Dictator From Outer Space

Chapter 174: Overwhelming Power

Chapter 174: Overwhelming Power

I’m a licensed teacher now.😊 Thanks to galaxytl, translator community and readers for your support.🙏 You helped me pass my exam with confidence. As a token of gratitude, I’ll give 5 chapters each for my novels today. Enjoy😍!

The US Air Force’s strike package that departed from Hawaii had an official codename: Operation Tornado.

But none of the pilots who participated in the package called it by that name.

They had dubbed this mission Kamikaze, as they faced the reality of the United Human Federation.

A suicide attack.

This mission was as insane as the actions of the Japanese army during World War II.

Because approaching the Earth Fleet with aircraft was nothing short of suicide.

“Are they crazy? They want us to get close to those monsters who intercept AGMs with railguns and deliver them some hafnium bombs?”

“Three strike packages… It’s impressive, but what if they all get shot down? Do they have a backup plan?”

They hadn’t been so pessimistic from the start.

But things changed when the United Human Federation revealed the location of a US Navy submarine on the billboard.

And then they exposed the position of the aerial refueling tankers, electronic warfare aircraft, and reconnaissance planes that were waiting in the Hawaiian airspace. 

The public opinion quickly turned sour.

The pilots were shocked when they watched TV before taking off. The Americans were cheering for the war itself.

“What are they cheering for? A destroyer vaporized by a hafnium bomb. Almost 200 people died. How is that something to celebrate?”

“They don’t care because it’s not their problem. They’re deluded by the fantasy that our world’s strongest military will solve everything. They’re enjoying the war like a sport.”

“They probably don’t even know which country that destroyer belonged to. They didn’t mark it, so they might have mistaken it for a United Human Federation ship.”


Despite these complaints, the pilots did not refuse the mission that was close to a suicide attack.

After all, they were soldiers, and war was their duty.

If they ran away from the war, they would have to live with the shame of being cowards for the rest of their lives.

And so, Operation Tornado was officially launched, and three strike packages left Hawaii.

This accounted for 30% of the total power that the US Air Force could deploy, but considering that there were many useless bombers in the remaining power, it was almost half.

Their goal was to strike the Earth Fleet that was engaged with the Pacific Fleet.

They doubted if it was possible, given the technological prowess of the United Human Federation, but they had no choice but to try.

“Maintain the formation and especially the altitude. Do not descend under any circumstances.”

That was the order for the bombers.

They were told to drop bombs from a high altitude, since it was hard to evade the Earth Fleet’s detection systems.

There was no guarantee that it would work, but they had no choice but to follow the decision of the higher-ups.

The mission commanders gave the signal.

“Let’s roll. Let’s make it back to the nest alive.”

As they reached the vicinity of Midway Atoll, they saw their own fleet under the clouds, spewing out terrible explosions and smoke.

The pilots swallowed their dry saliva as they looked down.

The early warning aircraft didn’t give them a proper situation report, but they could feel it.

―Something was going wrong.

Or rather, maybe the truth was finally revealed.

Why had the Americans ignored the United Human Federation, who had been building bases on Mars and constructing spaceships?

Even though the difference in power was so clear.

“Is this the power of a hastily assembled fleet…?”

They didn’t know what was going on with the Earth Fleet, but they swore it wouldn’t be as bad as the Pacific Fleet.

Hundreds of warships were hit by countless missiles and were on the brink of life and death.

And the shadow of death also loomed over the strike package formation.

The early warning aircraft urgently ordered them to scatter.

“Caliber drones are approaching from this direction. The number is over 100.”

“Damn, they’re fighting fighters with fighters.”

Was it their plan to crush them with overwhelming power difference from the front?

The electronic warfare aircraft, Grawlers, tried to jam them, but it didn’t work at all.

“The signal is not getting through. They seem to be using a different system of radar.”

“Grawler formation, retreat.”

The Earth Fleet’s warships originally used Russian-made radars, but they seemed to have replaced them all since the radar jamming didn’t work.

It made sense, since the artificial intelligence would analyze and improve their weaknesses several times. They wouldn’t leave them alone.

