Destroying My Own Novel

319 Chapter 318

"That's not a statue, that's a big pile of demons. Someone or something put them there," Agnez said as she looked around to make sure nothing was alive other than them.

"It could be Bartoth, no? But even so, I don't think he would do something to his master's creation unless there's a survivor that killed them and made it like this as a message," Vincze said with his arms crossed.

Everyone checked the whole room and found nothing but dead bodies. Rozan could feel something hidden underneath the pile with his wind magic. He then destroyed the hardened pile of corpses with giant ice spikes from the sides of the pile.

"They look dried. That's weird," Rozan said as he looked at the

"Looks like it's not someone's doing. They're trying to get inside," Rozan said as he stared at a giant steel hatch on the ground, and there was a small gap where he could see there was a path inside.

Rozan tried to break it open with magic, but it wouldn't budge. Jeanne then cut the steel door open with her sword, a size big enough for a person to walk through.

Jeanne was the first one to get into the hatch, and then Rozan followed her from behind to provide her with light. Once everyone was inside the hatch, they realized it wasn't a bunker or anything like that. It was a path into a subway.

"Dried blood," Joshua said as he looked at the wall painted with blood. "Not sure if these are human blood or that creature's blood," Joshua continued.

The whole hallway was a mess. The walls and the ceilings were destroyed. They also saw claw marks and scratches on them.

While they were checking the dark hallway, the lights turned on, and it startled everyone. It was Gerrard who turned the switch on, and everyone could see pieces of dried meat all over the floor.

"Well, the light is still on," Gerrard said as he held the lever.

,m Not long after Gerrard said that they could hear an engine sound at the end of the hallway. It sounded like a train, so, they checked where the engine sound was coming from.

It was as they expected, there was a train, but on the other side of the rail. They saw something laying on the ground, something big that looked like a leaf blower.

"Is this a weapon?" Gunnar asked as he grabbed the leaf blower. He pulled the trigger and it made a sound, but nothing happened. He pulled over and over again until Rozan got annoyed by it and took it from him.

They looked at the train track as the lamps lightened up the track, but they couldn't see anything else.

"Should we use the train? I think we might find something on the other side of the track," Jeanne asked as she jumped down to the track.

"That's what I'm about to say. Let's go," Agnez said as she jumped over the train track and landed on the platform in the middle.

They looked at the train, and it was still in a good condition, so they entered the train while checking each carriage to see if there was any demon inside. Once they were sure the train was safe, they checked the locomotive to see if they could run the train.

"So, anyone knows how to operate a train?" Rozan asked as he looked at the dozens of buttons in front of him.

"Leave it to me," Nexus said as he walked to the front, and then sat next to Rozan.

Everyone watched as Nexus operated the train like it was the back of his hand. Lexus said that Nexus specialized in undercover, and he was trained in all kinds of jobs, even being a pilot and cruise captain.

The train doors started to close on their own, and Lexus started to chuckle.

"Still got it, huh, brother?" Lexus said.

"This is a piece of cake. Why don't you guys just sit down and enjoy the ride?" Nexus looked at everyone over his shoulder with a smile.

Everyone sat down and used the opportunity to take a short nap since they felt safe inside the train. Agnez and Lillith were sitting next to each other. They both were staring at Mykel and Edith from the reflection on the window. They both were still curious about them.

"What do you think, Lilly?" Agnez asked.

"I don't know, it can be anything. By the look of Miss Edith's expression, she seemed to be worried about something," Lillith answered as she stared at the mark on her palm that couldn't be healed.

"So it's either a breakout which is not really the case here since Mykel didn't want us to know. Or, it could be about the vision of that day," Agnez said as she grabbed Lillith's hand to look at the mark. "Why don't you try to use that skill while I distract him?" Agnez asked as she rubbed Lillith's palm.

"Are you not scared? I honestly don't want to be on Mykel's bad side," Lillith replied.

"I'll handle that," Agnez put Lillith's hand back. "Just do it, once I distract him," Agnez said.

Lillith nodded with understanding.

Agnez looked to the front as she took a deep breath because she was indeed scared of Mykel, but she was more curious than scared. She then stood up and approached Mykel so casually.

"Can we have a talk? Privately?" Agnez asked as she stood next to Mykel.

"You do understand that I can hear your conversation with Lilly?" Mykel stared Agnez in the eye, and it was different than usual. "Tell Lilly if she dares to look into Edith's memories. I will remove that skill from her. Now go back and sit down,"

Agnez couldn't say anything and walked back as she sighed.

Everyone was asleep, and it had been half an hour ever since they departed from the station. Suddenly the train hit the break, and everyone immediately jolted from their seats and readied their weapons.

"What's wrong?" Agnez asked Rozan who came out of the locomotive.

"We got a problem, not demons though," Rozan answered. "Let's get down, and you'll see the problem," Rozan said and the doors were open.

Agnez jumped down and looked at what was in front of them. The track was blocked by flipped carriages, and they couldn't go any further.

Although they could move the carriages, those weren't the problem. The track was destroyed by the carriages and they couldn't use it anymore.

"I guess we go on foot from here," Sven said as he sighed.

"Let's check the carriages first," Agnez said.

They spread out and checked the carriages until Vincze found something inside. Everyone went and checked the carriages. They found dead bodies, humans dead bodies with missing limbs even their faces and half of their bodies.

The bodies had swollen, and they could tell it had been days or even a week. So it was a nice sign that it happened recently.

"The same claw marks and scratches here and there. It appears they were attacked by the demons," Joshua said.

"Well, lucky us, we got something useful," Lexus said as he held something like a wristwatch. "This thing is like a radar and can detect signals," Lexus continued as he tried to operate it.

Each of the dead bodies had that on their wrist, and they took it to check it out.

"It's working fine, and it can detect each other. If we are lucky, we might find another signal somewhere," Lexus said as he looked at the dots on the screen.

"I think we know where we should go," Gerrard said as he looked out the window. "There's a blood trail on the wall,"

"No time to waste. Open your eyes and ears wide. We might encounter those creatures ahead," Agnez said as she jumped out of the train and put the wristwatch on.

They did encounter the creatures, and it was easier than last time since Joshua and the others could easily kill them with the weapons they borrowed. They walked for hours until they found a station in the distance, but it was dark with no lights.

It was similar to the previous station. Dead bodies were everywhere, but this time they were humans' dead bodies.

Once they managed to find the exit, they were welcomed by hordes of creatures. They were surrounded, but they weren't in trouble until they heard a loud explosion in the distance and a blazing flame up to the glass dome.

"Jeanne, Rozan, Nagy, Nexus, Lexus, you guys go and check what's happening over there. We will hold them and we will catch up once we are done here," Agnez said as she ripped the demon's head off.

"You have the wristwatch, right? Just find us with that," Rozan said. "Good luck and have fun," Rozan continued as he ran toward the explosion and cleared the path.

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