Dictator From Outer Space

Chapter 258: The Goal is World Conquest

Chapter 258: The Goal is World Conquest

When the rumor spread that Leobold had cut off the arm of Galistos diplomat, not only Galisto, but even Zaium was dumbfounded.

They wondered if that was a normal response in this situation.

Even Zaium and Elvrande, who had nothing to lose, would not go that far.

Especially Bagran, who was suffering from a lot of troubles due to the Blue Dragon incident and the princess assassination case.

They could not understand why he would cause another incident in such a situation.

How will Galisto deal with the Grand Duke of Pangral?

Of course, the personal combat power of the Lord of Vanduss is formidable, but the difference in military strength is too great. And the Black Knight is not even properly deployed yet.

Above all, the Grand Duke of Pangral has the authority to activate Meteor Strike alone. Is there a way to stop it?

From Asterains point of view, Meteor Strike was a magic that boasted absolute destructive power.

It was common in the Great War 200 years ago, but it had not been activated once in the last few decades.

Naturally, things like its destructive power and range were exaggerated, and the boastful ones said that Bagran would be wiped out in one shot.

Elvrande must be waiting for a chance too. Why on earth is he making more enemies?

With the power of Meteor Strike, its no big deal to blow up one Bagran. If the Lord of Vanduss does not want to commit suicide, he should stop at this point.

He doesnt really trust Prince Barak of Barak, does he? He sent him the arm of his diplomat, he should give up the illusion that he will back him up.

This incident was something that even Prince Barak of Barak, who had made a secret pact with him, was surprised and withdrew from.

He contacted Leobold as soon as he heard the news and asked him why he did that. When he got an unsatisfactory answer, he threatened him.

Do you think the Grand Duke of Pangral is a joke? I might be able to save one neck, but not the rest. I dont understand why you are provoking him.

He provoked me first, Your Highness.

Its just a matter of talking, isnt it? Especially if its about the princess of Elvrande. Anyway, this matter cannot be overlooked. Ill send Countess Croitz, so explain how youre going to handle it.

Sending her was rather a considerate act for him.

Leobold took advantage of her visit and called his confidants.

He had caused so much trouble that even they looked bewildered.

The West was devastated, and he had cut off the arm of a diplomat after killing the princess. People who didnt know the situation would think he was going to ruin himself.

Camilla arrived at the conference room and Leobold sat in his seat and looked around them.

Youre all here. You must have had a lot of questions about this situation. You must have doubted if I was crazy or not. But Im not crazy. Ill prove it to you now. Zigarion.

The door opened and Zigarion entered with his blue hair proudly exposed.

The people who saw his physique and face were shocked.

Zion was a dragon?

I never doubted him until now

Especially Stephina, who had been researching with him right next to him, looked very shocked.

Granden seemed to have suspected something, as he nodded his head with a stern face.

Zion shouted as if he felt relieved.

I am Zigarion, the Blue Dragon. You should worship me if you know that


Leobolds fist hit Zigarions head hard.


With a scream, the confidants closed their eyes and shrank their necks.

Apparently, the Blue Dragon couldnt do anything against Leobold.

Be quiet and sit down. Ill give you instructions later.

He glared at Leobold and then moved to the other side of the table when he saw a more fierce look coming at him.

As you have seen for yourself, Zions identity is Zigarion. He has been helping me since two years ago. So you can rest assured about the situation in the West.

Relief appeared on their faces.

What they were worried about was whether the dragon that suddenly appeared was on Leobolds side or not.

Since he was a dragon who proclaimed justice, they thought he wouldnt get along well with Leobold, but they didnt expect this outcome.

Leobold declared to them.

And I will soon stabilize the western territories. The transfer of administrative rights and property assessment are mostly done and only reassignment of officials remains. Arma will take care of that.

Arma was a superhuman who seemed to have nothing she couldnt do in every aspect.

She led the people in various fields such as administration, finance, law, etc. and also played an active role in the takeover of the western territories.

There was a huge gap in the number of nobles who died or were driven out, but she solved it quickly.