Then what kind of equipment did they use to detect and track the enemy?

The pilots had no time to wonder, as the Caliber drones rushed at them at full speed.

It was a terrifying speed that exceeded Mach 5.

“All units, you are authorized to fire anti-air missiles. Fire and scatter.”

The urgent order came down, but the Caliber drones were faster to respond.

The nozzles of their ion thrusters enlarged and pushed their bodies with tremendous thrust.

The Caliber drones that were cruising at Mach 5 suddenly accelerated to twice that speed and charged at the strike package.

The pilots were startled when they confirmed it on their radars. They turned their yokes in panic.

“Mach 10! They’re insane!”

“Damn, they’re not maneuverable at all! They dropped 5,000 feet in two seconds!”

What was even more absurd was that they couldn’t lock on to them.

The radar output of the F-22 could capture all the stealth aircraft and even the electronic warfare aircraft.

But it was impossible to lock on to those drones that flew like flies.

The distance between the two formations narrowed in an instant, and the pilots at high altitude could see a few drones with their naked eyes.

“This is impossible…”

The pilots shook their heads as they watched the drones maneuvering chaotically nearby.

They flew as if they were unaffected by inertia.

“How can they do that, even if they’re unmanned?”

The existing tactical aircraft had shown incredible movements like the cobra maneuver, but those drones were on a different level.

They changed their altitude freely every 0.1 seconds, as if their commands were updated. They even reversed their plasma to hover in the air.

What was amazing was that their bodies seemed to have no strain at all.

One mission commander grumbled openly on the communication network.

“This was a game we couldn’t win from the start.”

That’s when the drones’ attack began.

The ones that had been equipped with missiles and guns started to fire lasers, as if they had received some kind of upgrade.

A dogfight broke out in the sky above Midway Atoll, and several fighters crashed in a matter of seconds, spewing smoke.

The Pacific Fleet also launched a full-scale attack, and countless fighters took off.


While hundreds of fighters were engaged in aerial combat in the sky above Midway Atoll,

The Pacific Fleet began to pour out missiles.

In fact, they had decided that this wouldn’t work after exchanging missiles once.

They seemed to be equal in punch power, but there was a huge gap in defense power.

They had fired hundreds of AGMs and anti-ship missiles, but none of them hit the Earth Fleet in the end.

They had even joined the attack with attack submarines, but the situation didn’t improve at all.

The Earth Fleet advanced at a speed of exactly 30 knots, focusing on defense. Then they suddenly fired missiles.

The Pacific Fleet tried to intercept the missile shower with all kinds of deception and maneuvering, but they only realized that it was impossible.

The United Human Federation’s missiles changed their altitude and speed freely, like living creatures.

They even fell into the water and rushed like torpedoes.

They were beating the entire US Navy without even using their full strength.

Admiral Harris gave the order.

“All ships, set course for the Earth Fleet. Proceed at maximum speed.”

“Sir, I don’t think the Earth Fleet will stay still.”

“That’s what we’re counting on. We can’t die like this, can we?”

The proper strategy would be to conserve their power and retreat, but the enemy’s target was the North American continent.

If they let them go, they didn’t know what they would do to their homeland.

With that in mind, the Pacific Fleet pushed their power and sailed at full speed toward the Earth Fleet.

On the battlefield, rescue ships and supply ships were busy moving around, but they didn’t have time to take them along.

The Earth Fleet had already passed Midway Atoll and was heading for Hawaii.

The aircraft carriers and destroyers finally moved at full speed to chase the Earth Fleet’s trail.

Admiral Harrig received the news that the strike package had failed.

“I see. Well, it must have been hard to inflict damage on the Earth Fleet in this desperate situation. But did we hit them even once?”

“The Air Force is optimistic, but the information from the early warning system is clear.”

“They’re out of our league.”

Now the only thing the Pacific Fleet could do was to stop the Earth Fleet with artillery.

It was useless to fire missiles or torpedoes, since they would only hurt themselves.

As a result of sailing with overload on their engines, they finally saw the Earth Fleet beyond the horizon.

Admiral Harrig adjusted his hat.

