Devil’s Music

Chapter 252: It's Okay to Go Slowly

Chapter 252: It's Okay to Go Slowly

Students gathered in one of the individual practice rooms at Juilliard School that could accommodate a band rehearsal. Among them were a blonde woman with heavy eyeliner, casually dressed and wearing Converse shoes; a clean-cut black man with a rapper-like style; and a Japanese woman with long hair, sitting quietly in a white dress. The atmosphere was initially awkward until the blonde woman, pulling up a chair to sit, broke the silence with a bright voice.

"My name is Anna Sentina. I'm majoring in bass. Let's do well on this mission."

Following Anna's lead, the black man soon sat down with a new makeshift chair, twirling drumsticks in his hand.

"I'm Anthony Burns. I'm with the drums. Pleased to meet you."

As Anna and Anthony glanced at the standing Japanese woman, she spoke in a careful tone.

"My name is Shizuka Miyawaki. I'm from the piano department."

Anna, looking at Shizuka, placed another makeshift chair beside her and said,

"Sit down. But piano department? Not synthesizer but actual piano?"

Shizuka bowed her head in thanks and sat down gracefully.

"Yes, I'm indeed in the piano department, originally majoring in classical music."

"We're in the same year, so let's speak more comfortably, Shizuka."

"Yes, I will."

"No, I mean, talk to us more freely."

"Yes, I understand."


Anna shook her head in disapproval upon hearing Shizuka's polite manner, while Anthony chuckled and commented,

"Japanese folks are usually like this. They'll start speaking more casually once they're more comfortable. Just leave it."

Anna glanced at Anthony, then turned to Shizuka, asking,

"But why did you come to band rehearsal from the piano department? Your department doesn’t have this kind of class, right?"

Shizuka replied in her modest tone,

"Yes, that's correct. However, I was interested in this area, so I applied."

Anna shrugged at Anthony,

"Really? It's unusual... considering you also have to practice for your major. Anyway, got it. But it looks like the person from the guitar department hasn’t arrived yet?"

Anthony glanced at the wall clock and said,

"We still have five minutes left. We just came early."

Anna leaned back against the short backrest of the makeshift chair, clasping her hands behind her neck,

"Ah... I hope it's not someone too arrogant."

Shizuka tilted her head and asked in a cautious, polite tone,

"Are people from the guitar department usually arrogant?"

Anna, half-reclining, responded,

"Yeah, guitar department guys think they're the center of the band. Well, it's true that most band leaders are guitarists and they do compose most of the music."

As Shizuka nodded deeply in a very Japanese manner, Anthony interjected,

"Not everyone is like that. Just a few with too much pride. I'd rather have someone competent join us."

Anna looked Anthony up and down before saying,

"Do you think you're good?"

Anthony smiled, revealing his teeth,

"I'm decent. Not as famous as you, though."

Anna sat up, eyes wide,

"You know me?"

Anthony twirled his phone, saying,

"You're a Youtuber. And not just any, but one with over 400,000 subscribers. I've seen your bass guitar play videos."

"Oh? There's someone from our school who watches my channel?"

"Yeah, I clicked because I saw a sexy beauty in the thumbnail. Haha."

"Hoho, really? That's something I need to take as a snapshot strategy then. I'll try to work harder on that."

"Ha, try focusing on improving your skills instead."

As they spoke, Shizuka listened in silently before asking,

"Anna is a Youtuber? Uploading videos of playing the bass guitar?"

Anna nodded and stood up,

"Yeah, it's been about a year? Initially, I just recorded my practice for monitoring, but it turned out to be fun, so I kept uploading. And now, I have 400,000 subscribers. I'm at a point where I'm not sure if I'm a student or a Youtuber anymore. Hoho."

"Is it fun?"

"Yeah, it's fun. Why? Want to try?"

"Ah... No, I was just asking."

Anna looked Shizuka up and down and joked,

"Shizuka, you're pretty enough to be popular with guys. Sexy style might not suit you, so try going for a pure look."

Shizuka blushed and looked down, feeling embarrassed by Anna's gaze, causing Anna to burst into laughter,

"Hahaha! You're an interesting type, blushing at a joke."

Seeing Shizuka still bowing her head, Anthony waved his drumsticks,

"Hey, cut it out."

Anna waved her hand and nodded,

"Ah, got it. Sorry, Shizuka. Anyway, since it's our

first meeting, how about we have a brief meeting and then go out for a beer?"

Anthony raised his finger in agreement, and Anna looked at Shizuka, who was still looking down but nodded quietly after noticing Anthony's glance. Anna smiled and looked at the wall clock again,

"It looks like it's about time... When will our guitarist show up?"

Knock, knock

Right on time, a knock on the door was heard, and Anna stood up, sarcastically remarking,

"Wow, even for the first meeting, couldn't they come even a minute early instead of just on time?"