Of course, not all of the western territories were under Leobolds control yet.

There were knights who hid in the nearby forest and continued to resist, and sometimes the people of the territory defied him at the risk of their lives.

They heard wrong rumors about Leobold.

But even they were not expected to last long.

The Lords control is amazing. Its not a joke to take over the land of Count Townsend, but he already swallowed it up.

The power of the Black Knight is one thing, but the combat power of Balgard is beyond imagination. He can destroy a territory by himself.

The officials are not like the old ones either. I never imagined they would conduct land re-measurement so quickly.

Anyway, Leobold unified the whole Bagran by swallowing up the western territories.

Many nobles returned their titles in fear as many nobles died.

Who would manage it then? There was criticism, but surprisingly there was no big problem.

New talents appeared who had hidden themselves and received education from the nobles.

They were people who had received thorough education for several months at the educational institutions owned by Leobold.

Usually, when you think of an official in Bagran, you think of someone who is out of touch with reality and only does desk work, but they were not like that.

They spent more time on site than in the office.

Thanks to them, Bagran was reborn as a fully centralized state.

The central figures were Leobold and Arma, who had too much work to do, but strangely enough, it was not a problem.

People who knew the situation well marveled at Armas administrative skills.

I dont know how she found out that Samsons cow died a few days ago

She knows the cultivation status so well that there is no way to hide it.

Thanks to Armas efforts, things like transition to centralization, sudden expansion, and nobility gap were not a problem at all.

The people were convinced after hearing this explanation.

But the real problem was from now on.

The princess assassination and Galistos diplomat disaster were external problems that could not be overlooked.

Leobold had made a promise beforehand about that matter.

What you hear from now on must never be leaked outside. I will rule with death, so please understand that.

What on earth was it that he emphasized so much?

Please come in, Your Highness.

There were very few people who could be called Your Highness in Asterain right now.

The people opened their mouths when a woman wearing a hat entered the conference room.

When she took off her hat, her long platinum hair and green eyes revealed her long ears characteristic of elves.

Katina, who had a hasty personality, jumped up.

Pri, Princess?

They couldnt believe that the elf princess, who they thought was dead, was alive.


My name is Margareta Rustel. Im ashamed to say that I have temporarily put aside my status as the princess of Elvrande and am indebted to Count Vandus.


Yo, youre alive

They had no idea what had happened.

How did the princess survive?

Why didnt she inform Elvrande of her survival?

Questions piled up and Count Kroitz, who couldnt bear it any longer, stepped forward.

This requires an explanation, Your Excellency.

It was a coincidence. Zigarion, who happened to be passing by, confirmed the explosion of the airship and rescued her.

That was really close. She would have died if I was a little late.

Zigarion shrugged his shoulders and Margareta bowed her head to him.

I didnt get to thank you for saving me. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude.


Zigarions cheekbones were almost ascending and Count Kroitz quickly asked.

Airship explosion? Does that mean it was Elvrandes doing?

There are plenty of factions that consider the princess a thorn in their side. For example, the Council.

They didnt know much about what the Council was, but it sounded like a nasty group just by hearing the name.

Margareta clenched her fist and said.

I apologize for showing you the shameful side of Elvrande. The only thing that is certain is that the Council tried to kill me. Dresden must have led it.

Dresden is the core power of the Councils elders. He has almost taken over the whole of Elvrande by now.

But why didnt you explain

Count Kroitzs voice was full of frustration.

Indeed, the atmosphere inside Zaium was no joke.

Even Prince Barak, who could be considered his supporter, and Duke Prozan were worried.

Leobold gestured her to sit down and said.

You must have a lot of curiosity. From why she didnt announce that she was alive to what my purpose is. Ill make it clear on this occasion.

He sat himself on the kings seat.

Everyone held their breath at his unprecedented action.

If you dont trust me even a bit or dont want to join me, leave now. I wont chase you or harm you. What Im going to say from now on requires extreme security. You must never utter it.

Despite his stern warning, no one left.

They all trusted him and recognized him as one.

