Devouring the Hero's Family

Chapter 72: An Inescapable Outcome

Chapter 72: An Inescapable Outcome

“This concludes today’s massage. How do you feel?”


Lorein just stared blankly at the ceiling, unresponsive to my words.

Her face looked blissfully lost, as if she were intoxicated by drugs.

It seemed she hadn’t yet recovered from the peak of her experience.

‘It was her first time feeling such pleasure, so that’s understandable.’

The ‘Succubus’s Blessing’ I possess allows women to experience intense pleasure.

Even a simple caress from me felt incomparably better than average sexual encounters.

She had been receiving this overwhelming sensation throughout the session, culminating in a climax.

Her body and mind were still stunned by the unprecedented pleasure.

‘Ryuz said she couldn’t believe such ecstasy existed in this world.’

Although Lorein was more fastidious than Ryuz…

The level of pleasure she felt was probably not much different.

Considering the sweat and fluids alone, she was even more overwhelmed than Ryuz at first.

Trying to suppress her pleasure and moans only intensified her reaction.

‘She’ll be so embarrassed when she sees her underwear later.’

Right now, Lorein was slightly drenched in fluids from her climax.

Even through her hot pants, it was evident she was wet.

Even Lorein wouldn’t be able to deny that this was a reaction to arousal.

She may not realize it now, but she’ll be shocked once she checks.

‘I really want to take her, this irresistible body, quickly.’

I almost gave in today, but managed to restrain myself.

That would be akin to forcing myself on her at a mere 80% fondness.

Lorein, being wary by nature, might refuse further massages if it turned sexual now.

I had no intention of being with Lorein just once.

‘It’s better to wait until she herself believes she wants it.’

After just one more massage, her lascivious body will easily succumb.

It’s good to patiently heat things up until then.

Seeing this cold woman addicted to pleasure will be fun.

‘Ah, and I mustn’t forget this.’

I secretly cast stamina recovery and enhancement magic on the still-dazed Lorein.

A swordsman of Lorein’s caliber should soon notice the improvement.

This would lead her to mistakenly believe that the massage had truly enhanced her skills.

‘Maintaining trust to continue the massage sessions without suspicion is necessary.’

I had no intention of raping or assaulting Lorein.

It would be a sexual encounter based on mutual consent.

Even when Leon returned, she would be so attached to me that she wouldn’t be able to let go.

“My Lady, here’s some water for you.”

“Uh, okay…”

I fed Lorein the water myself.

Perhaps she was thirsty from sweating so much.

She eagerly drank the water I offered.

Her obedient behavior now was quite endearing.

‘Well, looking at her current state, it seems to be just a matter of time.’

I couldn’t wait to see this once cold woman become a submissive bitch.

The next day.

After ample rest, Lorein was astonished when she swung her sword.

Her swordplay was so remarkably improved that even Lorein herself was surprised.

‘How, how can this be?’

A noticeable and definite increase in strength and capability.

No matter how much she thought about it, the change seemed unbelievable.

Lorein was the type to diligently practice and gradually improve her skills.

She had never experienced such a sudden surge in ability.

And if there had been any recent change that could influence her skills, there was only one.

‘The massage… it really was effective.’

Initially, she had been suspicious of Hyun-woo.

Of course, he was a man she could trust enough, but…

After all, he was a young man at an age where interest in the opposite sex was natural.

She couldn’t help but suspect if he was using this as an excuse to make a move.

Nevertheless, she accepted the massage, trusting Hyun-woo more than her suspicions.

There was also a desperate longing for something to cling to.

But any remaining doubt she had was completely dispelled after seeing today’s swordsmanship.

“Phew, I shouldn’t have doubted such a good kid.”

Thinking about it, Hyun-woo had asked for nothing in return for the massage.

He had helped her out of pure goodwill and sympathy as a fellow swordsman.

When he suggested increasing exposure during the massage, she suspected ulterior motives.

But seeing the effects immediately after disrobing, it seemed his advice was indeed genuine.

“Anyway, it’s not like he’d go through the trouble of giving a massage just to seduce a woman. There are plenty of women in the world, not just me.”

She chuckled at her own absurd thoughts.

It seems being pampered as a beauty in her domain had led to some overinflated self-consciousness.

Of course, this was a thought Lorein could have, not fully aware of her feminine allure.

Setting aside seduction, any man would volunteer for the massage just for the chance to touch her body.

“…Now that I think about it, Hyun-woo always approached me first.”

Lorein knew her personality wasn’t the most amiable.

The only people she treated well were her family and her domain’s residents.

Honestly, she tended to push most other people away.

‘At the academy, I was often called ‘cold’.’