“Announce to all ships. It has been revealed that our weapons are not enough to oppose the Earth Fleet. But we have one last weapon left.”

It was the ships themselves.

The Pacific Fleet had lost 30% of its power, but it still had more than 150 combat ships.

In terms of displacement, they were more than five times that of the Earth Fleet, enough to hinder their navigation.

The plan of Admiral Harrig was to block their route and enter a gun battle.

Of course, there was one fatal drawback to that.

“What if the Earth Fleet dives or surfaces?”

“Well, they won’t dive. Why would they want to destroy us in a head-on collision and broadcast it?”

“…Didn’t they want to brag to the megacity citizens? That they are this strong.”

“Of course, that’s part of it, but they also wanted to change us. The Americans’ consciousness, I mean.”

“Couldn’t they have used a different method if that was their goal?”

“Even after Manhattan evaporated, the Americans didn’t cooperate with the United Human Federation, but instead caused conflicts and even kidnapped the president. What method should we have used?”


The staff officers couldn’t say anything.

The atmosphere in the US had cooled down as the Pacific Alliance collapsed unilaterally.

They finally realized that they were losing the war.

If the Pacific Fleet was destroyed, it would be their turn next.

The idiots who had cheered for the war as if it was a sport also lowered their fists and looked around.

The staff officers muttered weakly.

“Our death won’t make them wake up.”

“At least we can change their consciousness. They’ll feel the sense of crisis that we’re in danger if they continue the war. Even wild beasts know that, how can humans not?”

They hadn’t felt it until now because of the powerful shield called the US military.

Now that the Earth Fleet had removed it, they would feel it painfully.

“Our death won’t change the whole US. But some will surely think differently. That’s enough for me, but you don’t have to die. Retreat immediately.”

“If we retreat now, the soldiers will throw us out.”

“We’re going to die anyway, it’s better to die on the ship. The pension will be generous too.”

“I saw high-speed boats from the United Human Federation roaming around and rescuing drifters. They won’t leave us to die.”

“You look like you’re begging for your life from an AI…”

Admiral Harrig pressed his hat soaked with sweat.

“Let’s go. Let’s show those fools what war is with our death.”

That was the way for the nation called America to survive.

As the remaining fleet rushed toward the Earth Fleet, a myriad of cannons appeared on the port side of the Pyongyang-class battle cruiser.

Admiral Harrig and his staff officers witnessed the light bursting out of the cannons.

‘That’s the weapon that vaporized the satellite. I wonder how many weapons they’re hiding.’

With his grumbling, the flagship of the Pacific Fleet was vaporized by an ion cannon.


For Americans, war was something that happened in other countries.

The 9/11 incident was 30 years ago, and most Americans didn’t experience any urgent situations except for natural disasters and occasional riots.

Therefore, they didn’t care much about war.

That was true before the United Human Federation emerged.

The US military didn’t tolerate China and Russia’s challenges and raised America’s name around the world.

Americans believed that the shield of the US military that protected them was eternal.

The extreme slogan of destroying the United Human Federation also came from there.

But the atmosphere changed as the annihilation of the Pacific Fleet was announced on the megacity’s billboard.

The Americans who learned of the US Navy’s defeat through TV, smartphones, and radio all had stunned faces.

“They lost? And they didn’t even sink a single ship of the United Human Federation?”

“How could this happen? Wasn’t our Navy the strongest in the world?”

“That’s fake. They’re lying.”

“Yeah, right. The United Human Federation wouldn’t give us accurate information.”

They forgot about cheering for the video on the billboard and blamed the United Human Federation.

But Pentagon and White House knew clearly about this battle’s outcome.

“The Pacific Fleet lost 40% of its power and is currently scattered. It’s hard to reorganize the fleet.”

“Operation Tornado failed and the Air Force moved its equipment and personnel from Hawaii base to mainland.”

“The Earth Fleet attacked military facilities as it passed Hawaii an hour ago. The result is as you see.”


A heavy silence enveloped Oval Office.

Vice President Evans looked at Hickam Air Force Base in Hawaii that became ruins.

