Devil’s Music

Chapter 241: Begin Again

Chapter 241: Begin Again

"Wow, what a world!!"

"Kay!! The opera performance was fantastic!"

"When did you arrive in Ireland?"

"Ahh!! How! Really handsome!"


In an instant, people flocked to Grafton Street. When Gun was waving to the people with a smile, Vimad, who had regained his senses from a dazed expression, touched Gun's back and came up quietly whispering.

"Come to the back for a moment."

"Yes? Where to?"

Vimad grabbed Gun's arm and pushed him into a small alleyway between the busking buildings. The onlookers shouted as Vimad pushed Gun into the alley.

"Ah! What? Where are you going?"

"That's right! Move aside!"

Vimad stood in front of Gun, raised a hand, and said with a sly smile.

"Hahaha... Please wait a moment, everyone. We have something to discuss. It will only take a moment!"

Vimad completely shielded Gun and turned around with wide eyes.

"Wow! The day I busk with Kay has come, what an event."

Gun smiled broadly and nodded slightly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to deceive."

Vimad waved his hand and laughed.

"Not at all, not at all. It's an honor."

"Haha, thank you for thinking so. But what did you want to talk about?"

Vimad glanced back to see people approaching to see Gun between the buildings. Turning back, Vimad hurriedly said.

"Listen carefully. It might be dangerous. When I give the signal, turn around and run immediately. Right now, they're looking with friendly eyes, but you never know how the public might change. Run along the alley to the next building, then turn right, and there will be a small pub called 'John Fallons' on the second floor. It's an old bar that's been there since the 1600s, so it should be okay to catch your breath there for a moment. There might be a few people at this time, but it's such a small bar. Look out the second-floor window, and once things have settled, then leave. Got it?"

Gun peered behind Vimad. When the onlookers behind Vimad's back saw Gun's face, they screamed again.

"Kyaa!! Kay!! Please take a picture!"

"Yeah!! Come out and sing one more song!"

Gun hid behind Vimad again and nodded with a slight smile.

"Thank you for thinking of me, Vimad. Then I'll be there. Will you come? I'll buy you a beer. You have to try a stout when in Ireland, haha."

Vimad pointed to his own face with a dumbfounded expression.

"Me? You want to drink with me? Are you serious?"

Gun smiled and nodded, then turned around.

"See you later then!"

As Gun started running, people watching the alley behind Vimad's body began to scream as they caught a glimpse of Gun's back.

"Ahh! Kay is running!"

"Where! Where did he go? Oh, mister! Move aside!"

"Hurry and find him! Run!"

Some people quickly ran around the building, and some pushed through Vimad, who was blocking the alley. People got angry at Vimad, who was blocking the narrow alley that barely allowed one person to pass.

"Ah! What's this!? Move aside! Kay is getting away!"

"Wow, this guy is so strong! Move, will you!"

After Vimad held his ground a bit longer, enough time for Gun to have entered the pub, he awkwardly smiled and stepped aside from the alley.

"Haha, so, sorry."

"Move!! Damn it!!!"

People squeezed through the narrow path, running around the alley, making a fuss trying to find Kay. Out of the focus of the people, Vimad quietly packed up his guitar and amp.

Meanwhile, having separated from Vimad and running along the alley, Gun turned his head to the right past the next building, scanning the several signs visible on the second floor. Spotting an old yellow sign that read 'John Fallons' on the second floor of the second building made of red bricks, Gun quickly ascended the stairs leading to it. Reaching the entrance on the second floor of the apparently very old building, Gun looked out the window of the stairwell. Seeing people running around screaming, Gun hid inside again and whistled.

"Phew, that was almost dangerous. Haha, but it's fun, hehe."

After catching his breath, Gun looked at the Irish-style old store door. The yellow door with arch-shaped windows seemed to indicate a store with tradition. Glancing through the window on the door to check the atmosphere inside, Gun saw quite a few people inside but realized it felt packed because it was a small store, so he opened the door.

As the door opened and the bell rang, an elderly bartender with white hair turned his head

and reflexively said.

"Welcome. But there are no seats available right now..."

When Gun made eye contact with the grandfather and smiled slightly, the grandfather looked him up and down and said.

"Hehe, what a remarkably handsome guy. I'd like to make a seat available just for you. Would you mind waiting at the bar until a seat frees up? It's only a corner seat, though."