Leobold looked around them and said.

Im not from Astera. I came from a faraway place a world called Earth. The Holy Kingdom called me a hero from another world. Thats right.


The people were too surprised to accept his words quickly.

Some rubbed their ears and Count Kroitz opened his mouth wide.

They couldnt believe that there was a real place called another world and that someone came from there.

But if that was true.

It explained everything if Leobold came from another world.

He looked at their faces and continued.

The saintess of the Holy Kingdom said she received a divine trust, and thats true. I came here on a huge ship. Zigarion and Valgard have already confirmed it.

Zigarion stepped forward and shrugged his shoulders.

That was really a huge ship. Even the giants of the Great War couldnt match it. It could burn down the whole Astera and still have some left.

Burn down the whole Astera?

Its over 700 meters long. Another world is completely different from ours.


I cant believe it

There were many rumors that Leobold was a hero from another world, but he never confirmed or denied them, so they sank into oblivion.

In the midst of that, he himself spoke out and everyone was dumbfounded.

Count Kroitz couldnt hide his flustered expression.

Then what happened to your body? You didnt use that body in another world, did you?

This is not my original body. I borrowed the body of Leobold Vandus. He died at the hands of an elf more than two years ago.

My name is Yu Ji-ha. A prophet or as they call it here, a creation god Rasa. Im an otherworlder who came to Astera to find him. My goal is to find him and conquer Astera.

It was a series of shocks.

Katina, who had always been impatient, choked with excitement and even Granden, who had been stern, couldnt hide his confusion.

Leobold Vandus was already dead and an otherworlder took over his body.

Count Kroitz stared at him with a stiff face.

You deceived us.

I didnt deceive you. I just didnt tell you.

Your goal is to conquer Astera Do you look down on this place?

Im not a fool who would say that without any chance. Ive already calculated everything and only need to execute it by pulling you in.

You What about me? Who is Leobold Vandus, who I married? Who are you?

Nothing has changed, Camilla.

He softly called her name and she shivered as if she had been struck by lightning.

It was the same voice that whispered in her ear in bed.

Nothing has changed, you say, but you clearly said you took over Leobold Vanduss body. That means your soul is different.

You didnt marry me for this ugly face, did you?

Everyone almost laughed at the sudden self-deprecation, but barely held back.

Indeed, Leobold was not a handsome face and Camilla was not attracted to his face either.

What matters is my ability and vision for the future. Ill tell you clearly here, I will conquer Astera and become the emperor of the human empire. You will stand by my side.

Youre going to betray Prince Barak?

Ill betray anyone if necessary.

M, me too Will you betray me too?

Im telling you this in advance so that it doesnt happen. Youre my woman.

Her expression became complicated.

Valgard, who was watching, intervened.

I dont know why youre thinking so complicatedly. Youve already slept with him, so why dont you just say youll follow him? Hes even offering you to be his empress.

Camilla glared at him with venomous eyes at his sudden bombshell.

Who are you to open your mouth so rudely?

Can I introduce myself?

Leobold nodded and Valgard slammed his greatsword on the table.

My name is not Valgard Gran, but Gram. Im the champion of the gold dragon Altima and a member of the Gram royal family. If you have any grudges with the Gram Empire or the Silver Circle, speak up. Ill take care of it.

A dragons champion

I thought that was only in legends

Its nothing surprising when a dragon shows up, right?

We, well

Why are you looking at me like that?

They seemed to have a hard time feeling real about the dragon because of what Zion had done so far.

Leobold spoke in a serious tone.

As I said before, my goal is to conquer Astera. I was shocked when I came here. It was too backward compared to Earths civilization. Even though they have ether, an energy that is almost omnipotent, the only conclusion is that someone is deliberately interfering with it.

The pointy ears.

Valgard muttered and Leobold nodded.

They are our enemies. But we dont need to turn all elves into enemies.

At this point, Princess Margareta sighed and put her hand on her chest.

She was already confused by his words that he came from another world, but she felt a little relieved when he said he wouldnt make all elves his enemies.

