his mind had been eroded and became similar to an old man.

The only thing that kept him going was his determination to meet the prophet at all costs.

Leobold looked at Dragon Eater trapped in an ether reverse field.

He stopped completely thanks to using time stop in reverse from this side.

But this magic was not perfect, he said.

It only works inside the ether reverse field, and it will wake up as soon as you touch it. It will also wake up if you touch it from outside. And the time you can stop depends on the output of your ether heart.

How do you compare Dragon Eater and me?

The former is barely 10 seconds, and you are over a minute.

Thats why he could chat so leisurely like this.

Now it was time to end this too.

Leobold picked one good thing from various data that Arma delivered.

I always regretted that the assault armor couldnt fire the ion cannon. Now I can get rid of it.

What he chose was a large-caliber ether cannon.

It was only the same name as the one mounted on the airship in Astera, but it was different in dimension in terms of range and destructive power.

It was even more so because he could optimize the living metal now that the ether analysis was complete.

The mace that was lying on the floor clanked and stuck to the assault armor, then turned into a cannon.

You can now make anything you want, such as ion thrusters or ether lasers, as long as you have a suitable living metal. Just like Plague.

Thats welcome news. Remove the reverse field.

The reverse field will be removed in 3 seconds, 2, 1

As soon as the time stop magic disappeared completely, Dragon Eater blinked his eyes and was horrified.

This ether You used time stop.

Youre quick to notice. Then do you know what this is?

As Leobold pointed the ether cannon at him, a smile appeared on his mouth.

That toy cant do much damage to this body. And your ether will kindly restore it.

Really? Then lets see how long you can last. Start supplying ether.

Reconstruction of the ether fusion reactor has begun. The output of the fusion reactor is set to 2%.

It was an amazing thing considering that the fusion reactor had never produced more than 1% of output.

He had a fusion reactor that had more energy than all the energy that Earth had ever used, and he could use it completely.

The large-caliber cannon, of course, and the entire assault armor turned golden.

All kinds of warnings flashed in Leobolds sight, and even Arma warned him.

I recommend raising the cannon by 3 degrees. If you shoot like this, the damage to the ground will be too great.

Damn, Im just shooting an ether cannon.

This is enough to evaporate a city at this state, master.

Then I have to follow obediently.

Meanwhile, Dragon Eater looked at him being dyed with ether with a grim look and quickly opened a space to escape.

But for some reason he could not use magic.

Come out! Come out!

Sorry, but space wont come out. I stopped supplying ether.

To be precise, Arma stopped it.

There was almost nothing impossible for her now that the ether analysis was complete.

What? Thats impossible!

Dont say that. You usually get kicked out soon after saying that. Anyway, thanks to you, I got a lot of good data. Thank you.


Dragon Eater spat out a very typical line and ran away desperately.

An ether cannon was fired behind him.

A huge, really huge pillar of light swallowed him up.

The enormous ether evaporated his form without any resistance.

And most of the energy did not lose and broke through the atmosphere and went beyond the universe.

The surrounding atmosphere evaporated all at once, creating a powerful shockwave as if a megaton-class nuclear warhead had exploded.

Any shield magic.

At a close timing, barrier magic and reverse gravity magic of Belial class were applied.

Thanks to that, Tirendell and Belial class were able to land on the ground without any damage.

A moment later, Tirendell jumped out of Belial class with a pale face and knelt down.

Leobold came out of the assault armor and approached him.

Do you still want to kill me?

Tirendells only eye looked at him.

Did he feel like he was shining from behind for a moment?


In fact, Tirendell had lost his consciousness, but he was watching the fight between Dragon Eater and Leobold.

It was something he could not handle.

They fought fiercely as if they were the champions of the Great War, and the magic they used was amazing.

And Leobold took out a strange weapon and even broke the time stop magic.

It was something that could not happen in Tirendells common sense.

If he had stopped there, he might have had some hope.

But the pillar of light that Leobold shot made him speechless.

Even if more than 100 ships of Elvrandes fleet fired ether cannons concentratedly, they would not reach the tip of its power.

So he was frustrated.

Killing Leobold became a mere dream now that he was dead.

How could he kill him when he had no divine power?

Tirendell dropped his head.

I lost. Kill me.

You said it well. Wait, Ill kill you.

Leobold made an ether blade in his hand and approached him.

By now you will attack Elvrande with that power

Of course. Killing everything that blocks me and unifying the continent. Thats my goal.

I would have laughed at it until recently, but after seeing your power today, I changed my mind

Why, do you suddenly care about your life?

He shook his head.

No. Im sorry for my people who will die in front of your power.

Who do you see as a murderer? Im different from you. I only kill when necessary, not for fun.

Then why did you kill the princess! There was no reason to kill her!

Eventually thats the problem.

Why did you kill her! She was our, my future! She may have been weak compared to you, but she had a kind heart!

Justice without power is meaningless. I told you clearly.

Even so!

Tirendell raised his voice in anger.

He felt like he was spitting out everything that had been lumped in his chest for a long time.

She was young! The generation that experienced the Great War would soon retire, and she could have changed Elvrande little by little! But you ruined it!

Do you think Driden would retire quietly? Youre making a funny joke.

Tirendell flinched at this point.

Did he know something?

Leobold met his eyes as he knelt down.

Elves have not changed for 200 years since the Great War. Rather, they became more closed and gloomy. Do you know what the shadow elf pirates did? Can you tame them?

Tirendell, who had met Delfina directly, could not refute it.

In fact, even within Elvrande, there were few supporters of the rampage of the shadow elf pirates.

They would turn away from simple murder or plunder, let alone brutal torture or cannibalism.

Leobold grabbed his collar.

