Dictator From Outer Space

Chapter 184: The President is Strange

Chapter 184: The President is Strange

The Supreme Council rose to become the core political force of the United Human Federation as Yu Ji-ha gave up some of his power.

This group, composed of over a thousand full citizens, organized various committees and activities.

At this point, the activities of the Supreme Council spanned across the entire United Human Federation.

Except for the core issues such as the control of artificial intelligence and the command of the Unified Space Force, that is.

Some of them were trying to get a definitive answer from Yu Ji-ha recently.

“You always said that you would relinquish your power when the Plague is defeated and peace comes. We hope you will keep that promise.”

Yu Ji-ha had promised several times to give up his power and had actually done so.

But some councilors still had a look of dissatisfaction.

—He has wielded absolute power for decades, but would he willingly let it go? Dictators are the same, past or present. They believe that power is eternal.

—He says he transferred authority to the Council, but can we do anything without the approval of artificial intelligence? We still don’t know Lucia’s algorithm. We need to dissect it under the supervision of the Oversight Committee.

—The president seems to hope that the current system will continue even after the Plague is defeated. But the current system, including Megacity, has too many side effects. We have to overhaul it.

They argued that Yu Ji-ha was no different from other dictators who had pursued eternal power, even though there was no evidence for it.

The direction of society after the Plague was also a contentious issue among the councilors.

There were many citizens in Megacity who preferred the current system, but there were also many who opposed it.

Those who preferred it argued that there was no place like Megacity for equality and safety.

—In Megacity, everyone starts from zero credit. The environment for growth, such as childcare and education, is similar, and if you have enough diligence and morality, you can live a decent life.

—Most importantly, there is no one who starves to death. It’s not an exaggeration to say that they take care of you from cradle to grave.

—In terms of safety, there are many opinions, but they deserve credit for reducing violent crime rates to near zero. They also eliminated accidents by moving all transportation facilities to Undercity.

But not everyone was satisfied with Megacity.

Those who pursued freedom and human rights said that they had no choice for now, but they had to regain those values someday.

—The Hyperloop and Undercity’s smart mobility are good ideas. But isn’t it too much to deprive people of the opportunity to own vehicles?

—President Yu Ji-ha is always like this. He eliminates the risk of accidents with extreme policies. The numbers may look pretty, but they oppress people’s freedom.

—I understand that these policies are inevitable because we have to prepare for war with the Plague. But after the war, they have to guarantee freedom.

—Most of all, they need to revise the artificial intelligence judges, space prison system, and citizen rank system. How can they justify restricting even the residential areas of isolated citizens?

From these basic policies, conflicts arose and expanded to all areas.

It even came to whether or not to maintain the United Human Federation system among the councilors.

—When the Plague is gone, do we need to live in a narrow Megacity? It’s right to go back to the old national system.

—How can we split up when the United Human Federation is intact? We’ll be absorbed again if there’s a war.

—We’re not saying we should go to war, but we should pursue diversity. The current United Human Federation is too homogeneous in its thinking.

—That’s because it’s convenient and efficient.

—Do we have to live under the control of artificial intelligence for efficiency? We are human beings and lords of all creation.

—Anyway, as soon as we get out of the fence of the United Human Federation, competition begins. No one can stop that.

These debates were almost like fights among the councilors.

They hadn’t even started a real war with the Plague yet, but they were drinking soup before eating kimchi (a Korean idiom meaning being hasty).

When someone pointed that out, they shut their mouths, but they didn’t extinguish their sparks.

Yu Ji-ha watched their conflicting opinions and concluded that the division of the United Human Federation was certain after he left.

“If I’m unlucky, I might plunge into a civil war as soon as I disappear.”

“The most likely scenario is that 12 Megacities will split into 12 countries. They may treat outsiders as slaves.”

“That’s their business, but it’s a problem if the United Human Federation breaks up completely.”

Yu Ji-ha was the creator of the United Human Federation.

Actually, it was Arma and her controlled system that made it, but he was her master so it could be said that it was his creation.

From that point of view, it was not enough to just make it.

It was also his duty to create an environment where the United Human Federation could continue well.

Of course, the United Human Federation had not only advantages but also various disadvantages and side effects.

But he thought that those things could be solved internally.

“They can fight and win or lose, but they have to do it inside, not outside.”

“The best way is for you to act as an emperor and draw hatred, then end the conflict at once.”

That was also the most clean and harmless way.

Yu Ji-ha would leave for another universe, and the remaining people would toast to victory for stopping the dictator who tried to become an emperor.

The process would not heal all conflicts, but they would probably stick together for a while.

“If I create such an environment, my duty will finally end.”

“There is also a way to reveal everything, but that would jeopardize the plan itself.”

There was also a lot of public opinion that hated Yu Ji-ha.

They were the privileged class of the old nations who entered Megacity and did not reveal their thoughts easily.

They pretended to be exemplary citizens and expanded their influence in the Supreme Council.

Their main complaint was probably that they were not the first line of power.

