Dictator From Outer Space

Chapter 166: The Path for Humanity

Chapter 166: The Path for Humanity

“I emphasized that we needed at least 100 psychics.”

“I’m sorry. Everyone we contacted refused, so we had no choice.”

“Isn’t this a crisis situation? You should have dragged them here at gunpoint if you had to.”

“You’re right…”

He was right.

It would have been better to ignore human rights a little than to let Manhattan fly away.

Of course, human rights should never be violated, but death wasn’t certain, was it?

From the perspective of the authority, it was a worthwhile gamble to temporarily secure dozens of recruits to protect New York.

The problem was that the navy’s pride had turned into arrogance.

What good was having the world’s strongest fleet if they couldn’t catch a monster from space?

Thanks to that, the US navy not only lost an aircraft carrier, but also let the monster escape.

The result was the destruction of Manhattan.

President Bernstein didn’t want to go through that again.

“Please help us. At least 50,000 people have died from this incident. We can’t let this happen again.”

President Bernstein’s voice was like that of a dying man.

With Manhattan destroyed, Gamma Five could reappear at any time, and there was probably internal strife as well. 

He must have felt like dying.

It wasn’t hard to help him.

All Earth Fleet had to do was lure Plague and detonate a reactor bomb in the sea.

But Yu Ji-ha liked to deal with everything at once.

He wanted to change the giant called America somehow with this opportunity.

‘Changing the consciousness of all Americans is impossible. But it’s not hard to stir up public opinion.’

War was often used for the purpose of refreshing public opinion in a short period of time.

But the current US didn’t have the capacity to wage war with the United Human Federation.

It was crazy to go to war with an opponent who had space battleships and reactor bombs, let alone monsters.

James Senator and other hawks didn’t want to go to war with Yu Ji-ha either.

They were looking for a gap.

They wanted to poke at the United Human Federation’s weaknesses somehow, and exposing Yu Ji-ha’s past was part of that.

They didn’t have much fun, so they would endure and take the next step. But Yu Ji-ha’s plan was to accelerate that drastically.

“It’s not hard to help you, but I’m reluctant because I might get cursed. The Americans hate me, don’t they?”

“It’s just some extreme citizens. Please don’t misunderstand that it’s everyone.”

“Anyway, their voices are quite loud. That documentary that added conspiracy to my past is also like that.”

Maybe he should have stopped that…

President Bernstein realized that he wasn’t saying this because he was upset.

Yu Ji-ha was a blunt person who hated wasting time more than his enemies.

He was turning the conversation around because he had something else he wanted to say.

President Bernstein spoke cautiously.

“Even if we decide to go to war, we can’t do it without the approval of Congress. The United Human Federation can just jump in with a word from President Yu, but…”

“Just give me your consent and I’ll take care of it.”

He realized that the documentary that the Democratic senators had produced was not entirely nonsense when he heard this.

Maybe the kidnappings and terror that had threatened Yu Ji-ha until now had something to do with his will.

‘Maybe he wasn’t completely unaware of it.’

He felt a chill when he thought that he had planned it right after waking up from a vegetative state.

What was Yu Ji-ha’s true identity?

“…I’ll listen and decide.”

“First, finish this situation and resign immediately. Then Senator James will become president according to the succession order.”

“That’s probably what will happen. There’s not much time left in my term…”

Who would want to be president for a year or so? But there might be a lot of people who would rush in after the situation was over.

If they showed decent leadership in the aftermath, their popularity would rise and they could serve as president for up to eight years.

“When Senator James becomes president, I’ll create an atmosphere of reconciliation. And I’ll reveal some technologies that the US intelligence agencies can detect.”

“Do you mean to make them impatient?”

“Quantum communication would be a good bait. Combat satellites would be nice too.”

“Are you revealing what you have or developing something new?”

“Imagine whatever you want. Anyway, I don’t think Senator James is a patient enough person to hold back even after confirming that.”

“He’s bound to resort to something…”

It was a very extreme assumption, but also quite realistic.

Because there was no other way.

Compromise was proven impossible, and sanctions and war were difficult.

It was better to do something rather than watch their downfall as it was.

The usual US would never have done that, but they were cornered now.

And President Bernstein was in a position where he had to approve this absurd plan.

“What a ridiculous plan.”

The real surprise was that Yu Ji-ha said it so casually.

Well, he could tell that he was out of the normal range by calmly talking about war with the US.

“Shall I tell you something more ridiculous? Your successor will be you.”


Bernstein was speechless at the bold idea of replacing the US president to his liking.