Now Leobold was looking at her.

Theres a saying in the world. The only good elf is a dead elf Of course, there must be a similar saying in Elvrande. I came here to cut off that hatred completely. In my own way.

Is that an efficient war? Is there no other way?

Im a soldier, so I dont know anything else. If you have a better way, please teach me.

He waited for a while, but no answer came.

She knew it too.

It was impossible to break this long and stubborn cycle of hatred with any ordinary means.

And there was only one person who could do it.


Declaring world domination didnt mean it would happen automatically.

It was possible to build up some foundation in Bagran, but it required a lot of preparation to attack and rule Galisto, which had more than twice the population.

Not to mention Zaium, which had a population of 100 million, or Elvrande, which had a different race altogether.

Fortunately, Leobold and Arma had experienced a lot of such things.

Compared to Earths complex inter-state relations, raw material supply chains, and military and political issues, Astera was nothing.

The construction of the space plant is complete. We also established an outpost on the floating continent. The factory using golems will start trial operation in 48 hours.

Armas report continued.

The results of what he had ordered were visually displayed through holograms.

It was definitely smaller than what he had done on Earth, but it was enough to overturn the whole Astera and still have some left.

What should we use for the Galisto war?

We need to dismantle the aristocracy-centered system, so this would be good.

What Arma showed him was a portable ether bomb launcher.

He redesigned the information analyzed and sent by the Imir Republic and made it smaller for soldiers.

The soldier holding the launcher looked no different from a 21st century soldier holding a portable anti-tank missile launcher.

How powerful is it?

It can destroy a Goliath that doesnt use living metal in one shot.

What about the price and range?

Its only 1/00 of Goliaths and the range is over 100 meters.

Since it didnt use rockets, the range was relatively short.

But Goliath itself was bulky and had a short range, so it didnt seem like a big problem.

The simulation played and Galistos official machine, Vine-class, fell one by one to the ether bomb launcher.

If we wipe them out like this, theyll bring out magicians.

Good magicians are rare. On the other hand, we can make as many ether bomb launchers as we want with money and materials.

Right Lets show them how bitter the commoners are.

What Leobold valued in this war was the complete dismantling of aristocracy-centered system.

The reason why aristocrats could have absolute power in Astera was because they monopolized war.

They made and controlled Goliaths with their innate ether bloodline, so commoners were completely subordinate to them.

But that world would disappear soon.

What would they think when they were swept away by crude weapons held by commoners?

The real change would start from then on.

Training has begun to train shooters for the launcher. It should be simple since they only have to press a button and run away.

Its not easy to press a button against a Goliath. You have to train them well.

Next, the report on Lucia in Mare followed.

Theyve erected a statue here. According to the satellite, it looks like Masters face.

It was very intimidating to see Leobolds huge face in the middle of Lucias nest.

He gave a bitter smile.

They dont need to prove their loyalty like that. So how is her conquest going?

Shes overwhelming in both combat power and numbers Shes much stronger than the previous demon kings. Even a few factions united cant match her.

It wasnt that she wasnt, but Lucias army was sweeping away the surrounding hordes with a bang.

The existing demon kings were shocked and formed a united front against her.

It was only a matter of time before she completely conquered Mare.

As long as there were no major problems, that was expected.

Lucia is doing well on her own. Then lets do our job.

There was no need to stage a drama or find a reason to smash Galisto.

The relationship between the two countries was already so bad that it wouldnt be strange if anyone attacked.

And there seemed to be no problem with the rule either.

There were many descendants of Valgard in Galisto right now.

If he used him as a pretext, the integration would likely go smoothly.

The only obstacle is Grand Duke Pangral How do you think hell react?

Hes been itching to correct Masters habits, so he wont just let it go. Hell probably threaten us with Meteor Strike.

He wants to crush us with force rather than politics. Then we dont have to worry.

Our power was overwhelmingly strong.

By the time Grand Duke Pangral realized that, Galisto would be shattered.

Leobold gave Arma specific instructions.

And soon after, Tirendell succeeded in entering Bagran.

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