He wondered what they attacked with, as most of military facilities were neatly blown away along with runway.

They didn’t attack Hawaii, but unmanned surface vessels following Earth Fleet came and controlled access.

It seemed difficult to drive them away by gathering the remaining fleet.

Vice President Evans opened his mouth with difficulty.

“Well, we lost.”

“Yes… Pentagon also has the observation that further combat is difficult.”

“With just one battle, they made us like this. The military power of the United Human Federation has definitely surpassed us.”

“So what should we do?”


No one said anything.

How could they say to surrender.

In a situation where most of the people didn’t believe the result of the battle.

Now, in major cities including New York, huge crowds of protesters were roaming around, shouting that they should fight a total war with the United Human Federation.

Of course, they were not all Americans, but it was true that their voice was the loudest.

Their voice became more reckless as Yu Ji-ha appeared on the billboard.

“The Earth Fleet of the United Human Federation has defeated the Pacific Fleet of the United States. Hawaii is now under the influence of the United Human Federation, and the Earth Fleet is advancing toward the North American continent.”

“All you have left is unconditional surrender. If you don’t accept that, the Earth Fleet will land on the North American continent.”

The protesters who saw the broadcast through their smartphones started to get excited.

“What? They’re coming here? Do it! Land!”

“If you bastards send dolls to my house, I’ll show you the taste of a shotgun!”

“Let’s fight! Let’s fight for our freedom!”

“Don’t ignore America! You XXXXs!”

As the protesters started shooting guns in excitement, Times Square in New York turned into a hell.

The people in Oval Office closed their eyes as they saw that sight.

“The public opinion doesn’t tolerate surrender.”

“But if we go on like this, the Earth Fleet will land in California. And they will pour out countless robots.”

“A war with an AI-controlled army on our land… That’s really horrible.”

What was more horrible was the position of the leaders who had to command in such a situation.

It was a choice they didn’t want to make, as both the administration and Congress were in a mess, and they had to fight against the United Human Federation’s army that was perfectly controlled by one command.

They wanted to get out of there as soon as possible, but there was no successor.

The war had to end in their hands.

Vice President Evans made a big decision and called Yu Ji-ha through the hotline.

“How much do we have to concede to end it here?”

“I told you clearly before. We want unconditional surrender.”

“Does that include the dismantling of our military?”

“The Democratic Party will probably be disbanded too. I can’t just let go of those who kidnapped me.”

“What about their treatment…”

“They’re all going to space prison.”

They meant to hang America like a sandbag and beat it as they pleased.

It was an unacceptable condition, no matter how much they kidnapped him.

President Evans asked if he could send only those directly involved, but he only heard cold words.

“Time is passing while you’re doing this. Soon, the Earth Fleet will land in California. By then, it will be irreversible. I hope you make a wise choice.”

They had the remaining fleet and coast guard, but they couldn’t expect them to stop the Earth Fleet.

What was left was the humiliation of their land by the AI army.

Vice President Evans wanted to prevent that, but he had no way.

He hesitated and Yu Ji-ha ended the call.

And then, the Earth Fleet arrived at San Francisco coast.

People pointed at the Earth Fleet from Golden Gate Bridge that turned into a parking lot.

“Huh? If they come like this, they’ll crash?”

“Run! Escape!”

As people started to get out of their cars and run away, a Pyongyang-class combat cruiser activated its ether field.

42 ships ignored gravity and slowly rose up, passing over the Golden Gate Bridge.

The citizens of San Francisco stared blankly at the Earth Fleet.

The United Human Federation had invaded the US mainland.

It was the first time since World War II.

Here is the edited text:

“Run for your lives!”

That was the cry that echoed through the streets as people abandoned their cars and fled in panic. Above them, a massive Pyongyang-class combat cruiser loomed, its ether field glowing ominously.

It was not alone. 42 ships of the Earth Fleet defied gravity and ascended slowly over the city, crossing the Golden Gate Bridge with ease.

The citizens of San Francisco could only watch in horror as the invaders approached.

The United Human Federation had launched an unprecedented attack on the US mainland.

The last time something like this happened was World War II.

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