Destroying My Own Novel

Chapter 408 407: Connections.

All the districts that the Fraternity Association owned were finally back to how they used to be. The funds that Mykel gave to Zherlthsh and Vixelleth were more than enough to rebuild all four districts. The problem was that only a few of the citizens came back while the rest had decided to move to another district.

The worst district was District 3 because the population had dropped to 22% and the whole city looked dead. There were barely any people or vehicles that used the roads, and the main reason for that was because of the rumor that the demonic cult might be using District 3 as their base.

No matter how hard they tried to convince them that it was safe, they couldn't guarantee that the rumor was untrue. Knowing that it was impossible to recover, the government decided to use District 3 as a military and Awakeners training ground.

The idea came from the senates to calm down the citizens and make sure that the neighbors' districts would be safe. It worked, but not significantly since they all had seen how powerful those demons were from the videos. Now all those videos had been taken down to prevent people from living in fear.

"Senator Vixen, about the request that we asked. Have you passed it down to Miss Lyneth and Mister Mykel?" The president asked.

"They both are currently on a vacation and don't want to be bothered with work. Unfortunately, we have to wait until they're back, Mister President," Vixelleth answered.

"I see. Also, I heard Senator Zeta is temporarily taking the Guild Association. Can you ask her if it's possible to send some of the Guild's Awakeners to District Three?" The president asked.

"Yes, I'll tell her to send our best Awakeners that are currently available," Vixen answered as she nodded her head.

"Thank you, Senator Vixen. You have been a huge help with all the mess that happened recently," The president said with a smile.

"That's why Miss Lyneth recommended me and Zeta, Mister President. If we don't meet her expectations, it will only make her name look bad," Vixelleth answered with a gentle smile.

The president chuckled as he nodded his head and admired Vixelleth's reasoning.

"You may leave, I don't want to waste your time talking with this old man," The president said.

Vixelleth smiled and nodded her head then left the president's office.

Vixelleth walked the hallway, and when she was being body checked before she left the office, she saw Nephilim come up and stood next to her. She looked at Nephilim and furrowed her eyebrows because she never thought she would meet her there.

"What are you doing here, Miss Evelyn?" Vixelleth asked. "(Perfect timing. I have a message from Mykel. He wanted to ask you for a favor)" Vixelleth said telepathically.

"That's none of your business," Nephilim answered as she spread her arms open. "(A favor?)" Nephilim asked.

"I don't like that tone, Miss Evelyn. I'm just asking you a question," Vixelleth looked at Nephilim from the corner of her eyes. "(Since there's an opportunity in District Three. So many lands are vacant, but unfortunately, all of them are public property owned by the government. He wanted to buy a very large property and make it private. Since you already have a connection, he wants you to use them)" Vixelleth explained.

"That's none of my concern if you like it or not, Senator Vixen," Nephilim answered. "(You want me to lobby for a land for Mykel? How big?)" Nephilim asked.

"I wonder if you're here to protect another corrupt client. Maybe I should investigate with whom you're meeting, Miss Evelyn," Vixelleth said as she chuckled mischievously. "(Twice the football field. He said he wanted to make some kind of an arena for the Awakeners)" Vixelleth answered.

"Go ahead, I don't think that matters even if I protect a corrupt client or not, because I have never lost in a trial before. You're free to try," Nephilim smirked and scoffed. "(An arena? What for?)" Nephilim asked.

"Watch your tongue, Miss Evelyn. There's always a first time," Vixelleth smiled. "(He wanted to create a giant lab for Deviatris below that arena. He wanted to create more Chimera, but he needs subjects that are qualified for it. He also said to use his name. Tell them that it's Mykel who wants the property)" Vixelleth answered.

"Are you really going to do this, Senator Vixen? Your public image will be tattered if you lose against me," Nephilim asked. "(Hitting two birds with one stone. I'll get it done in three days because I have to deal with other important clients. By the way, why didn't he ask me personally? He has never spoken to me, and always uses you or Zeth to relay his message)" Nephilim replied.

"You'll never know until you try, Miss Evelyn. If you think you're confident, let's meet each other in a trial someday," Vixelleth said with confidence. "(Because he knows you're busy. Or, maybe he doesn't like you at all since he only slept with you once and knew you were not fun)" Vixelleth giggled.

The guards who body-checked them were sharing a look, and they both were raising their eyebrows because of how fierce and vicious those two were. They didn't want to let those two stay together for another second and decided to let them go.

Nephilim left earlier and she looked so pissed as Vixelleth watched her leave. Those guards thought that it was because of the conversation those two had.

"Thank you for the good work," Vixen smiled at the guards and then left.

The guards sighed as they walked to their post.

"Those two, do they have some kind of grudge against each other?" The first guard asked.

"How do I know? All I know is that those two are currently untouchable. Both of them really have strong backing and connection that to go against them would be a big mistake," The second guard replied as he sat down and grabbed his cold coffee. "But if Miss Evelyn really was going to fight Senator Vixelleth, Senator Zeta, Miss Lyneth, and especially Mister Mykel would come and back her up. I don't think Miss Evelyn would be able to win even if she has a lot of connection," He continued as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Could you imagine, if Miss Evelyn joined hands with those people?" The first guard asked.

"If she joined them. We are doomed because they would become more powerful than the government itself. Thankfully, she's not and at least there's someone who can stand and against them," The second guard answered as he shook his head and couldn't imagine if that really happened.

(In the Fraternity Headquarters, Asmond's office)

"How long are you going to stay here, Asmond?" Roxanne asked as she stood in front of Asmond's desk.

"What are you talking about? I'm currently being responsible and trying to bring the people back. I'm not going to neglect what's happening out there," Asmond answered as he read the documents and hadn't left his office for two days straight.

Roxanne was being pressured by the others because it wasn't time for them to do nothing. They wanted to go to the towers and level up their skills.

"If you want to go to the towers, you can go. I already told you before that I'm not going to go into the tower before everything has been resolved," Asmond said. "Don't think about me. I'll be fine," Asmond continued since he could tell that Roxanne was worried about him.

"Is there anything that I can help with?" Roxanne asked.

"You want to help? I never thought you would be interested in office work," Asmond looked at Roxanne weirdly.

"I'm not, but after looking at how Miss Edith and Enma sat there next to Mykel. I thought that I should be there to help you out in the tower and in the office," Roxanne answered as she sat down and looked at the document in Asmond's hands.

"Really? That would be great," Asmond smiled as he chuckled and looked at Roxanne.

Roxanne looked at the documents scattered on the table and asked him which documents he wanted her to take care of. Suddenly she looked at one specific document and grabbed it.

"You're investigating Mykel?" Roxanne asked as her eyes locked on the document.

"I mean, aren't you curious what kind of skill back there he used on all of us? I'm just wondering how could he do something like that," Asmond said as he looked at Roxanne with a serious expression. "To make everyone in headquarters feel his tremendous presence, it's not normal," Asmond continued.

"Yeah, you're right. There's no information about him at all," Roxanne replied as she looked at Mykel's information which was completely blank, with only a few pieces of information about the people who were related to him. "But to think he's related to Miss Vixen and Zeta, I guess there's something fishy about them," Roxanne continued.

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