Devil’s Music

Chapter 266: An Incident in Japan

Chapter 266: An Incident in Japan

As Shizuka's visit to Japan was decided, Fantagio announced her activities in Japan through an official statement. The Japanese media reacted enthusiastically, and news about Shizuka graced the front pages of newspapers, the internet, and daily news broadcasts.

<Fantagio's Second Angel Lands in Japan!>

<Shizuka Miyawaki, She's Coming!>

<What Will Her First Program Be?>

<The Miracle Piano Performance, Shizuka Miyawaki Comes to Japan!>

Since Fantagio kept Geon's visit a secret, the Japanese media's news about Shizuka alone was broadcasted worldwide. However, unlike Kay, Shizuka's visit alone did not captivate the global audience, as international broadcasts simply announced that Shizuka was returning to her homeland, Japan, for a brief activity period. Of course, Shizuka's already established fan base was widely spread around the world, but it did not have the explosive impact of Geon's presence.

On Fantagio's private jet heading to Japan.

Shizuka looked out the airplane window at the Japanese archipelago with a nervous expression, while Anna was sitting with Anthony, looking at a book detailing Japan's famous sights and delicacies, underlining parts of it.

"Anthony, are we going to Tokyo?"

"Yeah, that's the capital of Japan."

"Hmm... so it might be hard to see the castle in Osaka then. Let's cross that off... Akihabara? What is this place about? From the pictures, it looks like they sell figures and games?"

"Yeah, I have a friend who's a Japanese animation maniac. He says it's a holy site. Goes there at least once a year."

"Really? Hmm... let's put a check mark on this! None of us are into animations or games, but we might as well visit if we have time."

"Uh, but I need to go there. My friend asked me to buy something."

"What is it?"

"Just a sec."

Anthony rummaged through his carry-on bag for a notebook and said,

"Crows? Seems to be a manga, and he wants me to buy figures of the characters from it. Must be expensive. He sent me the money in advance, and it was a thousand dollars."

"What? A thousand dollars? For toys?"

"It's... uh, the names are hard in Japanese, wait a sec... Um... Bouya Harumichi? Something like that. And... what's this written here, it's in Kanji... Shizuka! What does this say?"

Shizuka looked at the notebook Anthony handed her and said with a slight smile,

"It says 'Armed Front'."

After Anthony put the notebook down, he told Anna,

"Yeah, 'Armed Front'. It's... apparently the name of a biker gang. There's a set of figures that come out randomly."

"Random? You mean I'm buying something without knowing what I'll get?"

"Yeah, one of them will come out, but there's also a chance that you won't get the one you want. The Japanese call that 'Gacha'."

"What a funny system. But... if it's something I really like, I guess I'd want to have it even if it means going through that. Smart marketing."

"Yeah, anyway, each small box is about 10 dollars, and he asked me to buy 30 of them. He hasn't gotten two of them yet. He said it's his chance to complete his collection and seemed really happy about it."

"That friend of yours must be a real fanatic."

"Well, I have to go there anyway."

Anna folded the page marked Akihabara and circled it with a pen.

"Okay, if we don't have time, let's just the two of us go."

As Anna saw Byungjun, who was checking the schedule in the front seat, stand up and come towards them, she quickly hid the book. It seemed awkward to appear as though they were planning a leisure trip. However, Byungjun, who had already heard their loud conversation, chuckled and grabbed the headrest of Anna's seat, saying,

"Feel free to do whatever during your free time. You two aren't our celebrities, after all. Just avoid doing anything that could damage Shizuka and Kay's images."

Anthony tentatively raised his hand and asked,

"Um... is it okay to buy figures?"

"Why not?"

"I was wondering... about the otaku image."

"Ha, what's wrong with having a personal preference? Besides, Japan respects individual tastes. Just avoid buying anything overly erotic or perverse."

Anna's eyes widened in surprise,

"Toys can be erotic? There are such things?"

Seeing Shizuka blush and lower her head in embarrassment, Byungjun smiled and said,

"Ha, go and see for yourself. There are figures that cater to all sorts of preferences. Anyway, it's

fine, go and shop. You two just have to do the music broadcast. I'll let you know as soon as the schedule is confirmed."

The two, now officially permitted to travel, joyfully took out the book and continued their discussion. Byungjun sat next to Shizuka. She, embarrassed by the figure conversation, had her face blushed and head lowered, then cautiously asked,

"Manager... when is Kay coming?"

Byungjun, without looking at Shizuka, unfolded a document prepared by Fantagio employees detailing the main content of the Japanese media news and said,

"He's already there."

Shizuka looked at Byungjun's profile in surprise,

"What? He went ahead?"

Byungjun flipped through the document and said,

"Yeah, that guy is a travel maniac. He went ahead the day before yesterday to tour Japan. He'll join us locally. Since it's a secret that he's traveling with us, he couldn't move on the same plane. That's why I'm checking the news to see if he hasn't gotten into any trouble... Hmm... seems like nothing special. Doesn't look like he's caused any trouble. Just your news."