Anna halted midway to her feet, a perplexed stance overtaking her as Anthony stopped twirling his drumsticks, dropping one. Shizuka covered her mouth, eyes wide with surprise, as the man standing at the door flashed a grin and set his guitar case down.

"Hello, am I a bit late? Sorry about that."

Stammering, Shizuka pointed at the man.

"Ke... Kay?"

Geon laughed, looking at Shizuka.

"You're the student from Japan, aren't you?"

"Ye... Yes? Yes! That's, that's right."

"Nice to meet you, neighbor."

"Yes! Yes! Nice to meet you too. I'm Shizuka Miyawaki."

"Pleased to meet you."

Geon then approached Anthony, who was still gaping, and patted him on the shoulder.

"A drummer? I thought you were a rapper with that style. Looks good on you."

Anthony, looking up at Geon touching his shoulder, stuttered,

"Ah... Ah, yes, yes! I'm Anthony Burns!"

"Nice to meet you, Anthony. So, the blonde lady is the bassist?"

Anna, who had been awkwardly standing, sprang to her feet and hugged Geon. Geon looked down at Anna, who had suddenly embraced him, and smirked, making her exclaim joyfully,

"Our guitarist is Kay!! Hurray!!"

As Anna raised her arms high, shouting, Shizuka, caught up in the moment, timidly raised hers in support, and Anthony, with an incredulous look, hurriedly set up another makeshift chair.

"Here, take a seat, Kay."

"Thank you."

Sitting down, Geon laughed at Anna, still running around the studio, cheering.

"Anna, calm down and sit."

"Ah! Yes!!"

Geon smiled warmly, meeting the admiring gazes of the three, and after a moment, grinned widely.

"Since it's our first day... How about we just have a meeting somewhere else instead of this cramped practice room? Let's go for a beer. My treat."

Anna leapt up again, cheering.

"Yesss!!! That's our Kay!! Let's go, let's go!"

Quickly slinging on his guitar bag, Geon chuckled as he watched Anna, who was hesitantly pulling Shizuka by the hand. After tapping Anthony's shoulder once more and slinging his guitar bag over his shoulder, a touched Anthony hurriedly followed.

Walking through the school corridors, Anna, clearly delighted by the attention they received walking with Geon, kept smiling and pulling Shizuka along. Shizuka, while being dragged, sneakily admired Geon's profile and blushed, while Anthony, still in disbelief about practicing with the band and Geon, observed Geon's back with a dazed expression. Reaching the school's main gate, Geon, now wearing a hat and sunglasses, addressed the group.

"There's a pub called 'Off the Wagon' about 300 meters to the left from the school's main gate. I'll meet you there. It'd be inconvenient for you if we walk together, so I'll go ahead."

As Geon exited the school, a swiftly approaching security guard inquired about his situation and started the car. Watching this, Shizuka murmured quietly,

"So it really is Kay."

Anna nodded, seeing Geon being escorted into the limousine.

"He may be a fellow student, but he's a huge star."

Anthony, feeling the lingering warmth on his shoulder where Geon had touched him, boasted,

"Hey, Kay touched this shoulder twice. I might not wash it for days."

Anna glanced at Anthony and pinched her nose.

"Ew! Just the thought smells bad! Stay away!"

"Uh-huh, but you hugged Kay too? You gonna skip showers as well?"

"Ha! As soon as I get home, I'm showering!"

"Oh, really?"

"Of course! Because I plan to greet him warmly with a hug every day at practice! Can't let Kay think I smell bad!"

"Ha, do that."

Listening quietly to their conversation, Shizuka, perhaps out of curiosity, sniffed her clothes and sighed in relief. Spotting the pub 'Off the Wagon' marked by a dark brown sign after about ten minutes, Anna pointed and shouted,

"There it is! Off the Wagon!"

Anna was the first to enter, scanning the almost empty pub as it was still early. Geon hadn't arrived yet.

"He must be on his way by car. Eh, he'll show up. Let's go, guys."

As they followed her in and sat at any available spot at the bar, a chubby Caucasian bartender approached and inquired,

"Are you Shizuka, Anna, Anthony by any chance?"

Anna's eyes widened.

"Yes? How did you know?"

The bartender smiled and gestured towards a section.

"VIP room is this way

. Someone has already reserved it for you."

Anna, excited by the mention of a VIP room, stood up.

"See! Totally different class! Let's go, guys!"

"Class? VIP rooms in pubs like this aren't that expensive."

"Still! Have you ever been to a VIP room in a pub?"

"Ugh... Well, Kay could afford VIP rooms in much pricier places, not because of the money but because it's hard for him to eat comfortably in a bar."

"Let's just go. Where's Shizuka? Shizuka?"

Anna spotted Shizuka already holding the VIP room's doorknob.

"Hey! That fox!! Wait for me! The seat next to Kay is mine!"


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