It would be strange if his pride wasn’t hurt.


‘I have no choice.’

That was true.

The reality that the US faced was not easy, and they could cause millions or more casualties if they made a mistake.

There was no reason to refuse to avoid that and create a desirable future with the United Human Federation.

He just wanted to confirm Yu Ji-ha’s true purpose.

“There are many concerns in the world. The true purpose of President Yu Ji-ha and the United Human Federation is to conquer the world…”

“Why would I leave China and Japan alone if I wanted to conquer the world? What I want is peace for humanity. You all know what kind of peace it is now.”

Peace from the space monster Plague.

He had been saying that since the days of former President McKinley, so his intention was clear.

President Bernstein asked one last question.

“Is this… the way for America?”

He wasn’t asking Yu Ji-ha.

It was just a process of convincing himself.

“It’s not only for America, but for humanity.”

And Yu Ji-ha’s answer was also close to a conviction that he was affirming to himself.

“I want to hear more about the dream of human extinction that you had.”

“I’ll tell you when you officially become president.”

He sounded confident that it would happen.

Well, he had been doing that until now.

The two entered into negotiations for a secret deal.

“The important thing is that the hardliners, including Senator James, have to believe that there is a secret in this negotiation…”

“I know what you mean. They’ll want a regime change.”

“It’s better to leak a hint that you’re giving up some land as if there’s no price for Earth Fleet’s deployment.”

“Where would be good?”

“Alaska is too big, so it would be better to include Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands.”

It wasn’t that he was actually giving them up, but just making it smell fishy.

That way, the hawks would come out.

President Bernstein realized that if things went according to Yu Ji-ha’s plan, the US would have to spend a lot of money.

It wasn’t bad to reduce the defense budget as the conflicts in the world had decreased.

It was no longer the time for the US to play the role of world police and roam the five oceans and six continents as they pleased.

‘It seems like it’s time to join forces with the United Human Federation against the space monsters.’

He believed that it was the way for America and didn’t doubt it.

No, he had to.

Because he couldn’t see any other way.


Gamma Five, which landed in Delaware and headed for Washington, encountered an enemy.

Earth Fleet, which was returning to Terra Island, crossed the Pacific and the US and attacked.

Gamma Five belatedly noticed the existence of the fleet that sprayed enormous ether and took the initiative.

But Earth Fleet avoided or blocked all their attacks and headed for the sea.

It happened in the sky over Washington DC, where the evacuating citizens watched the battle.

Numerous lasers and bullets crossed the sky and attacked Earth Fleet, and the fleet used various means to fend them off.

“Are those ships fighting?”

“Is this real? It’s not an Sci-fi movie?”

“We can no longer boast that we are the best in the world. Good for us, really.”

“Are you serious? You don’t think America is the best?”

“Maybe a few years ago. But not now.”

“I can’t believe it.”

“Do you still say that after seeing the fleet fighting in the sky? Don’t you think you need to go to a hospital if you think that’s fake?”


Anyone who knew the reality of the United Human Federation would react like this.

The citizens of Washington were proud of living in the capital of America, which was the center of the world, but they realized that the outside world was completely different.

And it was hard to believe, but America was no longer dominant in technology.

Even though Earth Fleet’s activities in France were reported by the media and combat cruisers appeared in space, they reacted like this because of confirmation bias.

People only see what they want to see.

The technological development of the United Human Federation was so abnormal that it could be a reason.

Who would have imagined that a country that was struggling under China’s pressure would grow into a technological powerhouse with a huge territory in less than a decade?

The conspiracy theorists ignored the countless photos and videos and created a fictitious United Human Federation, but that was shattered today.

The United Human Federation was fighting right in front of their eyes, so there was nothing more to say.

“A space war… The sad thing is that we’re not the protagonists.”

Someone’s words were broadcasted all over the US, causing various reactions.

Regardless, Earth Fleet silently fought Gamma Five and gradually lured it to Chesapeake Bay.

Gamma Five felt fear at Earth Fleet, which was immune to its attacks, and tried to escape.

Clank clank.

The black metal shell transformed and its appearance changed into a spaceship shape.

But when it activated its bio-ion booster, the Sibir combat support satellite that had descended to low orbit fired a reactive bullet that came down nearby.

Gamma Five was agile, but it was defenseless at the moment the transform ended.

Earth Fleet accurately aimed at it and poured out hafnium-2 warheads, making it flinch.

The result was a reactive bullet explosion at close range.


