Devil’s Music

Chapter 231: Her Final Performance

Chapter 231: Her Final Performance

As Abraham placed his phone on the table and turned on the recording feature, Geon Kim opened the conversation with Norman.

"Did you come to the performance at the Bronx Zoo as well? I received the information quite late that day and missed meeting you."

Norman burst into a hearty laugh, realizing that the security had indeed relayed his message that day.

"Ah, I see. I thought the security guard I asked to deliver my message hadn't managed to do so."

"Ha-ha, it was a bit late, but I did receive your message. I felt sorry for not being able to meet you in person, especially after you traveled all the way from the UK to attend the performance."

As Norman smiled warmly, Geon returned the smile slightly.

"The look in your eyes was so challenging during your tour in the UK, it's hard to adjust to seeing you so different now. Ha-ha."

Norman, scratching his head, replied with an embarrassed look.

"Ah... About that article... I should formally apologize again. I acknowledge it was hastily written without proper verification of facts."

Geon waved his hand, indicating it wasn't necessary.

"I've read the correction you published. There's no need for another apology, Norman."

"Just call me Norman. After all, I only call you Kay, ha-ha."

"Ha-ha, sure, Norman."

As the atmosphere became more amiable, Abraham started to glance around, noticing which Geon smiled and then checked his watch.

"I've been practicing non-stop for about four hours before you arrived, so this break is a bit longer. Don't hesitate to ask anything, Abraham."

Upon receiving Geon's prompt approval, Abraham cautiously asked.

"Then... Miss Kiska Miočić...?"

Geon, who seemed to have anticipated the question, replied with a regretful look.

"Unfortunately, Kiska is not here. She is working with Professor Corigliano."

Although Abraham showed disappointment, he quickly shook his head and said.

"Ah, no, it's my fault for asking suddenly. Then, I'll just ask Kay a few questions."

"Please, go ahead."

"Kay, your career moves are always groundbreaking. Your handsome appearance coupled with your musical genius shines even more because of these bold moves. Was the idea to sell the opera performance as PPV also from Director Son Lin of Fantagio?"

Geon smiled and responded.

"Yes, that's correct. Many of the performances and videos that have become a topic of conversation involved Director Son Lin's touch."

"So, we can say Kay is a musical genius, Kiska Miočić a literary genius, and Director Son Lin a marketing genius. It's no wonder it's such a sensation when three geniuses gather in one place."

"Ha-ha, that's too much praise."

"Ha-ha, you might be the only one who thinks it's an overstatement. Fantagio hasn't officially announced the PPV sales figures. Do you happen to know how well it sold?"

Geon pondered for a moment before replying.

"Well... I do know, but it's something I shouldn't discuss before an official announcement is made. I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay. It's understandable. Is there a reason you came to the US early before resuming your studies?"

"Yes, actually, after being discharged from the military, I came back to the US early to loosen up my stiff hands and focus on practice. Then, I learned that Professor Leontine Price, whom I greatly admire, was preparing for her retirement performance, and I wanted to contribute."

"What is the theme of this performance?"

"It's a performance narrating the life of Professor Leontine Price, who has lived through tumultuous times as an opera diva."

"And what role does Kay play in this performance?"

"That's a secret. You'll have to come and see it on the day."

Abraham frowned, "I wish I could come and see, but unlike Mr. Norman, I wasn't granted entry. Ah, but I did buy the PPV."

"Ha-ha, so you were a customer?"

"Customer? Ha-ha-ha."

After a brief laugh, Abraham glanced at Norman, waiting his turn, and then asked one last question.

"Rumors among journalists suggest the PPV sales are beyond imagination. Do you know why?"

Geon pondered with a slight pout before shaking his head.

"I'm not sure, do you know?"

Abraham grinned and began, "The first reason is you, Kay. The return of a genius after more than three years of inactivity has drawn significant attention. Second, the PPV is much cheaper than sports events. Considering it's a three-hour performance, the price is very reasonable. Third, unlike sports PPV where people gather at a friend's house to watch, 100% of the proceeds from this performance go to helping children in Africa. People gather at a friend's house want to

participate in the charity, so each buys a ticket."

Geon nodded, surprised.

"You journalists are sharp. I hadn't anticipated the third reason."

Abraham looked directly at Geon and continued, "What's more impressive is all this came from the head of Director Son Lin of Fantagio. Journalists believe she calculated and moved with all these factors in mind."

Norman nodded deeply.

"That makes sense. She must have a remarkable knack for marketing, better than any I've seen."

Geon, already amazed by Lin, smiled silently. After exchanging thanks and pleasantries, Geon checked his watch, stood up, and extended his hand.

"It was a pleasure meeting you today, Norman, Abraham."

Norman warmly shook Geon's hand, while Abraham, uncharacteristically for a Westerner, bowed and shook hands, causing Geon to look surprised. Abraham quickly replied with a charming laugh.

"Ha-ha, I'm actively flattering you in hopes of being invited again. Here's my business card. Call me anytime you need the power of the press."

Geon accepted Abraham's business card, read it carefully, and then pocketed it, nodding.

"I'll definitely contact you. It was a pleasure meeting you today. Sorry we couldn't spend more time together. See you next time."

"It was my pleasure meeting you. Take care."

"See you again!"

As Geon entered the practice room, Abraham slumped onto the cafe sofa.

"Wow! An exclusive interview with Kay... Other journalists would kill for this."

Norman sat next to him, smiling, as Abraham leaned in and asked.

"Norman, Kay is still in his early twenties, but his aura is no joke. Has he always been like this since you first saw him?"

Norman closed his eyes, recalling his first encounter with Geon, then opened them and smiled.

"Yes, that was my first impression when I saw Kay during his tour in the UK. I had no prejudice against his race, but he seemed too young, almost like a kid, especially when he claimed he would replicate the legendary guitarist Dimebag Darrell. But as soon as the first song started, I became a fan. That's why I've been following Kay's performances everywhere. From the beginning, whether you call it aura or charisma, he's just a regular, kind young man offstage, but he transforms into someone else entirely when performing music."

Abraham, without realizing, extended his recording phone and asked, "How is he different?"

Norman looked at the closed doors of the opera house for a while before answering.

"It's as if a musical angel or demon possesses him. You've seen his demeanor. He's not arrogant or pretentious, but remember the confidence he exudes on stage? If you've seen the tour videos, Kay's presence overshadowed the other band members in Asia. Think about the personalities of rock stars you know and compare them to Kay's; the answer will be clear."

Abraham nodded emphatically.

"Right. I knew he was humble and straightforward from rumors, but seeing him in person, he seems even nicer. For a globally popular musician, he feels more like a popular and cool college student next door."

"That's it. But as I said, once he's on stage, he completely changes. How can I not have high expectations? Though I don't know the details, I'm sure this performance will be something extraordinary."


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