Devil’s Music

Chapter 272: An Incident in Japan

Chapter 272: An Incident in Japan

Waiting in the green room, Shizuka paced back and forth outside, wringing her hands with worry over Geon. Even though she didn’t need to, she found herself wandering to the restroom to wash her hands, only to return, unable to enter the green room, her face etched with anxiety.

“What’s happening? Is there some issue between Kay and the manager? Did they have a fight during the show? And here I am, oblivious and bouncing off the walls in joy. Oh, what should I do?”

Caught up in her own world, crafting dramatic narratives, Shizuka’s expression turned to one of shock when the green room door opened, revealing two people walking out arm in arm, laughing together. Byungjun clapped Geon on the shoulder, then turned to the perplexed Shizuka.

“What’s the matter? If you’re here, come in. Why stand outside?”

Shizuka glanced at Geon, unsure.

“Uh... I, I just got here.”

“Oh, is that so? Well, we’re done here. Kay needs to head straight to the airport, so say your goodbyes.”

Shizuka’s face fell as she looked back and forth between Byungjun and Geon, her grip tightening on Geon’s jacket.

“What? Why? What did I do wrong? If I’ve done something wrong, please tell me. I’ll apologize!”

Byungjun, bewildered, grabbed Shizuka’s wrist as she tearfully clutched at Geon’s jacket.

“What are you talking about? Do you not realize the chaos it would cause if word got out that she came from Japan? It wouldn’t be easy to leave the country. We’re sending her off quickly because the music show is over. You still have a schedule to keep with me. Why is she making a fuss?”

Byungjun, while holding onto Shizuka’s wrist, looked at Geon, who shrugged his shoulders. Despite Byungjun’s grip, Shizuka still clung to Geon, who then gently placed a hand on her shoulder.

“Shizuka, take care of the rest of your schedule and come back safely. I’ll go ahead.”

Shizuka, having heard Byungjun’s explanation, still seemed unsettled, her eyes welling up with tears. She hesitantly let go of Geon’s jacket and stammered.

“There’s really nothing wrong, right?”

Geon, smiling, patted her on the shoulder.

“Of course, there’s nothing wrong. Congratulations on your first performance.”

“Th-thank you…”

The sudden ringtone broke the silence, prompting Byungjun to check his phone, gesturing for silence with a finger to his lips before answering the call.

“Yes, Director! We’re just coming down from the stage now.”

Geon, standing beside Shizuka, noticed her anxious glance and laughed.

“See, I told you nothing was wrong. Stop worrying.”

Shizuka looked up at the tall Geon with a pained expression.

“But why do I feel so uneasy?”

“Ha, it’s your first performance today; you should be happy. What’s there to be anxious about? Now I feel sorry.”

“No! It’s, it’s fine if there’s really nothing wrong.”

“Ha, congratulations. What’s your schedule like?”

Shizuka pulled out a schedule from her bag and read it to him.

“I have a music magazine interview this afternoon, a talk show in the evening. Tomorrow, I have two variety shows, and the day after tomorrow, I have a press conference scheduled. Then I’m visiting Akita’s place.”

“When will you be back?”

“In about a week, I guess.”

“I see. Byungjun will be back with you then?”


“Got it. Then I’ll see you in a week. Take care until then.”

As Shizuka put the schedule back into her bag, she hesitated before pulling out her phone, holding it tightly in both hands.

“Um... Kay?”


“I… um…”

“What is it? Just say it. It’s okay.”

Shizuka, mustering her courage, closed her eyes and spoke a bit louder.

“Can, can I call you!?”

Geon, surprised by her sudden outburst, chuckled.

“Why make it sound so difficult? It’s just a phone call between friends. Call me anytime.”

Shizuka peeked through her lashes at Geon, smiling bashfully.

“Hehe.. really, I can?”

“Of course, anytime.”

“Thank you so much.”

“Thank me? For what, ha!”


Their conversation was interrupted by Byungjun’s loud exclamation, turning their heads toward him as he continued his phone call in shock.

“Really, Director?”

After ending the call, Byungjun looked at his phone in disbelief before turning to Geon.

“What’s up? Something wrong?”

Looking back and forth between his

phone and Geon, Byungjun finally spoke.

“Geon, seeing Kiska will have to wait.”

“What? Kiska will throw a fit if I’m not there when she gets back. What’s going on?”

After a brief pause, Byungjun said.

“You’re being summoned to the White House.”

Shizuka gasped in shock, and even Geon seemed surprised.

“The White House?”

Byungjun nodded.

