Devil’s Music

Chapter 264: It's Okay to Go Slowly

Chapter 264: It's Okay to Go Slowly

The music video began with the teaser footage that had already been revealed. Shizuka was walking through the snow-covered mountains of Akita before entering a cave, where she encountered a piano that transformed into Geon, who smiled brightly. Clad in a black suit, Geon held Shizuka's hand, and as a warm breeze blew, she gently closed and then opened her eyes. In front of her, a black grand piano glistened under the light descending from the cave's ceiling. Seated at the piano, Shizuka opened her eyes wide, smiling brightly as she placed her slender, beautiful fingers on the piano's white and black keys.

The camera zoomed out, showing her playing the piano in the middle of the cave and then the entirety of the cave. Moss covered the walls here and there, and the grand piano among the rocks began to produce sound. As the soft piano music started to play, Momoko, who had been listening intently, was slightly startled.

"What? It's beautiful! This mysterious and beautiful atmosphere is just like the music from a Studio Ghibli animation!"

The New Age-style piano performance was both beautiful and mysterious. Though slow, the piece was filled with hope and joy. Shizuka, who had been playing the piano with a bright expression, paused her performance and quietly looked down at the keys. The camera then transitioned to a close-up of her beautiful profile as she smiled slightly, then switched to Shizuka standing alone amidst the smog-filled city. She looked around at the busy passersby with a puzzled expression and then moved on.

As the piano music resumed, the mood of the piece changed. Unlike the previous beautiful and mysterious piece, this was a lonely and sad melody that made Momoko's eyes tremble as she watched.

"Can a piano alone evoke such emotional shifts?"

The scene with Shizuka walking through the city streets, with everyone else in black and white except for her, highlighted how she tried to interact with passersby who showed no interest and simply glanced at her before moving on. As people moved faster around her, she stopped, lowering her hand and bowing her head as numerous people passed by her swiftly. Geon, still in his stylish black suit, crossed his arms and watched her from a distance, the only person in color in the frame.

The scene then shifted to Shizuka, now accustomed to city life, carrying a basket while shopping at a crowded market. She managed to grab a radish among the throng and sighed softly before placing it in her basket and hurrying off. Geon, leaning against a wall, watched her leave with a smile.

The screen changed again, showing Shizuka heading to the library with her backpack. Again, Geon followed a bit behind, arms crossed, smiling as he walked.

Then, the scene shifted to Shizuka sitting alone on a swing at a playground, her head bowed. As she slowly swung, digging her toes into the sand, the swing next to her began to move. Without noticing someone else was swinging next to her, the camera panned out to reveal Geon, smiling brightly as he swung high. Seeing Shizuka walking home alone with a lonely expression, he stopped swinging and stepped down, a look of pity crossing his face as he watched her back.

The scene changed to Shizuka in what appeared to be her rooftop room. Sitting on a platform on the rooftop, she looked out at the cold night city with a lonely expression before shedding a tear. Geon, sitting cross-legged and arms crossed behind her, watched her back with deep eyes. Momoko watching the video tilted her head in confusion.

"Was Kay the role of the piano? Why is he always behind?"

The scene changed again, with the background shifting from Japan to the United States. Still, the streets of Manhattan were filled with people busily walking about. Shizuka, standing among them with sad eyes, looked down before slowly raising her eyes to see a pair of black shoes standing in front of her. Though the background and people sped past, Shizuka moved slowly, lifting her head to see Geon smiling brightly and extending his hand to her.

Shizuka, with wide eyes, looked down at Geon's hand, signaling her to take it. As she placed her white hand in his, black wings explosively unfurled from Geon's back. Startled, Shizuka looked at Geon's back, and he, smiling slyly, took her hand and flew up into the sky. Reaching above the clouds, Geon pointed down at the sprawling city of Manhattan and the tiny figures of people below, which made Shizuka's face, initially scared, relax into a smile. Seeing her smile, Geon joyfully grabbed her hand and they began to fly faster, the cityscape rushing by below them. Soon, they were flying near the dark night clouds, under a sky filled only with stars and the moon.

The piano music

returned, focusing on Shizuka's face as she looked at the fast-moving sea and stars. The music transitioned back to the beautiful and mysterious tune from the beginning, and Geon, flying with Shizuka in his arms, spread his wings wide. Geon, with a beautiful smile, began to sing.