The United Human Federation itself was a system that started in Korea, so there were many Koreans in the key positions and the top of power was also Korean.

The WASPs, as the white people were called, did not like it. They were likely to move as soon as Yu Ji-ha relinquished his power.

If Yu Ji-ha had monitored their thoughts and personal lives, they would not have existed. But he did not.

Yu Ji-ha sighed suddenly.

“Is this the fate of a dictator…?”

“Fast development is possible if the direction is right, but otherwise it’s full of drawbacks.”

He would not have tried it if he did not have Arma.

“You’re right. That’s why humanity needs to find another way.”

The future United Human Federation was able to unite after several shocks, including the Night of Sorrow.

The current United Human Federation lacked such shocks.

The social chaos caused by Yu Ji-ha’s attempt to become emperor could be a good alternative.

His death would unite humanity.

Of course, the one who died was not the real Yu Ji-ha, but a simple dummy.

“Shall we try to become emperor then?”

“How about naming the first battleship class after you? A grand launching ceremony would be nice too.”

It was a combination that did not suit Yu Ji-ha as much as pineapple and pizza.

There was no better way to expose the corruption of a dictator.

“That sounds good. Let’s start right away.”


There was an unofficial tradition in the United Human Federation not to name ships after living people.

Even Yu Ji-ha did not dare to use his name, so no one else could.

But this time, the first battleship to be built was named after Yu Ji-ha.

And a grand launching ceremony was planned, which surprised the council members and the unified space force soldiers.

—Is this a direct order from the president? I can’t believe it. Check it again.

—The president hated ceremonies. He used to skip them all, and there’s no reason to have a grand launching ceremony now that we’re facing a full-scale war with Plague. It must be a mistake.

But when the secretariat started to prepare for the launching ceremony, everyone was speechless.

If it was a normal ceremony, they might have let it go.

Yu Ji-ha was human too, and his mind could change.

He might have skipped all the ceremonies when he was young out of resentment for the existing system, but he was old now.

He boasted of his youthful appearance with anti-aging treatments, but he was in his fifties.

But when he named a battleship after himself and had a grand launching ceremony, it made people uneasy.

—Why a battleship of all things?

—That battleship is the largest and most powerful one that the United Human Federation has ever built. Maybe the president wanted to show off his achievements.

—His achievements are already enough with creating the United Human Federation and megacities.

—Well, his name has been fading lately.

In fact, recently, the supreme council had more exposure to the public than the president.

They had more members and operated the United Human Federation directly, so they had more interest.

Naturally, Yu Ji-ha’s name was pushed back.

But wasn’t that what he wanted?

—He said he would transfer power and he’s actually doing it. Why is he suddenly trying to show off?

—Naming one ship after himself is within his presidential authority. And maybe his taste changed as he got older for having a grand launching ceremony.

The public opinion settled on that possibility.

It was not worth making a fuss over something that was not so great and confronting the president. 

They knew they would only tire themselves out.

Some argued that his parents’ death had changed him.

—His parents refused anti-aging treatments until the end. Maybe he had some emotional changes from that.

Anyway, it was not something to make a big deal out of.

But when the scale and procedure of the launching ceremony were revealed, the officials were shocked.

—This is not a launching ceremony level, but a full-scale review of the unified space force?

—Why do we have to mobilize council members as well as soldiers?

The council members resented that Yu Ji-ha treated them as his subordinates for the supreme council.

The supreme council was not a subordinate organization of Yu Ji-ha.

It was inevitable that without Yu Ji-ha’s approval, the supreme council’s procedures would be invalidated in terms of power structure, but what about dignity?

—The president could have asked us personally and we would have gladly participated. But he didn’t say a word.

—Are we just extras to make him look good?

They put pressure on the secretariat in various ways, but they only got an answer that it was Yu Ji-ha’s order and they could not help it.

They could not refuse to attend either, so they endured and participated in the launching ceremony.

The launching ceremony of Yu Ji-ha-class No. 1 battleship was literally extravagant.

All the combat cruisers that had been built so far were mobilized and thousands of android troops marched on the wide road.

And while the council members sent soulless applause from the first floor, Yu Ji-ha reviewed the unified space force in a splendid uniform.

This grand event made even Bae Seong-min, who had served Yu Ji-ha for a long time, shake his head.

“This is strange. He’s not like this.”

“Mr. Bae, you should talk to him. This is not something that was done well even 100 years ago.”

“I mean, everything is fine, but that uniform is really… If someone doesn’t know, they might think he’s having an emperor coronation ceremony.”

Everyone shook their heads as they saw the splendid coat that Yu Ji-ha wore.

It was made of pure white fabric that would show any dust and had all kinds of embroidery patterns and a golden eagle drawn on it.

—The United Human Federation symbol is an eagle, but that’s a bit…

—This is not normal.

Bae Seong-min felt a surge of emotion, but he agreed that it looked strange.

He knew Yu Ji-ha’s life better than anyone else because he had served him for a long time.