Gun, unnoticed by the bartender grandfather, smiled and nodded, heading towards the corner seat when he made eye contact with two female patrons. The Hispanic women, seemingly tourists from Mexico, had healthy tan skin and were wearing thin, tight sleeveless t-shirts under their coats despite it being winter. One of the attractive women with long, black, lush hair reaching her waist pointed at Gun and screamed loudly.


The woman with short hair next to her turned her head towards Gun and dropped her jaw.

"It, It's really Kay!!"

Gun unconsciously raised his hand to his head. Realizing he had left his favorite hat behind after it was knocked off earlier, he smiled awkwardly.

'I left my hat behind after it got knocked off earlier. Ah, I really liked that hat.'

The music was playing quite loudly, but because the two women were shouting so loudly, everyone in the pub who had been talking turned their heads and looked at Gun with wide eyes. As if they were too shocked to speak, the noisy pub suddenly went quiet, the music the only sound filling the space. Feeling the awkward atmosphere, the bartender grandfather turned down the music, and a quiet tension filled the pub. Gun, with an embarrassed smile, eventually raised his hand and said.

"Ah, hello everyone?"


The sound of a beer glass breaking caused people to turn their heads towards the noise and then hurriedly regain their composure and start talking loudly again.

"Wow! Am I seeing things right now? Hey Evan! Do you see Kay too?"

"Yeah, yeah! Didn't we watch his opera performance on the PC a few days ago? That's definitely Kay!"

"Kyaa!! Kay, I love you!"

"This trip is the best! To see Kay up close like this!"

As the murmurs grew louder, Gun glanced outside the window anxiously and raised his hand again. Thinking Gun had something to say, people hushed each other and calmed their excitement as Gun smiled brightly and said.

"I have some circumstances, so I need to hide here for a bit, everyone. If you could keep it quiet, I'll buy everyone here a stout, and I'll also take pictures with you. Just post them on SNS after I leave. How about it?"

People drinking beer laughed out loud, raising their glasses and shouting.


"Hahaha!! To think I'd get to drink beer bought by Kay in my lifetime! Thank you!"

"Kyaa! I'll absolutely keep it a secret!"

Seeing people already preparing their cameras to take pictures, Gun laughed and said.

"I have someone to meet, so I'll be taking my time. You can come slowly, so please don't crowd! Haha"

As people cautiously returned to their seats, Gun attempted to sit in the corner seat. As Gun passed by, the Mexican women hastily made space between them and invited him.

"Kay!! Kay!! Sit here, here!"

Gun glanced at his too-cornered seat and then, with a smirk, sat between the women as the watching bartender grandfather approached, whistling.

"Whew~! You must be a famous star! I don't watch TV at my age, so sorry I didn't recognize you. But did you really say you'd buy everyone a stout just now?"

Gun took off his outerwear, draped it over the chair, and smiled.

"Of course, please serve a round, Master."

"Hehe, alright!"

The grandfather bartender rang the bell at the bar and announced loudly.

"Alright!! Everyone!! The handsome young man is buying a round of stout!"



"Thank you, Kay!!!"

As the young male server quickly started distributing the stouts handed over by the grandfather bartender, people who received their glasses began taking pictures. It seemed they were eager to brag on SNS that Kay had bought them a stout. The two women sitting beside Gun, holding their stouts, carefully took out their phones and asked.

"Um.. could we take a picture with you holding the Kay stout?"

"Haha, of course."

Gun gladly agreed, taking a friendly pose between the women for the photo as the smiling grandfather bartender extended his hand to Gun.

"I don't usually ask customers for a handshake, but today I must. I'm Aaron."

"Nice to meet you, Aaron. I'm Kay."

Gun shook his hand and smiled back, prompting Aaron to say.

"Good to meet you, Kay. Will you have a stout too?"

"Yes, please, one for me too, Aaron."


, welcome to John Fallons! Be sure to take a picture with me before you leave. I'll display it in the store."

"Sure, I'll do that."

Gun tasted the freshly served beer and widened his eyes, looking at the stout glass.

"Wow! It's really smooth!"

Watching Gun and laughing, Aaron wiped his hands with a towel and said.

"Haha! Our store has been around since the early 1600s. We're the 9th generation running this place. The stout you're drinking isn't factory-made but brewed right here at home, so it's a taste you can't find anywhere else."

Gun raised his glass and smiled.

"I should thank Vimad for this! Haha"

"Do you know Vimad?"

"Haha, just met him today. Oh! There he is."

Both women and Aaron turned their heads to see Vimad entering the pub. Vimad, carrying a load of gear, held Gun's hat in one hand and stood with an awkward expression.


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