The scent of magnolias

Tickles my nose

The playful grasshopper

Led you to that day

As the music and the scene captivated Momoko, she gasped.

"Was, was Kay singing?"

In the video, Geon, smiling broadly, flew towards the full moon with Shizuka in his arms, looking back at her.

The dark, sparkling you

The big, scary you

The sounds you made

The big, beautiful sounds

The small, sweet sounds

The small, scared me

Listened to your voice

As the beautiful voice of Geon and the lovely lyrics blended with the video of them flying to the full moon, Momoko was mesmerized. The screen turned black and white, showing Shizuka, who had always been alone, with Geon always standing by her side, watching over her with a smile. These images, like a panorama film, moved across the screen over the beautiful piano music and Geon's beautiful voice, creating an even more mysterious atmosphere.

As long as the communication between us through the years

As much as we've endured today

Despite many frustrations, the strength to endure

I hope that strength can be mine

To be a little happier, a little stronger

As we have been, always

As Geon gently stroked Shizuka's back while she flew, clasping his hand, a warm yellow light burst forth from his palm. Startled by the light emerging from her back, Shizuka turned around to see the light transform into a pair of golden, shimmering butterfly wings. Seeing Geon smiling with wide eyes, she laughed playfully. Suddenly, Geon let go of Shizuka's hand, causing her to flail in the air and start falling towards the sea. Terrified, she struggled as she fell, but then Geon, who had been falling with his wings folded, unfurled his wings next to her with a smile. As Shizuka clenched her fists and gathered strength, her golden butterfly wings spread wide, halting her fall. Looking around at her own body and wings in midair, Shizuka saw Geon looking down at her with a bright expression. From below, Geon smiled and sang as he watched Shizuka with her wings spread.

"The cocoon of a butterfly,

In the moonlight that faces the dawn,

Between gypsum and jasmine,

Lies a long sleep for a great wingbeat.

You, who were dark and shining,

You, who were large and frightening,

The sounds you made,

Large and beautiful,

Small and sweet,

I, who was small and scared,

Listened to your voice."

Pointing towards the full moon, Geon moved his hand, and Shizuka flew towards it with powerful wing beats. Soon, Geon caught up with her, and they both smiled at each other. The two flew through the endless sky until they landed on a star-filled mountain at night. After a few flaps of Geon's large, black wings, he folded them and extended his hand, and Shizuka, folding her golden butterfly wings neatly, took it with a laugh.

As Geon walked through the snow-covered mountain holding her hand, their figures gradually faded away. A drone-like view from above showed only their footprints on the untouched snow. Briefly clearing the path of overhanging branches, Geon laughed brightly and gestured towards a cave, causing Shizuka to look surprised at the entrance. With a smile, Geon entered first, followed by a hesitant Shizuka.

Inside the cave was a vast space with a ceiling hole that let in moonlight, just like in a teaser video. As Shizuka searched for Geon, her eyes landed on a grand piano, sparkling as it stood exactly where she remembered. With a wide smile, Shizuka spread her wings, flew up, and sat at the piano, laughing as she played along with the music.

After playing an interlude on the piano, Shizuka raised her hands high and laughed brightly as she looked at the full moon through the open ceiling. The piano disappeared, and there stood Shizuka, gazing at the full moon with a smile. Geon, looking at her, recited with a beautiful smile,

"O garden of my torment,

My sound that is so hard to hold,

On your voice, wings flap,

Moonlit butterflies and cold stars,

A little more happiness, a little more solidity,

As always, now and forever,

Be with me."

The view through the open ceiling ascended to the sky, moving away from the two people inside the basin, surrounding the beautiful full moon with twinkling stars. In the top left corner of the black screen, beautiful cursive writing appeared,

'First Edition. Shizuka Miyawaki'

Below it, smaller text appeared,

Vocal by Kay

Piano by Shizuka Miyawaki

Direct by Tim Kutton

The screen turned black as if the video had ended, but then it lit up again with a photo of Shizuka smiling brightly and Geon standing behind her, blurry and out of focus, in black and white. At the bottom center, white text floated up,

'The Second Angel of Fantagio'

The screen went black again with a reload symbol, but Momoko, with her mouth agape and staring at the screen, was unable to do anything. After a while, enjoying the addictive and beautiful sound of the piano, Momoko took off her earphones and sighed,

"This is amazing..."

Lifting her head, Momoko saw Yuuna, replaying the video several times, oblivious to the drool on her lips.


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