“President Harold Winston has invited you to dinner. Director Lin said you should head straight to Washington D.C. The president's security team will meet you there.”

Geon, begrudgingly looking at his phone, muttered.

“But I can’t be late for Kiska...”

Byungjun waved his hands in disbelief.

“Are you serious? This is about the president of the United States inviting you to dinner, and you’re worried about Kiska? Do you even understand what this means?”

Shizuka nodded vigorously, her eyes wide with envy.

“That must be amazing! When will I ever receive such an invitation…”

Geon pocketed his phone and said.

“Well, it’s nice to meet a good man, but I’d prefer to be back before Kiska if possible.”

Byungjun’s jaw dropped in astonishment.

“Are you kidding me? The, the president of the United States! He politely requested your presence at the White House, not as a command but asking if you could possibly make it. The chief of staff called Director Lin personally!”

Geon smirked.

“They could have just called me directly. They know my number.”

Shizuka’s eyes widened.

“The, the president of the United States knows Kay’s phone number?”

Geon grinned.

“I know the president’s number too. Got it when we met in Nepal.”

Byungjun stared at the pocket where Geon had put his phone.

“You have the president's office direct line?”

Geon shook his head.

“No, the president's personal cell phone.”


“I got it the last time we met.”

Silence fell as they stared at Geon, who chuckled lightly.

“Anyway, I’ll go. It’s a dinner invitation, so it shouldn’t take more than a couple of days. See you in the U.S., Byungjun. Shizuka, I’m off.”

Geon turned and started down the hallway, with Byungjun snapping out of his daze to follow.

“Wait! We’ll go together. I’ll drive you to the airport!”

Throughout the car ride to the airport, Byungjun and Shizuka couldn’t take their eyes off Geon. Glancing at his phone, Geon smiled at a photo of Kiska sent by Gregory, showing her holding a balloon and laughing joyfully. After bidding a dazed farewell to the two, Geon boarded his private jet, concluding his second visit to Japan. After a long flight, a slightly tired Geon appeared at Washington airport, greeted by a tightly controlled crowd and a burly Caucasian man in sunglasses who recognized him immediately and approached with polite formality.

“Thank you for accepting the invitation after such a long flight, Kay.”

Geon, scratching his head beneath his cap, replied nonchalantly.

“No problem.”

The man, revealing his eyes behind the sunglasses, introduced himself.

“I’m Graham Howard from the President's security office. Nice to meet you.”

“Ah, Mr. Howard. Pleasure to meet you.”

Graham extended a polite hand.

“The Chief of Staff came personally. He’s waiting in the car outside.”

Surprised that the busy Chief of Staff came to fetch him, Geon asked.

“Really? Ah, let’s go then.”

Following Graham’s lead out of the airport, Geon approached a large Cadillac Escalade. Inside, a man with neatly combed blonde hair and gold-rimmed glasses greeted him with a business-like demeanor.

“Welcome, Kay.”

“Ah, hello. Nice to meet you.”

As Geon got in, the man introduced himself.

“I’m Matt Besler.”

“Kay, nice to meet you.”

With the doors closed, Matt instructed the driver.

“Let’s go. To the White House.”

The convoy of Cadillac CTSs slowly started moving, escorted by numerous security personnel. Matt thanked Geon for accepting the sudden invitation.

“Thank you for accepting our invitation. We arranged this since you were returning from Japan today, thinking it might be convenient for you to stop by.”

“Ah, I see. But may I know what this is about?”

“It’s nothing serious. Probably just a personal request from the president, but nothing to worry about. You’ll hear it from him directly.”

The car fell into an awkward silence, with Geon feeling the chilly vibe from Matt, who seemed to harbor no warm feelings towards him. As they approached, the majestic White House came into view. After a brief security check at the entrance, they entered the White House. Stepping out of the car, Matt followed closely.

“The president

is in his office. Please wait in the dining room. Mr. Howard, please escort Kay to the dining room.”

With swift politeness, Graham led the way.

“This way, please.”

“Thank you.”

Expecting a grand dining hall, Geon was surprised to find a cozy room with a 6-person antique dining table. The walls adorned with various paintings and red curtains over large windows gave it a warm, homey kitchen vibe. Waiting alone for President Harold Winston, Geon stood as he heard footsteps approaching. The door opened to reveal President Winston in a neatly tailored gray suit, smiling broadly as he walked over and extended his hand.

“Kay! It’s been a while! Ha!”

“Hello, Mr. President.”

“Ha, sit down, are you hungry?”

“Ha, I’m fine, thank you.”

“Fine? It’s past mealtime. Let’s have something to eat!”


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