Tell me, half-elf. You are half-elf and half-human. You must have seen how humans live in the autonomous region while hanging out with the princess. How do they live there?

And when you passed by Rozelon, you must have seen how humans and elves live here. They are not completely equal, but they live together somehow. Which one looks better to you? The autonomous region where hundreds of people die every night and keep quiet, or Rozelon that I made in a few months?

Tirendell avoided his gaze.

He knew he was right, but he could not accept it.

If his goal was to make a better world, why did he kill Margareta?

After killing the princess your words have no sincerity.

What if I didnt kill the princess?

Tirendell suddenly grabbed Leobolds collar in reverse.

Are you going to insult the dead! Are you the same as Driden!

No, she never died. I saved her just before she died.

What, did you say?

Tirendells pupils shook violently at the shocking remark.

Driden had no intention of sending the princess away nicely. So he installed a bomb made of ether stone on the airship she boarded.

Then how did she

The airship exploded, but she was lucky enough not to be wrapped up. It was not a coincidence that the blue dragon passed by, right?

Tirendell could not look at Leobolds face properly.

If this was true, he had nothing wrong.

By the way, there is also an ether bomb hidden in your Goliath. He planned to detonate it with divine power by resonating your ether heart and Goliaths core.

Thats why the divine power was only shouting death and destruction

It doesnt matter anyway since youre dead to me. Anything else to say?

He could not speak for a while, then barely opened his mouth.

I want to see her

If thats your wish, Ill grant it. Arma, send her.

A moment later, a shuttle carrying Margareta landed on the ground.

She looked a little pale when she got off the shuttle, as if she had motion sickness.

Tirendells face was filled with emotion.

Your Highness! Youre alive!

Tirendell sir

She came up and wrapped his cheek with her hand.

You dont have to fight anymore, Im alive like this.

I, I thought you were dead

Thank you, and Im sorry

As they hugged each other, Leobold broke the mood and thrust his sword.

I dont have much time. Im sorry, but you have to choose. Whether you will die here or find another way.

Tirendell thought for a moment and his eyes became determined.

Since Your Highness is alive I dont need to cry for revenge anymore. I cant return to Elvrande anyway, there is no meaning to stay alive. So kill me.


Margareta cried out sadly and Leobold pushed his sword to his neck.

You only have one chance, think carefully. Dont you want to work under me?

Work under you? For you?

How about changing your goal a little? You wanted to be the governor of the human autonomous region, right? What about becoming the governor of the elf autonomous region?

You want to destroy Elvrande

That was a predetermined future since I came here. But I dont want to torment the elves. Its annoying, and I have no grudge against them.

Is it because you are a hero from another world?

Youll find out soon enough. Anyway, our goals can be said to be the same. We just had different directions. Now our paths have merged and you have one opportunity. So choose.

Tirendell slowly dropped his head as he knelt down.

He wanted to see the future he had chosen rather than die here.

Ill work for you

Not for me, but for what you and I believe in. Anyway, you made a good choice. You must be tired, so go back to the shuttle and rest. Arma, send them.

They followed Armas guidance and boarded the shuttle.

Leobold looked at the remaining Goliaths and sank into his thoughts.

He didnt intend to spare Tirendell.

His usefulness was supposed to end when he was injected with divine power and provided data.

He wouldnt have said anything if he had killed him without giving him a choice.


He might be useful for conquering the continent.

It was more comfortable to conquer with the creation of the prophet than to start with a few bullets.

And Tirendell and Margareta could be a focal point for gathering the minority elves.

Killing 50 million elves would not make much difference

Leobold opened a subspace and put all the Goliaths and assault armor in it.

Its convenient. By the way, I need to go home now, is there anything like teleportation?

Of course.

A blue door appeared in front of him.

It looked like the warp gate on the 9th planet Nox, except for the size.

Can I go back to Earth with this?

The calculation of time axis is quite difficult It seems that the two dimensions have different flows of time.

The saint Veronica also said that Anyway, I cant go back right now. I got it.

Leobold entered the warp gate.

The familiar scenery of his office greeted him.


Recently, a secret ritual was held at the Grand Shrine near Medea, the capital of Elvrande.

It was a ritual to replace the guardian of Yggdrasil.

The death of Princess Margareta was confirmed and the Council of Elders decided that they could not leave the guardians seat vacant any longer.

A new royal family was elected.

It didnt matter who he was.

Most of the royal family below the emperor were addicted to the sweet life offered by the council and had no proper position or work.

Driden did not want anything great from them.

Just stay there. Like a scarecrow.

In that respect, Margareta was not a good scarecrow.

She should have been satisfied with the honor of being a guardian and enjoyed a good life, but she died by meddling unnecessarily.

Peace with humans was impossible in his and most elves opinion.

Rest in peace. Someone else will take your burden.

Driden sat down and watched the ritual.

When Yggdrasil designated a guardian, a bright pillar of light would come down.

But no matter how much the priests prayed, no light came down.

They were confused and murmured.

Whats going on? Why is there no response?

Archbishop, whats going on?

The priests did not know what to do either, as this was their first time experiencing this.

Driden hardened his face.

This could not happen.

The only possibility was that the princess was alive.

Impossible. No magician could survive that explosion.

But what if someone helped her?

He had detonated it in Bagrans airspace to shift the blame to Bagran, but maybe he had received unexpected interference.

The priests started the ritual again from the beginning, but it was the same.

Yggdrasil did not appoint a new guardian.

The peoples murmurs grew louder and Driden stood up abruptly.

The princess is alive

And that meant his plan was fundamentally wrong.

He would suffer a great blow if this was revealed in the situation where Tirendell had escaped.

There was only one way to make up for it.

To betray the princess and start a war.

He needed a war of a scale that was incomparable to before.

That was the only thing that could protect Dridens prestige and position.

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