A huge lump of light was created in the sky over Chesapeake Bay.

The seawater around it evaporated in an instant and the ships anchored on the coast were swept away by the shock wave and shattered.

But there was no major damage, because Gamma Five was quite high in the sky.

Black metal fragments scattered and Earth Fleet confirmed its death and recovered the core and raised its altitude.

People who gathered at the nearby park cheered as they watched the scene.

“Wow! Those are awesome ships!”

“Thank you for helping us!”

“Is there anyone inside? Can you take me too?”

Earth Fleet disappeared beyond the clouds and all that was left was Manhattan, which had changed horribly.

New York, as well as the federal government and nearby states, searched for the debris while evacuating the senators.

A strange rumor spread among them.

“Earth Fleet’s arrival wasn’t bad, but they must have demanded something in return…”

“There’s something that lobbyists are saying about that. They say they agreed to trade Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands.”

“They’re giving up that land to the United Human Federation? I can’t believe it.”

There was a reason why Guam couldn’t be given up, even if they didn’t know about the Northern Mariana Islands.

It was because there was a major military base there.

Giving it up meant giving up East Asia and the Pacific completely.

Of course, East Asia at present was largely influenced by the United Human Federation and the US had little presence there.

But giving up Guam, which could monitor the situation on the Korean Peninsula and Terra Island, was crazy.

“Why don’t you ask the government directly?”

Soon after, President Bernstein held a press conference.

He said he felt a heavy responsibility for the Manhattan incident and would take care of it at the federal level.

Since it was a mistake of the executive branch, he faced inquiries that were close to criticism from reporters and answered them as best he could.

And a CNN reporter who got an unexpected source from senators asked a question.

“Is it true that the United Human Federation demanded Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands as compensation for deploying Earth Fleet?”

As reporters murmured among themselves, President Bernstein couldn’t hide his embarrassment.

It was contrasted with his serious and sincere answers to questions until then.

“I won’t answer that question.”

“Why? Is it because it’s true? Giving up Guam means giving up control of East Asia and the Pacific. You must know that…”

The US wasn’t controlling East Asia and the Pacific now, but that wasn’t important.

The president looked noticeably flustered and left after a brief greeting.

“That’s all for today.”

A storm soon hit Washington politics.

Rumors spread that the government had made some kind of deal with the United Human Federation.

―The United Human Federation never does anything for free. They must have coveted our land as compensation for dealing with the monster that destroyed Manhattan.

―Think about it, Yu Ji-ha is greedy for land. Look at the land that the United Human Federation owns now. It’s not strange that he wants Guam.

―Guam is a place where we can monitor both the Korean Peninsula and Terra Island in case of emergency. We can’t give up this land.

As these rumors grew, the government seemed confused and their statements were inconsistent.

The executive branch bureaucrats denied hearing anything and the aides tried to avoid talking.

Meanwhile, several secret calls took place between President Bernstein and President Yu Ji-ha of the United Human Federation, fueling suspicion.

The content was not revealed at all, so no one knew what they talked about.

The Congress poured out criticism that was almost abusive and many media outlets also pointed it out.

In this atmosphere, Senator James met with a few people in his office near Washington.

They were fellow senators, executive branch officials, and former and current military officers.

They listened to Senator James’s impassioned speech with grim expressions.

“This bastard has gone crazy. Giving up Guam? That’s nonsense. After Guam, it will be Hawaii and then Alaska.”

“The United Human Federation is finally showing its true colors.”

“Maybe the countries that received help this time will also be ripped off.”

The five Plagues that came this time landed in various regions and were all dealt with by the United Human Federation.

They believed that there was no way there was no price for that.

“They won’t announce it publicly, but they’ll put a lot of pressure on them.”

“He’s a land-hungry bastard. His goal is not human peace or anything like that, but world domination. Maybe he’s preparing to hand us over to the Plague.”

“Impeaching the executive branch is a priority, but we can’t leave that Asian alone.”

“But how do we do that? We have no means to stop him.”

That was the biggest problem.

The United Human Federation was trying to surpass even the US in military terms and join the ranks of superpowers, and the US had almost no means to stop them.

The only thing they had was war, but that was impossible for the US now.

Senator James lowered his voice and whispered.

“There is one way. It’s a way for America and for humanity. The aftermath will be less than war and the possibility is quite high.”

“What is it?”

“We secure him.”

In other words, they meant kidnapping him.

The people who realized what he meant opened their mouths in shock.

Did this senator forget how many times Yu Ji-ha had been attacked by terrorists?

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