Shizuka, surprised, turned her head and looked down at the landscape of Japan through the window.


Two days earlier. Tokyo Narita Airport.

Geon, carrying his luggage, hailed a taxi. The taxi driver, startled by Geon's appearance covered with a hat, sunglasses, and scarf, cautiously asked in English,

"Welcome to Japan, sir."

Geon smiled and responded fluently in Japanese,

"Thank you. Please take me to Osaki Daiwa Roynet Hotel."

The taxi driver, delighted to hear Geon speak Japanese, looked at him through the rearview mirror and said,

"Ah! You're Japanese? I thought you were a foreigner, my apologies."

"No, I'm Korean. Haha."

"Oh! Really? Your Japanese is fluent. Well then, let's set off, please fasten your seatbelt."

As Geon buckled up in the back seat, the taxi started off much more smoothly than the taxis in the United States and merged onto the highway. The taxi driver, who seemed to enjoy conversing with his passengers, asked Geon various questions and shared stories about life. Suddenly, he asked, "Is this your first time in Japan?"

"No, I've been here a few times," Geon replied.

"I see. There's not much in the way of tourist attractions in Osaki. Are you here on business?"

"Ah, something like that. Haha."

"I hope you establish a good business relationship with Japan, haha."

"Yes, I'll do that."

"Still, Osaki has a subway line, so it should be easy to get around."

"Yes, I'm aware. Thank you."

After a while, the taxi pulled up in front of the hotel. The driver quickly got out and retrieved Geon's suitcase from the trunk, bowing politely.

"Enjoy your time in Japan."

"Thank you, sir."

A bellboy immediately took Geon's luggage and headed towards the lobby. The hotel seemed upscale, but the lobby wasn't very large, a trait common in space-efficient Japan. Two staff members greeted Geon as he handed over the printed hotel reservation confirmation and his passport. After a brief wait, a male staff member checking the PC monitor opened his eyes wide in surprise upon seeing Geon's passport. A female staff member also came over, and both looked at Geon with astonished eyes.

Geon put his index finger to his lips, slightly lowered his sunglasses, and winked, saying, "Shh, my being here is a secret, okay?"

Hearing his fluent Japanese, both staff members nodded repeatedly. The male staff member quickly entered the passport information and handed it back, saying, "Thank you for choosing our hotel. I will personally show you to your room."

The female staff member, glaring at her colleague, snatched the luggage from the bellboy who was heading towards the elevator and said, "I, I'll take this luggage, so please rest."

The bellboy looked dumbfounded but pretended not to notice as she pressed the elevator button. As Geon and the male staff member approached, she entered the elevator first and waited for them. Once inside, the male staff member, puzzled, asked, "Miyoko, what about the lobby?"

"It's just for a moment, what about it?" Miyoko pressed the button for the 20th floor.

The male staff member chuckled and accompanied Geon to the 20th floor. After showing him the room and politely offering to leave, Geon, having placed his suitcase in a corner, said, "Ah, would you like me to take a photo? On the condition that you keep my visit a secret."

The two staff members turned around eagerly. Miyoko, already holding her phone, smiled brightly and took a photo with Geon. The male staff member waited for his turn and asked, "Mr. Kay, how long should we keep this a secret? I'd love to boast on SNS."

"After about three days, please keep it a secret," Geon said with a smile.

As the male staff member tried to leave with Miyoko, she quickly turned back and asked, "How long will you be staying in Japan?"

Geon, sitting on the bed, replied with a smile, "About a week, I guess?"

The male staff member pushed Miyoko towards the door, saying, "What are you doing, Miyoko! I'm sorry, Kay. Please, have a comfortable stay."

Miyoko, being pushed out, thought to herself, 'A week? But asking to keep it a secret for just three days means he plans to reveal his presence to the Japanese media, doesn't it? Could it be! Is he in Japan with Shizuka Miyawaki? Ah! Then it'll be on TV!'

After the two left, Geon checked his vibrating phone and quickly answered, "Director Lin?"

"Yes, Mr. Geon. Have you arrived safely?"

"Yes, I've just arrived at the hotel. How about Kiska?"

"She's just arrived at Disneyland. She's so engrossed in the amusement park."

"That's good. She's not crying."

"She doesn't know you're not there. She thinks she's there with Gregory, so it's fine."

"I feel sorry for Gregory."

"It's his daughter. He seems happy to be at the amusement park with her after a long time. Don't worry and focus on your activities in Japan. Have you read the script?"

"Yes, but... Shizuka is the protagonist, but it feels more like I'm the protagonist, which is a bit odd."

"Haha, that's your stature, Mr. Geon. It's time you realized that."

"Okay, Director. I'll keep that in mind."

"It's fine to go sightseeing early, but remember, your presence in Japan must

remain a secret until the first broadcast, okay?"

"Yes, I'll make sure of it. I plan to just go shopping and visit historic sites, so don't worry."

"Please do. Take care of Kiska for me, Director."

"Don't worry. Haha. Goodbye."


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