She was aware of the problem and recently felt especially lonely.

But a personality built over a lifetime wasn’t easily changed.

Hyun-woo kept approaching her and showed kindness despite her being difficult.

It seems her pride had made her keep pushing him away.

‘…I think I was quite harsh to Hyun-woo before.’

She even confronted him once, asking if Ryuz’s changed attitude was because of him.

Recalling that moment, Lorein’s face turned red with embarrassment.

To have been so guarded and mistrustful of someone so kind.

She felt a sting in her heart from guilt.

“…Maybe I should apologize later.”

“Apologize for what?”


Lorein let out a cute yelp, startled.

Turning her head, she saw Hyun-woo, as expected.

Her face turned as red as a ripe tomato, realizing he had heard her embarrassing soliloquy.

“Did, did you hear that?”

“Hear what? Weren’t you practicing your swordplay?”

“No, it’s… nothing. It’s good you didn’t hear.”

Hyun-woo tilted his head innocently, not understanding.

Seeing his face, she felt a bit foolish.

Honestly, sometimes she wondered if this kid was too pure for his own good.

Just looking at how he treated me and Ryuz as his masters showed it, didn’t it?

‘His face is unnecessarily handsome.’

With that appearance, isn’t his skill unbelievably good?

There will surely be women coming after his wealth.

She worried he might fall for a bad woman in the future.

‘Rather than that…’

At that moment, Lorein quickly shook her head at her ridiculous thought.

No matter how you looked at it, that was definitely not the case.

…Well, objectively speaking, he was certainly a good man.

“Have you been practicing your swordsmanship?”

Lorein’s thoughts were interrupted by Hyun-woo’s question.

Thinking about telling the results of her training to someone like a master made her excited.

She made an effort to control her expression so as not to look like a fool.

“Yeah, I felt lighter. So, I tried a test.”

“Oh, so the massage had an effect. How was it?”

“Amazing? My current condition is unbelievable.”

“Oh, to that extent?”

“Yes. If I had seen myself a few days ago, I would have been completely surprised.”

“Haha! Didn’t I say? There would definitely be an effect.”

Hyun-woo laughed happily, as if his skill had improved significantly.

Maybe it was because he was a younger man.

His appearance was somewhat cute.

“Thank you. All of this is thanks to the massage you gave me.”

“If you receive it a few more times, your body will get much better.”

“Ah… how many more times do I have to receive it?”

“Well, it’s better to receive it regularly. Since it’s the first time, you should receive it intensively.”


Lorein’s voice trailed off at the end of her sentence.

It wasn’t that she didn’t want to receive the massage. In fact, it was quite the opposite.

She felt so good that she lacked the courage to receive it again.

‘…This feeling is new.’

Thinking about it again made her throat feel hot.

The sensation of being filled with pleasure, a feeling that made her head feel like it might explode.

Her whole body tingled, yet her muscles didn’t tense up at all.

It was like being swept away by waves and disappearing completely.

Or perhaps it felt as if her body, released from armor, was floating in the clouds.

In fact, she couldn’t remember anything from the middle.

‘…My underwear must have been in quite a state too.’

Her panties had become so wet that they were difficult to take off.

No matter how composed Lorein was, she couldn’t deny that it was a sign of arousal.

She was sure that for the first time in her life, she had reached the peak in a man’s hands.

Lorein couldn’t forget that thrilling moment.

‘Are men’s hands really that different? No matter how you look at it, it feels so good.’

Perhaps Hyun-woo knew that too, but he pretended not to, as it was treatment.

He really had a good sense.

‘If I receive it a few more times… can I control my desires?’

She thought to herself, but she didn’t really understand the significance of it.

However, she instinctively felt that it would be dangerous to receive it more.

But she couldn’t refuse.

Her instincts overcame her reasoning, and she ultimately wanted the massage.

…All for the sake of swordsmanship, her domain, and her family, she rationalized.

“…Then, can I ask for it again?”

In the end, she couldn’t resist the temptation and asked for it again.

Even though her reason vehemently warned her not to.

Her instincts would eventually overcome her and make her desire the massage.

…All while rationalizing it as being for the sake of swordsmanship and her domain.

“I told you. Anytime is fine with me. And it’s better to do it regularly now. Since it’s the first time, you should receive it intensively.”

“Okay, then I’ll leave it to you this time too.”

Hyun-woo nodded and said,

“Oh, sis. Since your skills have improved, I have a suggestion.”

“Huh? What is it? I’ll do anything if you ask.”

“It’s not a request.”

As always, Hyun-woo confidently made his suggestion.

“How about the two of us go hunt the Werewolves?”

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