Yu Ji-ha was a person who had no desire to show off.

He was not very frugal, but he did not indulge in luxury and his wealth was modest for the owner of the United Human Federation.

Such a person suddenly wanted to be an emperor?

‘If he wanted absolute power, he wouldn’t have created the supreme council.’

Or maybe he changed his mind after seeing his son grow up.

His son, Yu-jin, was 22 years old and had not been exposed to the public much, but he had grown into a handsome man.

Rumor had it that he was a high-level psychic and had received pilot training, so he could be said to have inherited his father’s qualities.

Did he feel sorry for not being able to pass on a position to such a son?

‘There are plenty of council seats to make. Was that not enough?’

With his background as the president’s son, his handsome appearance and skills, he could easily become the chief council member of the supreme council and even aspire to be the chairman.

If he felt that was not enough…

‘He doesn’t want to make his son an emperor, does he?’

Bae Seong-min shook his head and dismissed the thought.

Without clear evidence, his speculation was nothing but a delusion.

But what if it was true?

What would he do if Yu Ji-ha tried to become an emperor?

‘I swore to follow him to hell and back.’

But he did not know if others would do the same.

Bae Seong-min felt dizzy as he heard the solemn music playing at the banquet that followed.

A singer in a fancy dress sang a song praising Yu Ji-ha’s achievements.

The faces of the council members around him were stiff.


“I wonder how they reacted.”

“It was perfect. They all seemed shocked.”

“From now on, the dummy has to do it. Don’t forget to act arrogantly and refuse any compromise. And we have to time it right.”

“Of course.”

It would be best if the dummy died at the scene of the coronation ceremony when Yu Ji-ha left through the warp gate.

To do that, he had to win the war with Plague first and handle the tug-of-war with various factions well.

Most importantly, he had to earn the hatred of the citizens.

This was not an easy goal.

Yu Ji-ha had a lot of support from a large number of citizens.

His name had faded because of the activities of the supreme council, but it was not completely forgotten.

The citizens of the United Human Federation remembered Yu Ji-ha’s past deeds very well.

They also remembered that their lives were extended because of him.

At this point, if Yu Ji-ha declared himself emperor, there would be no shortage of people who would agree.

“What can we do to gain support?”

“Nothing beats control. If we start to restrict their freedom, they will start to voice their complaints.”

Yu Ji-ha had built a surveillance system, but he made sure that the citizens did not feel any discomfort.

Rather, the citizens felt a sense of familiarity from the things that watched them.

Wouldn’t they feel reassured if they thought that the drones, androids, and walkers that were everywhere would help them and ensure their safety at any time?

But what if they turned against them?

If they deducted CP for minor violations and tried to control their private lives, anyone would feel betrayed and resentful.

If they went further and indoctrinated them to praise Yu Ji-ha and purged those who opposed him, it would be icing on the cake.

Finally, if he hired some scumbags and declared himself emperor, even his loyal supporters would turn their backs on him for sure.

Yu Ji-ha wondered if he had to go that far, but he erased it from his mind.

‘If I’m going to disappear anyway, I might as well use it.’

Arma would take care of it.

He was interested in his original body that he would enter through the soul exchanger.

“I have to get used to the name Yu-jin. He’s 22 years old, right?”

“Yes. He’s a confident young psychic who got his license through homeschooling instead of graduating from pilot school.”

“…My colleagues won’t like that. And why do I know some of the people in his squad?”

He saw two faces as he flipped through the hologram album.

Coincidentally, they were children who inherited Yu Ji-ha’s gene seed.

“They called you dad at their commissioning ceremony. You never acknowledged them though.”

“Did I say I would acknowledge them if they improved their skills? I don’t remember well.”

They were among the children who inherited Yu Ji-ha’s seed who had exceptionally high skills and pride.

They did not stop there and called him dad and wanted to be recognized as his children.

Of course, Yu Ji-ha did not recognize them as his children.

It was his denial of his children’s death in the original United Human Federation.

But regardless of that, many pilots wanted to be recognized by him.

“What’s so great about being my child?”

“You are the president of the United Human Federation and the strongest psychic. And your performance during the Plague Swarm was beyond imitation.”

The footage and records of that time were still used as teaching materials at pilot school.

It was not meant to teach them how to do it, but rather to show them the limit of a pilot.

He originally hid that it was him, but it seemed to have spread among the pilots.

Anyway, the pilots were training hard today as well to officially operate assault armors.

Now Yu Ji-ha had to join them too.

As Yu-jin.

He looked closely at his original body stored in a biobag.

“I lived longer in this body, but now it feels awkward.”

“You’ll get used to it when you roll in the field.”

“I’m not even a lieutenant, but a cadet again. What a nightmare…”

He regretted not introducing his son earlier, but what could he do about the past?

He would run away someday as he rolled with rookie pilots.

“Master, everything is ready.”

Yu Ji-ha obediently lay down on the medical bed.

It was time to go back to his original body.

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